L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/JulyAddOnPack/QuestStages/ANQMerchantsGuild01 の変更点

FormID: 01075922	ANQMerchantsGuild01	10	0	I have applied to join the Merchants Guild. Tynemwe told me it would normally take several months to process my request, but she could fast track it if I were to slay an outlaw named Red Jazaska who has been attacking caravans on the road to Orcrest. I should also recover any Imperial trade bars I find in her lair if I wish to establish myself as a merchant.
__Merchants Guild(商業組合)への加入申請をした。Tynemweが言うには通常ならば申請手続きに数ヵ月はかかる所だが、Orcrestへと続く街道で隊商を襲っているというRed Jazaskaという名の悪党を始末すれば急いでくれるとの事だ。また、商人として身を立てるつもりならば、奴のねぐらからImperial trade barsを取り戻す事も忘れてはならない。
FormID: 01075922	ANQMerchantsGuild01	100	0	Tynemwe was pleased to hear of the death of Red Jazaska and has granted me membership in the Merchants Guild.
__TynemweはRed Jazaska死亡の報せに歓び、私をMerchants Guildの一員として迎え入れた。
FormID: 01075922	ANQMerchantsGuild01	20	0	Hzahbi told me that Jazaska is a spotted Cathay-raht Khajiit like himself. He suggested I question the local Cathay to learn of her whereabouts.
__Hzahbiによると、Jazaskaは彼と同じくCathay-raht Khajiitだとの事だ。彼は私に、手近なCathayたちに彼女の居場所を訪ねてみたらどうかとアドバイスしてくれた。
FormID: 01075922	ANQMerchantsGuild01	30	0	Snarriva told me that Red Jazarska has lair just west of Greenvale Mere. She suggested I keep my eye turned upwards in the search.
__SnarrivaからRed JazarskaのねぐらがGreenvale Mereの西にあるとの情報を得た。彼女が言うには、上を眺めながら探すと良いとの事だ。
FormID: 01075922	ANQMerchantsGuild01	40	0	I have slain the outlaw Red Jazaska. I should report back to Tynemwe at the Office of Imperial Commerce in Corinthe.
__悪党Red Jazaskaを殺害した。CorintheのOffice of Imperial Commerce(帝国商務省オフィス)にいるTynemweの元へ戻ろう。

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