FormID: 01075928 ANQHuntersGuild06 10 0 A fearsome shark is harrying the fishermen of Duncori Walk. Ogra has sent me to fetch its head.
__Duncori Walkの漁師たちを脅かしている凶暴なサメを退治し、頭部を持ち帰るようにとの指示をOgraから受けた。
FormID: 01075928 ANQHuntersGuild06 100 0 Ogra rewarded me for the dreugh's head and suggested I visit the fishmonger's store in Duncori to see if they would craft me a cuirass from its shell.
__dreughの頭部を持ち帰り、Ograから報酬を得た。また彼女から、Duncoriにあるfishmonger's storeに殻を持っていけばcuirassを作ってくれるだろうとも言われた。
FormID: 01075928 ANQHuntersGuild06 20 0 I have slain the Dreugh and should return to Ogra with its stinking head.