FormID: 010B31BA ANQHouseDune 10 0 I just bought a house in the town of Dune. It is the one with the blue awnings located at the northern end of the upper district.
__Duneの街に家を購入した。upper districtの北の端にある青い日除けが目印だ。
FormID: 010B31BA ANQHouseDune 20 0 Now that I've arrived at my new house in Dune, I may want to head over to Ri'Thibb's Clutter Shack to secure some furnishings for it.
__Duneの新居に到着した。家具を購入するならRi'Thibb's Clutter Shackに行けば良い。
FormID: 010B31BA ANQHouseDune 30 0 I've now bought everything Ri'Thibb has for my house in Dune.