L10N/HFCastle/1.1.2/Dialogue/HCGrandDesigns の変更点


FormID: 0100C721	HCGrandDesigns	GREETING	0	Master Hoarfrost! This is a proud day indeed. I am just thrilled to see the keep full of life again!	
__城主様! 本日は記念すべき日です、本当に。城が再び生命あふれる場所となって、年甲斐もなくうきうきしておりますよ。
FormID: 0100C721	HCGrandDesigns	GREETING	1	All essential staff positions have been filled: the place is now quite the asset for you - and it again resembles the home I once knew. I thank you.	
FormID: 0100C721	HCGrandDesigns	GREETING	10	But it is simplest if you read Furius' journal yourself. Come, I have it secreted safely in my chambers...	
FormID: 0100C721	HCGrandDesigns	GREETING	2	Now... you may remember that I mentioned a matter of some importance.	
FormID: 0100C721	HCGrandDesigns	GREETING	3	Well... if your memory is particularly sharp, you may recall that I actually downplayed its importance.	
FormID: 0100C721	HCGrandDesigns	GREETING	4	My apologies, but I have known a number of people of... the adventuring persuasion, and - forgive me - but not all are known for their... constancy.	
FormID: 0100C721	HCGrandDesigns	GREETING	5	I am now persuaded, however, that you are different. It is through your efforts that the castle hums with activity again.	
FormID: 0100C721	HCGrandDesigns	GREETING	6	I believe that you are sufficiently invested in this place to be entrusted with a certain item...	
FormID: 0100C721	HCGrandDesigns	GREETING	7	A journal was recovered from the keep by my... friends, during their restoration work on the castle. It belongs to the original Master Hoarfrost.	
FormID: 0100C721	HCGrandDesigns	GREETING	8	Master Furius Hoarfrost. It was he who had the castle built; some three-quarters of a century ago, as I understand it.	
__Furius Hoarfrost卿。四分の三世紀ほど前にこの城を建てた者です。私の知るところでは。
FormID: 0100C721	HCGrandDesigns	GREETING	9	I believe the journal may hold the answers to the mystery of the... recurring haunting of Hoarfrost Castle.

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