L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgZAQAurealDialogue-08 の変更点


FormID: 0310D10A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2c	1	Or should I say [QUOTE]worlds wide[QUOTE]?	
FormID: 0310D10A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2c	2	Thanks to our actions and achievements we've gained quite some popularity. That's why I feel confident enough now to reveal myself to new members.	
FormID: 0310D10A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2c	3	Of course we're still nothing compared to the other guilds. For them we're still just a Baliwog on a bridge. Though we're not here to compete with them, but turning this world to the better. And secure our place in it.	
FormID: 0310D10A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2c	4	Anyway, there is just something I have to say to you.	
FormID: 0310D10B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro3	0	Thank you.	
FormID: 0310D10B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro3	1	Just [QUOTE]thank you[QUOTE]. Whatever happens in the future, in these days we've planted the seed for a better world. Without you, I don't know if it would have been possible.	
FormID: 0310DEF2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro3a	0	We will wait and see what the future holds. Exciting, isn't it?	
FormID: 0310DEF3	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro3b	0	You're more than welcome!	
FormID: 0310DEF4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro3c	0	Is that so? You were very helpful and willing considering this. Oh well, we'll see what the future brings.	
FormID: 0310ECF6	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	0	It is nothing we Daedra should ramble about.	
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	0	That is a very, very difficult question. Most Daedra, lesser and Princes alike, have an innate understanding of certain mechanisms of the world at large. Even this knowledge is rare in mortals.	
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	1	However there is more. More than just mere knowledge. An understanding and revelation about the very being of the world at large and itself.	
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	2	However this revelation is not without cost. Those that cannot cope with it are reaching Zero Sum. This is the annihilation of body and spirit. They cease to exist. They fade out of existence. The only way for a lesser Daedra to truly die.	
__しかし、この知覚は代償なしで得られるものではありません。知覚を得られない者はZero Sum、つまり肉体と魂の消滅へと至るでしょう。存在そのものの消滅です。私たち下位のDaedraにとって唯一の、真の意味での死です。
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	3	You could imagine it as the question [QUOTE]Am I?[QUOTE] asked, followed by an understanding of [QUOTE]I Am Not![QUOTE]. Chim is the opposite. The keen and clear knowledge and revelation of that you are. [QUOTE]I Am![QUOTE]	
__「自分は違う!」という前提に立ちながらも「では自分はどうなのか?」とあなたは疑問に思うかもしれません。Zero Sumの対極にある概念が「Chim」です。自分自身に対する鮮烈で明快な理解のことですね。「これが私なのだ!」という。
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	4	Which, in the context of understanding what this world with all it's layers of existence is, is an apotheosis. Few have achieved this. Tiber Septim and Vivec are the two most known examples in this world.	
__この世界と世界に存在するもの全てに対する理解の延長上にある一種の悟りですね。これを成し遂げられる者はあまり多くありません。Tiber SeptimとVivecの2人はよく知られた例ではありますが。
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	5	However it is not about mere knowledge, but achieving an innate understanding of the world. Few come as far. I've heard the Moth priests, those that read the Elder Scrolls, are prone to Zero Sum. For all others the risk is extremely low.	
__とはいえ、これは単なる知識レベルの問題ではなく、生まれながらに世界の成り立ちを理解しているか否かに関わる問題です。そしてそれが成し遂げられる者の数はあまりに少ない。Elder Scrollsを読むMoth priestたちはZero Sumに向かってしまう傾向が強いと聞いたことがありますが、普通の人間がZero Sumに向かうことはほとんどありません。
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	6	So to say, don't panic.	
FormID: 031101CC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	0	Easier than explaining our presence to new members time and time and again.	
FormID: 031101CC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	1	Especially when they notice that Tesserayiel is an Aureal, and Zerreshju a Mazken.	
FormID: 031101CC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	2	And really, why should we hide anymore? Keep secret what we are? Not that I was able to hide it at all.	
FormID: 031101CD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	0	We don't give it out to visitors. Members of our guild? They'll notice sooner or later. Better being honest and open about it.	
FormID: 031101CE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	0	I'm not responsible for the picture. Tesserayiel tried her hand at drawing. An interesting style she's got.	
FormID: 031101CE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	1	It's a good idea. A lot easier than telling the same thing to all new members. After all the other guilds also use books to give new members a history lesson. If only our history isn't as long.	
FormID: 031101CE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	2	Well, that of our guild. You know what I mean.	
FormID: 031101CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	0	Do you know what one of the first thing was that Karashivuel said to me?	
FormID: 031101CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	1	[QUOTE]If you've got an urge, go outside and grab a bandit![QUOTE]	
FormID: 031101CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	2	Should tell you how they really see mortals. They play by the rules, but only as far as it is necessary. No step further.	
FormID: 031101CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	3	That is of course something they won't write in their introduction. Who would have guessed?	
FormID: 03121809	bgZAQAurealDialogue	ServiceRefusal	0	I am sorry, but I need to focus my attentions elsewhere.	
FormID: 0312180A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZXQ7Erlaiss	0	I am of no consequence. Exiled from Sumurset, worked as healer in Elsweyr, and then run into trouble with groups who like to keep people hurt and broken down.	
FormID: 0312180A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZXQ7Erlaiss	1	No I am making my living here instead. My Lady Azura gives me comfort in this cold and dark country.	
FormID: 0312180B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZXQ7BrindleHome	0	Unfortunately I had to take whatever house I could get. Officially it once belonged to Brindle Home, but it seems to be closer to Hackdirt. A terrible place, worshipping old terrors. Do not let yourself be drawn into their webs.	
__どんな場所であれ、私には住む場所が必要でした。この家は確かにかつてBrindle Homeの一部でしたけれど、どちらかと言えばHackdirtに寄りの場所にあります。あの村は古くから怖ろしい存在を信仰しています。あなたも彼らの魔の手に落ちないよう気を付けて下さいね。
FormID: 0312180E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZXQ7Healing	0	Alright. Know however that I can only heal your body, not the scars on your souls.	
FormID: 0312180F	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	Good day to you. What can this humble healer do for you?	
FormID: 03121810	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GOODBYE	0	May you find shelter in troubled times.	
FormID: 03121811	bgZAQAurealDialogue	HELLO	0	Be my guest.	
FormID: 03121812	bgZAQAurealDialogue	zbgRumors	0	I avoid being drawn into everyday affairs.	
FormID: 0314233F	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	Now that you've advanced to a higher rank in our guild, another task falls to you. No actual mission, just a matter of keeping your eyes open for opportunities.	
FormID: 0314233F	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	1	Both mortals and Daedra are welcome in the Stranded Light. While mortals are of a lesser concern, binding other Daedra to us is of a great value. To show them the way.	
__the Stranded Lightは定命の者もDaedraも分け隔てなく歓迎しますが、どちらかというとDaedraの加入に重きを置いています。彼らに生き方の見本を示すのが目的なのです。
FormID: 0314233F	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	2	If they let us, of course. So I ask you to keep your eyes open. For lesser Daedra who are friendly and not serving any Daedric Prince, are free so to speak.	
FormID: 0314233F	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	3	Offer them a place in our guild. Nothing more. No forcing, no persuading, just mentioning that they could come to us, if they like.	
FormID: 0314233F	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	4	That would be enough. And help us. As you know, every Daedroth we can direct to beneficial purposes helps our cause. And the first step is always asking them.	
FormID: 0314233F	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	5	Nicely.	
FormID: 03143864	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	I have heard you're searching for a daedric artifact, to be consumed in a ritual to reach Mankar Camoran. Is that right?	
__Mankar Camoranの所へ辿り着くためにDaedric Artifactを探していると聞きました。本当ですか?
FormID: 03143865	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog0Start	0	It's an important decision. On the one hand you'd need to help a Daedric Prince. They vary greatly. And making a wrong decision could cause a lot of damage for this world.	
__Artifact入手の過程であなたはDaedric Princeたちの手伝いをする事になるでしょう。けれどPrinceたちの性格はそれぞれ大きく異なります。重要な決断なのですよ?もしも間違った選択をしたら、この世界に深刻な悪影響を及ぼしかねません。
FormID: 03143865	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog0Start	1	Then there's the issue of the artifact. Some are harmless, others outright evil and dangerous. Another decision of grave impact.	
FormID: 03143866	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog3End	0	A necessity. Choose wisely.	
FormID: 03143867	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince0	0	Some Princes are indifferent about mortals, they will not cause harm to this world. Others are even a bit benevolent, and will enrich mortal lifes without causing permanent damage.	
FormID: 03143867	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince0	1	And some are malevolent, serving them will bring great harm upon everybody involved. Lastly some are just idiots, who will cause great damage without intending it.	
FormID: 03143868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	0	Most importantly, Clavicus Vile. Surprised? I've heard what he's after, but it will tear him asunder - and will create a great evil in the future. Do not help him in his quest.	
__最悪なのはClavicus Vileですね。意外ですか?彼が何を探しているのかは承知しています。けれど、彼はその事によっていつか引き裂かれることになるのではないかと危惧します。そして将来、それが巨大な悪を生み出す原因になるのではないかと…。いいですか?決して彼の要求を飲んではなりませんよ。
FormID: 03143868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	1	Molag Bal, King of Rape. He'd likely ask you to corrupt souls. Do not do this.	
__それとKing of Rape(強奪の王)であるMolag Balですね。彼は魂を堕落させる手伝いをあなたに頼むでしょう。引き受けてはなりませんよ。
FormID: 03143868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	2	Azura. She may appear benevolent, but in reality she's just vain and wants to be loved. Her indifference towards actual consequences will some day or another cause great grief. Azura only cares about Azura, and nothing else.	
FormID: 03143868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	3	Hermaeus Mora. The kind of knowledge he seeks can only be gained through the darkest magics. Don't let yourself be drawn into it.	
__Hermaeus Moraはどうでしょうか。彼が追い求める類の知識は、ひどく邪悪な魔術の行使によってのみ得られる性質のものです。決してそんな所業に手を染めてはなりませんよ?
FormID: 03143868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	4	Mephala. No one has a much blood on her? his? hand. What he? she? it? will ask of you will likely add even more blood to it. Don't let yourself be drawn into  Mephala's web of murder and plots.	
FormID: 03143868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	5	Namira, who will prevent any amendments for her followers.	
FormID: 03143868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	6	Those would be the one I can think of at the moment. Oh, and of course not Mehrunes Dagon. Though I doubt he would want to have anything to do with you.	
__とりあえず現時点での私の考えは以上の通りです。ああ、Mehrunes Dagonはもちろん駄目ですよ。彼があなたに何かを頼もうと考えるとは到底思えませんけれど。
FormID: 03143869	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince3	0	First and foremost Lord Sheogorath. He may play with the minds of mortals, but only to make their lifes more interesting. He is a good lord.	
__何より一番なのはLord Sheogorathです。彼は定命の者の精神を弄びこそしますが、それも彼らの暮らしを楽しくさせるため。善良なlordなのですよ。
FormID: 03143869	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince3	1	Meridia is not directly interested in mortal affairs, but undeads and necromancers are an issue, and she is opposed to both. A safe bet.	
FormID: 03143869	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince3	2	Nocturnal is another Prince who won't ask you to cause any harm. Same is true for Peryite.	
FormID: 03143869	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince3	3	Hircine will likely ask you to hunt a beast, no problem with that. Boethia? Well, he will also cause you to shed blood, but it will be that of volunteers, who knew what they were getting in.	
FormID: 03143869	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince3	4	Vaermina has one of the most frightening realms, but it's a realm made of dreams. She doesn't benefit from mortals finding their end, so her task won't be too detrimental, too.	
FormID: 03143869	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince3	5	Sanguine's task won't be too bloody, too. For those he has his private cadre of Daedra. Think of Turumerin and similar individuals. So his task will likely be more on the cheerful side of him.	
FormID: 03143869	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince3	6	I think I have covered all.	
FormID: 0314386A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact0	0	Some are more dangerous than others. Some should be taken out of this world, for a while at least. Others won't cause harm on their own. I'd rather see you keep the more harmless ones.	
FormID: 0314386B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact1	0	First and foremost, Azura's Star. There's no tool in the Aurbis as evil and dangerous as it. If only it could be undone for good.	
__真っ先に破壊されるべきはAzura's Starですね。Aurbisにおいてさえ、これほど危険な道具は存在しません。破壊されるのが一番ですよ。
FormID: 0314386B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact1	1	The Oghma Infinium carries knowledge that is dangerous. Better have it disappear for a while.	
__また、The Oghma Infiniumは危険な知識をもたらします。一時的にせよ、この世から消えてくれるのが望ましいと私は思います。
FormID: 0314386B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact1	2	The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal is cursed. If you ever aquire it, get rid of it. Should you be able to do so.	
__また、The Gray Cowl of Nocturnalは呪われていますから、仮に入手したとしてもすぐに手放すべきです。
FormID: 0314386B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact1	3	The Ring of Khajiit has a dangerous mind on it's own, and can leave you when you least expect it. Considering that you can't depend on it, you could also go ahead and have it destroyed.	
__The RIng of Khajiitはそれ自身が危険な意思を兼ね備えています。所有者の指輪に対する敬意が薄れると見るや、勝手に手元を離れていってしまいます。信用出来るartifactではありませんから、破壊してしまっても何も問題はありませんね。
FormID: 0314386B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact1	4	And lastly, the Skeleton Key. It's upsetting the balance between home and shop owners versus thieves. That's dangerous.	
__それと、最後に挙げておかねばならないのがthe Skelton Keyですね。これは盗賊と商店との間、盗賊と個人宅との間それぞれの力のバランスを揺るがしかねません。やはり危険です。
FormID: 0314386B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact1	5	Although, really, if there is one artifact to be destroyed, it's Azura's Star. Without any doubt.	
__とはいえ破壊すべきartifactを一つに絞れと言われるならば、疑いようもなくAzura's Starを選びますね。
FormID: 0314386C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact2	0	All kinds of weapons and armors are generally safe. Their wielder decides their use. And I'm sure you will use them wisely.	
FormID: 0314386C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact2	1	Three in particular shouldn't be given away, considering that they all are able to cause great damage to Mehrunes Dagon: The Spear of Bitter Mercy, the Moon Reaver, and the Daedric Scourge. Don't give them away.	
__手放すべきでないartifactを挙げるなら、Mehrunes Dagonに対して決定的な打撃を与える事が可能な以下の武器ですね。The Spear of Biter Mercy、the Moon Reaver、the Daedric Scourgeの3つです。
FormID: 0314386C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact2	2	They'd be better put to use in actual fights than in rituals.	
FormID: 03143872	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	Good work in getting the Liminal Barrier up and Mehrunes Dagon out of this world!	
__Liminal Barrierを復活させてMehrunes Dagonをこの世界から追い払ったんだね!お手柄だよ!
FormID: 03143872	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	1	I mean, think about it! What good would our presense do if just any Daedra could just walk into Mundus whenever it likes. That would have been chaotic!	
FormID: 03143872	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	2	Well, if anything of Mundus would have remained, that is. Dagon's only intention is to get rid of everything, so he can be a Leaper Demon again. Some things mortals aren't taught in school, of that I am sure.	
__ええとね…。Dagonの目的はMundusの破壊だけなんだよ。どんなものであれ、彼はMundusに存在するものは全て破壊しようとするんだ。だから彼が再びLeaper Demonとして復活する事は十分に考え得る。まあ、そんな事は定命さんたちの学校じゃ教えてくれないんだろうけどね。
FormID: 03143872	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	3	Anyway, his plans are foiled. And we succeeded thus far. We're still here, and he and his minions are gone. Good.	


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