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*題名 [#i06a9724]
**原題 [#pc7f060c]
**訳題 [#tbb4e8eb]
*本文 [#lf5c3372]
**原文 [#text_en]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
<FONT face=2><div align="center">
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/" width=512 height=256>
<div align="center">Stranded Light Courier<br>
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<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/" width=400 height=360>
<FONT face="2">Goblet of Flames tamed!</DIV>
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<FONT face=1>Near the northern shore of Mania lies Mount Shroom, a collection of giant Mushrooms, roots and a fire at it's peak. An Ohmes-raht eremit called "M'sam-Dar" lives there, and until a few days ago lived in constant terror and fear. This is until a member of the Stranded Light came along and helped him.<p>
Likely the threat M'sam-Dar saw in the Goblet of Flames was far exaggerated, yet the goblet did hold some hazardous magical potencies that are now subdued. For a time, at least. In fact our helper had to be quite careful handling the goblet, because until it was tamed a wrong move could have caused an explosion incinerating everything on the small island Mount Shroom lies on.<p>
While it was just chance that a member of the Stranded Light passed by, everyone looking for the guild's services can come to it's outpost near New Sheoth. Near the Bliss exit, just at the lake's shore. A giant mushroom, you can't miss it. Our local office resident, Firstande, is happy to hear and forward all requests you can have!
**訳文 [#text_ja]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<FONT face=2><div align="center">
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/" width=512 height=256>
<div align="center">Stranded Light Courier<br>
<DIV align="center">
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/" width=400 height=360>
<FONT face="2">Goblet of Flames tamed!</DIV>
<DIV align="left">
<FONT face=1>Maniaの北岸の近郊に、巨大なマッシュルームをより集め、根が張り巡らされたその頂上に炎を頂くMount Shroomがそびえています。そこに住んでいる「M'sam-Dar」と名乗るOhmes-rahtの隠者は、数日前まで、恐怖と恐慌に怯えながら暮らしていました。Stranded Lightのメンバーがやってきて彼を助けるまで。<p>
恐らくは、M'sam-DarがGoblet of Flamesに見た脅威は、実際よりも遥かに誇張されたものでしたのでしょうが、しかし、杯には、それなりの危険な魔法が封じられていました。今は鎮められていますが。少なくとも、今のところは。事実、我等が救援者は、杯を取り扱うのに際し、細心の注意を要しました。それが鎮められるまでは、取り扱いを間違えば、Mount Shroomの小島全てを焼き尽くす爆発を引き起こしたでしょう。<p>
Stranded Lightのメンバーが通り過ぎる機会を手繰り寄せなくとも、ギルドのサービスを求めるものはNew Sheothの支部に来るだけで良くなりました。Blissの出入り口の近く、池の湖畔にあります。巨大なキノコが目に入るでしょう。我々の支部の居住者、Firstandeは、貴方の求めに何でも快く、進んで応じてくれます!