FormID: 010AA7F0 ANQSmallQuest11 10 0 Libia Beltaire, the crazed owner of the Darkarn Place Inn, has asked me to fetch her a batch of preservation fluid from the witch in Orcrest. She told me that she had [QUOTE]accidentally[QUOTE] beaten two of her pet Khajiit to death and wished to preserve them. Oddly enough, I agreed to help her.
__Darkarn Place Innの女主人Libia Beltaireは、頭のおかしい人だ。Orcrestの魔女から保存液一式を取って来いと依頼された。彼女が言うには、ペットのKhajiitが[QUOTE]事故で[QUOTE]死んでしまったので、遺体を保存したいのだとの事。奇妙な話ではあるが、彼女の手伝いをする事にした。
FormID: 010AA7F0 ANQSmallQuest11 100 0 Libia has rewarded me with some of her [QUOTE]special treats.[QUOTE] She says she has another task for me and promises an even better reward.
FormID: 010AA7F0 ANQSmallQuest11 20 0 The Orcrest witch told me she could brew up yet another batch of fluid for Libia, but I would need to fetch her some ingredients first. She has given me a list. When I have these I should return to her for the liquid.
FormID: 010AA7F0 ANQSmallQuest11 30 0 The witch has supplied me with the batch of preservation fluid requested by Libia, the madwoman of Darkarn Place. Hopefully she will reward me adequately for all this trouble.
__Darkarn Placeの狂女Libiaから頼まれた保存液一式を、魔女から貰った。これほどの面倒事を引き受けたのだ。彼女がちゃんと報酬を支払ってくれれば良いのだが。