FormID: 030315A9 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Argonian 0 Argonians here on the Gold Coast are an odd sight, I know.
__Gold CoastにArgonianがいるのが珍しいんでしょう?あなたの考えている事くらい分かっていますよ。
FormID: 030315A9 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Argonian 1 The weather, the water, everything is new. Wonderful. Strange.
FormID: 030315A9 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Argonian 2 Some things should better be experienced firsthand, shouldn't they?
FormID: 030315A8 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Argonian 0 In Blackmarsh you learn how to hunt for survival. And how to escape being hunted. Of course this knowledge helps us Shadowscales a lot.
FormID: 030315A8 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Argonian 1 There are no finer assassins than us. Coming without noise, without being seen. Leaving without leaving footprints behind.
FormID: 030315A8 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Argonian 2 There's a reason Blackmarsh never needed to go to a real war.
FormID: 030315AA bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 0 Nice try!
FormID: 030315AA bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 1 We already told that mortal a bit about us.
FormID: 030315AA bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 2 Don't expect the same though from our sisters in the Isles. Mirilli didn't request informations about us. Well, if you want to gather some nonetheless, you'll need to look around a bit.
FormID: 030315AA bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 3 Which is to say not here.
FormID: 03037D01 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 0 Usually we're tasked with defending Mania. There are both outside and inside threats we need to deal with.
FormID: 03037D01 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 1 Sometimes some of us get send to Mundus for special assignments, like Staada a couple of years ago.
FormID: 03037D01 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 2 Or some, like myself, get trapped here.
FormID: 03037D01 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 3 Tell me, what's so great about this, err, place? Why does Mehrunes Dagon try to destroy it? It's already more rundown than Dementia. And that says a lot!
__教えて下さい!こんな場所のどこが良いんですか?どうしてMehrunes Dagonはわざわざ破壊しにやって来るんですか?Dementia以上に停滞した世界なのに…。
FormID: 03037D02 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 0 We are, without boasting, a power to behold.
FormID: 03037D02 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 1 Look at other Daedra! Ogrims, too slow to be dangerous. Dremora, slaughtering their own minions, betraying their kin if it suits their purpose. Xivilai, unable to restrain themselves. Scamps, pure jokes.
FormID: 03037D02 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 2 Clannfears, nothing more than bloodhounds. Spider Daedra, even dangerous to their allies. Atronachs, elements going postal. Winged Twilights, banished together with Azura by Vivec's Muatra.
__Clanfearなんてただの狂犬以上のものではありませんし、Spider Daedraは敵味方関係なく危険を振りまきます。Atronachたちは郵便屋程度の役にしか立ちません。Winged TwilightはVivecのMuatraの槍によってAzuraともども消え去ってしまいました。
__Clannfearなんてただの狂犬以上のものではありませんし、Spider Daedraは敵味方関係なく危険を振りまきます。Atronachたちは郵便屋程度の役にしか立ちません。Winged TwilightはVivecのMuatraの槍によってAzuraともども消え去ってしまいました。
FormID: 03037D02 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 3 Daedra Seducer, unable to band together, each one wandering aimlessly alone through the void. Hunger, minor inconveniences. No wonder Haymon Camoran failed. As it is the fate of his son.
__ではDaedra Seducerは?彼らは団結というものを知らず、孤独に虚空をさまようだけの存在です。Hungerなどは使い物になりません。Haymon Camoranが敗れたのも仕方ない事ですね。彼の息子もまた同じ道をたどりました。
FormID: 03037D02 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Aureal 4 Tesserayiel was there once before, but, err, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to talk about that.
FormID: 03037D0E bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Ayleid 0 I'm a elf. Don't you see? Pointy ears, a long life, err, tribal markings from Valenwood.
FormID: 03037D0E bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Ayleid 1 My kin is living here for a very long time now. We call it home.
FormID: 03037D0F bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Ayleid 0 You know full well what I am. What you are.
FormID: 03037D0F bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Ayleid 1 Do not expose us to public. Men wouldn't understand. And try to drive us out a second time.
FormID: 03033821 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 0 The Illiac bay used to be a puzzle of city states. The miracle of peace did help a lot. Now there are only two Breton kingdoms left, Wayrest and Daggerfall.
__かつてIlliac bayには多くの都市国家がパズルのように散りばめられていたが、The miracle of peaceのおかげで今ではDaggerfallとWayrestというBretonの王国が2つあるのみだ。
FormID: 03033821 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 1 As far as I recall it was an agent of the Blades once helping to sort out the mess that was High Rock.
__私の知る限り、High Rockでの騒動の収拾にはとあるBladesのエージェントが一役買っていたかと思う。
FormID: 03033822 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 0 Magic played a major role in High Rock's history. Once ancient Nedes settled there alongside of the Direnni Altmer, and their today's progenies are the Bretons, most gifted humans in the arcane arts.
__High Rockの歴史において魔術は重要な役割を演じてきた。古代のNedesはDirenniのAltmerと共に生きていた。その今日における子孫こそが我々Breton、最も魔術に長けた人間種なのだ。
FormID: 03033822 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 1 Truth be told magic was also often used for wicked purposes. Example given witches summoning Daedra Princes, like the destruction of Mournhold in the first Era, year 2920.
__時に魔術は歪んだ目的の為に利用されてきたのも事実だ。たとえば、first Eraの2920年にはwitchたちの手によるDaedra Princeの召喚によってMournholdが破壊されなどした。
FormID: 03033822 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 2 We have a heratige which requires some responsible handling. That's a lesson one can learn from our history.
FormID: 03033823 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 0 Unlike most provinces today, High Rock used to be a hegemony of city states until some years ago. There was a lot of work.
__High Rockは数年前まで、他の地方と違って諸国が覇権を争っている状態でした。そのおかげで沢山仕事にありつく事も出来ました。
FormID: 03033823 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 1 Everyone had a political rival there, some secret that ought to disappear here, or a threat to deliver to elsewhere.
FormID: 03033823 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 2 Try that here with the Elder Council. Epic failure. And High Rock today? The so called [QUOTE]miracle of peace[QUOTE] was just a great wave of unemployment.
__しかしこの国にはElder Councilがあります。物語は終わってしまった。今のHigh Rockでは、いわゆる[QUOTE]miracle of peace[QUOTE]のせいで失業の嵐が吹き荒れていますよ。
FormID: 03033824 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 0 Our guild once was a vital part of the Illiac bay. For a simple reason: Paying customs.
__以前のIlliac bayでは、あたし達のギルドはすごく大事な役割を果たしていたんだよ。理由は簡単だ。「関税」さ。
FormID: 03033824 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 1 Imagine being a travelling merchant, with some goods, and having to pay toll taxes on more than twenty borders. You'd have nothing left when you arrive!
FormID: 03033824 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 2 Instead we provided some secret routes, much cheaper and safer. Times have past, though. What a shame.
FormID: 03033825 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 0 Who? What? No. Don't have time for this nonsense!
FormID: 03033825 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 1 You can't enhance your magic knowledge while sleeping or speaking about the Nine Divines and the world.
__世界やNine Divinesの事について話をしても、魔術の知識は少しも伸ばせません。居眠りしているのと変わりません。
FormID: 03033825 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 2 Even if you've got a certain potential, that's no guarantee without some work. Now off with you, shoo!
FormID: 03033826 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 0 Yes, magic is an important aspect of our culture. We're about the most gifted human race, after all.
FormID: 03033826 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 1 So while a Nord may run with his spear after some rabbit, we can blow it to pieces. That's fun!
FormID: 03033826 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 2 A bit messy, but fun nonetheless!
FormID: 03033827 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 0 Unlike Cyrodiil in High Rock there are a lot of different vampire clans. Each one fighting for territory, with other clans, or with human factions.
__High RockではCyrodiilと違って数多くのvampire部族が存在します。彼らは縄張りの為に他のvampire部族や人間組織と戦いを繰り広げています。
FormID: 03033827 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 1 Quite a dangerous situation. They're much more organized and structured than our local bloodsucking fiends.
FormID: 03033827 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 2 Good thing is, if you find one of their structures, you can deal a lethal blow to their organisation. Bad thing is they're much more influental.
FormID: 03033827 bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Breton 3 In Cyrodiil? It's like searching for needles in hay.
FormID: 030315AD bgMQ3Interview bgMQ3Bosmer 0 It's not easy employing our crafts in Valenwood. The Green Pact is a harsh collar sometimes.
__ValenwoodでBosmerの職人を雇うのは簡単な事ではありません。時にGreen Pactは私たち自らの首をきつく絞める存在なのです。