L10N/HFCastle/1.1.2/Dialogue/HCDevotion の変更点

FormID: 01009E8D	HCDevotion	GREETING	0	Greetings to you, brother. Can I help you?	
FormID: 01009E8E	HCDevotion	GREETING	0	Greetings to you, sister. Can I help you?	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	0	Not a parishioner, then, but a friend of Ignatius? Well, that earns you my continued attention - but nothing else, if you're not of my flock.	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	1	Things are bad out here, friend. Marauders plague the region. Old Abbot Crowley was killed not more than a moon ago by the thugs.	
__ここを離れるには時期が悪くてな、友よ。ここら一帯を荒らし回っているMarauder達がいるのだ。一か月以上前にはAbbot Crowley老も奴らに殺された。
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	10	If you can see to it that Boss Heifnir is... no longer a threat to this place, I'll listen to what you and Ignatius are offering.	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	11	Until then, I'm afraid I really have no time for you. I must protect the chapel.	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	12	Boss Heifnir's brigands have a ruin nearby that they call home: Spindlewick Tower, just over the hill to the west.	
__Heifnir率いる盗賊団の根城はすぐ近くの遺跡だ。奴らはSpindlewick Towerと呼んでいて、ここから西の丘を越えた所にある。
__奴らが『我が家』と呼んでいるHeifnir率いる盗賊団の根城はすぐ近くの遺跡Spindlewick Towerだ。ここから西の丘を越えた所にある。
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	13	If you want to help, you'll see to it that THEY are the ones who are driven out.	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	2	I buried him beside the chapel. Now my days are spent alone, since all my parishioners have been driven off by the marauders.	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	3	Though I suppose the periodic 'visits' paid to me by those thugs provides some company - but not exactly of the sort I really desire.	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	4	They try again and again to kill me.	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	5	And then their leader - Boss Heifnir - came to 'talk' the other day. I had been able to see them off with my mace until then, but not him...	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	6	The brutish Nord said that he wanted me out; out of the whole region - that it belonged to them! I didn't escape from harm THAT time.	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	7	I'm truly fortunate that I'm a magical healer; otherwise my legs would still be broken after his visit.	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	8	I shall NOT be driven out of here by those filthy brigands!	
FormID: 01009E90	HCDevotion	HCDVS10Master	9	Listen: actions speak louder than words out here, friend...	
FormID: 01009E91	HCDevotion	GREETING	0	What news, brother?	
FormID: 01009E92	HCDevotion	GREETING	0	What news, sister?	
FormID: 01009ED0	HCDevotion	GREETING	0	Gone... all gone.	
FormID: 01009ED0	HCDevotion	GREETING	1	Those bastards... they came after you left. While I was fending them off, they set fire to the chapel!	
FormID: 01009ED0	HCDevotion	GREETING	10	Please let Ignatius know that I will be arriving soon.	
FormID: 01009ED0	HCDevotion	GREETING	2	By the time I had... killed... some of them, and saw the others off, it was too late to save the chapel from the flames...	
FormID: 01009ED0	HCDevotion	GREETING	3	But... you say Boss Heifnir is dead? Good! Yes - I say GOOD!	
FormID: 01009ED0	HCDevotion	GREETING	4	Abbot Crowley and I were only trying to bring the Grace of the Nine into the lives of the parishioners here, and look what Heifnir brought things to!	
__Abbot Crowleyと私は、ただこの教区の民にNineの祝福をもたらすためだけに心血を注いで来た。だが…結果はこの有り様か。Heifnirの奴め、余計な物を持ち込んでくれた。
FormID: 01009ED0	HCDevotion	GREETING	5	[Faric sighs.] I do appreciate that you tried to help, though; I do. And at least the marauders here have been 'moved on'.	
FormID: 01009ED0	HCDevotion	GREETING	6	I recall you had an offer of employment for me - at Hoarfrost Castle.	
__君は私を雇いたいと言っていたな?あの…Hoarfrost Castleで。
FormID: 01009ED0	HCDevotion	GREETING	7	I... need to atone for the sins I have committed here: for the lives I've taken. I would be honoured if you would accept me at Hoarfrost Chapel.	
__私はこの場所で犯した殺生の罪を購わなければならない…。もしもHoarfrost Chapelに身を置く事が許されるなら、光栄な事だ。
FormID: 01009ED0	HCDevotion	GREETING	8	Perhaps there I can do some good. There is nothing more I can do here.	
FormID: 01009ED0	HCDevotion	GREETING	9	I will meet you there; but for now, please give me some time alone here.	
FormID: 01009ED1	HCDevotion	GREETING	0	Please, brother... just leave me be, for now.	
FormID: 01009ED2	HCDevotion	GREETING	0	Please, sister... just leave me be, for now.	
FormID: 01009ED3	HCDevotion	GREETING	0	Ah; Master Hoarfrost. Prior Faric just arrived a little while ago. You must have missed him.	
FormID: 01009ED3	HCDevotion	GREETING	1	Such a horrible story he had to tell! Poor Faric; it sounds like he's had an awful time of it lately. I had no idea.	
FormID: 01009ED3	HCDevotion	GREETING	2	Still, it's very good news that he's accepted the position here. I believe he's already in the process of blessing the chapel.	
FormID: 01009ED3	HCDevotion	GREETING	3	And he's already healed a nasty bite one of the guardsmen got from a bear earlier.	
FormID: 01009ED3	HCDevotion	GREETING	4	I'm sure you could also avail yourself of his healing magic, should you ever need it.	
FormID: 01009ED3	HCDevotion	GREETING	5	In any case, I thank you for giving the position to him. It shall be good to catch up with him!

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