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*bgZMCHandbillSunkenTreasures [#fce612ed]
**原文 [#ne3e2488]
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<div align="center"><font face=2>Sunken Treasures</font><p>
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/shopsigns/" width=320 height=320> </div> <p>
<DIV align="left"><font face=5>Don't know what to wear? Are you looking for something to resist chilly winds, look good at dinner parties, maybe both? Or for some equisite jewelry, maybe even peppered with magic? All this and a lot more you can find in the <font face=2>Sunken Treasures<font face=5>, a place for everything you can wear. From coats against the cold, over fine garments to precious jewelry!</div>
<div align="right">Additionally to selling goods many times each week on Mir Corrup's market place, the Sunken Treasures itself lie on the southern shore of Mir Corrup's lake.</div>
**訳文 [#dc41d5d1]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<div align="center"><font face=2>Sunken Treasures</font><p>
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/shopsigns/" width=320 height=320> </div> <p>
<DIV align="left"><font face=5>何を着ようか迷っていらっしゃいますか? 寒風から身を守る服、晩餐会に出かける服、あるいは二つを兼ねた服をお探しですか? それとも素ん晴らしい宝飾品、それも魔法をピリッと効かせたものをお求めですか? これら全て、しかもまだまだ掘り出しものが<font face=2>Sunken Treasures<font face=5>、身に着けるものが何でも揃っている場所で見つかります。.寒さを凌ぐコートから、美しい服、豪華な宝石まで!</div>
<div align="right"> 商品は毎週Mir Corrupの市場で頻繁に販売しておりますが、Mir Corrupの池の南岸にあるSunken Treasures本店でもお求めいただけます。</div>