L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/2010Nov/Books/ANQSQ10GalwensJournal の変更点


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*題名 [#nddbd8e0]
**原題 [#udfc2b4b]

**訳題 [#y8a25feb]

*本文 [#mdfd69d9]

**原文 [#text_en]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
<font face=5>
3E 429 Last Seed<BR>
Arrived in Corinthe. Forced to stay at inn. The foul cat stench made me ill.<BR>
3E 429 Frostfall<BR>
Found a suitable dwelling. The seller was human. The foolish cats are whispering about me but do nothing.<BR>
3E 430 Sun's Dawn<BR>
Found a good specimen. Cats call it a "corpse flower" for it smells of rotting meat.<BR>
3E 430 Sun's Dawn<BR>
First enchantments applied to the spores.<BR>
3E 430 First Seed<BR>
Several saplings have sprouted.<BR>
3E 430 Second Seed<BR>
They have bloomed! Their aroma is the sweet smell of succulent, fresh meat. The wretched cats will be drawn to it like flies!<BR>
3E 430 Sun's Height<BR>
Stage two begun. Spores acquired from Oblivion Spiddal plant. Melded with experimental corpse flower spores.<BR>
3E 430 Evening Star<BR>
Spores failed to sprout.<BR>
3E 431 Second Seed<BR>
The experiment is failing. Corpse flower-spiddal spores stubbornly dormant.<BR>
3E 431 Sun's Dusk<BR>
Oblivion! There lies the answer! The goat's blood worked! Plants are sprouting.<BR>
3E 432 First Seed<BR>
First blooms. Stamen sensitive to light vibration. Infectious spores cloud in wide sphere. Test subjects now required.<BR>
3E 432 Rain's Hand<BR>
Meat samples infused with Spore Flower sap. Trapped first alfiq. Locked in laboratory with flowers.<BR>
3E 432 Second Seed<BR>
Infection took hold quickly. Skin peeled off. Spore nodules blistered across raw flesh. Beast's mind gone. Creature rabid, destructive. What a delight!<BR>
3E 432 Midyear<BR>
Infected cat guarded spore flower until it withered with end of season. Cat wandered off into corner and died.<BR>
3E 432 Sun's Height<BR>
New blooms hatched from spore cat's corpse. Flies, insects, mold all avoid. Oblivion essence clearly repellant.<BR>
3E 432 Hearthfire<BR>
Spore flower consumed corpse in matter of weeks and new flower bloomed! More test subjects required. Full contagion can begin!<BR>
3E 432 Evening Star<BR>
Ten spore cats released into wild. These foul, stinking cat folk will be ruined! Sent dispatch to Valenwood with the good news.<BR>
3E 433 Sun's Dawn<BR>
Captured a pahmer! This will be interesting.<BR>

**訳文 [#text_ja]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。


<font face=5>
3E 429 Last Seed<BR>
3E 429 Frostfall<BR>
3E 430 Sun's Dawn<BR>
素晴らしい標本を見つけた。腐肉のような臭いから、猫どもが「corpse flower(屍体花)」と呼んでいるものだ。<BR>
3E 430 Sun's Dawn<BR>
3E 430 First Seed<BR>
3E 430 Second Seed<BR>
3E 430 Sun's Height<BR>
第2ステージの始まりだ。Oblivionで入手したSpiddal Plantの胞子とこのcorpse flowerの胞子を融合させてみた。<BR>
3E 430 Evening Star<BR>
3E 431 Second Seed<BR>
実験は失敗続きだ。Corpse flowerとspiddalを融合させた胞子はなかなか芽吹いてくれない。<BR>
3E 431 Sun's Dusk<BR>
3E 432 First Seed<BR>
3E 432 Rain's Hand<BR>
Spore Flowerの蜜と肉を混ぜた餌で最初のalfiqを捕まえた。花と一緒に研究室に閉じ込めておこう。<BR>
3E 432 Second Seed<BR>
3E 432 Midyear<BR>
感染済みの猫は開花期が終わるまでspore flowerの周囲を守り、役目を終えたのち、部屋の隅へと向かって死んでいった。<BR>
3E 432 Sun's Height<BR>
3E 432 Hearthfire<BR>
Spore flowerは何週間かかけて屍体を摂取し、ついに花を咲かせた!もっと実験体が必要だ。いよいよこれで完璧な感染拡大計画が立てられるぞ!<BR>
3E 432 Evening Star<BR>
3E 433 Sun's Dawn<BR>

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