FormID: 0104A775 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 0 This is terrible news. You have found one bloom already, and surely others have now infested the countryside.
FormID: 0104A775 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 1 Please go back and search near where you found this first accursed flower. Where there is one, there will surely be others close by.
FormID: 0104A775 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 2 In the meantime I will consult with the Oracle of the Moons. She may be able to divine exactly how many of these blooms have taken root.
__とりあえず私はOracle of the Moonsに相談してみます。彼女ならあの花が全部で何本あるか、正確な数を占えるはずですからね。
__ひとまず私は、Oracle of the Moonsに相談します。彼女なら花が全部で何本あるか、正確な数を予知できるはずですから。
FormID: 0104A775 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 3 Now, go quickly, there is no time to lose. If you find anything, come back and tell me.
FormID: 0104A776 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 0 I have since spoken with our holy Oracle of the Moons and she has divined that six of these accursed flowers have taken root.
__あれから聖なるOracle of the Moonsと話してみました。彼女によると、花は全部で6本咲いているとの事です。
FormID: 0104A776 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 1 You must travel south into the jungle, incinerate each and every one of them and also destroy the spore cats they have spawned.
__南方の密林地帯に赴き、全ての花を焼却して下さい。また、花から生まれたSpore Catも倒すのです。
FormID: 0104A776 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 2 You must act quickly before this contagion spreads out of control. More and more alfiq will become infected and die spawning new blooms.
FormID: 0104A776 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 3 What you do is of great service to our Khajiit nation and for this I will reward you handsomely. Now please hurry!
FormID: 0104A777 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 0 Thanks be to the gods! All the blooms are destroyed. A catastrophe has surely been averted!
FormID: 0104A777 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 1 And I thank you, friend of the khajiit, with this token of appreciation - the Royal Helm of Corinthe. I hope it serves you well.
__そして、あなたにも感謝を。あなたは全てのKhajiitの友です。お礼にこのRoyal Helm of Corintheを差し上げましょう。これがあなたのお役に立てば幸いです。
__そして、貴方にも感謝を。貴方はKhajiitの盟友です。お礼にこのRoyal Helm of Corintheを差し上げましょう。お役に立てば幸いです。
FormID: 0104A777 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 2 Furthermore, Galwen's old house has now been cleansed of the spores and his research destroyed.
FormID: 0104A777 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 3 I would be happy to offer it to you as the buyer of first choice. It is still fully furnished and I can sell it to you for a minimal price.
FormID: 0104A777 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 4 If you are interested in the house, just let me know.
FormID: 0104A777 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 5 And finally I able to teach you how to summon leopards and black panthers to assist you in battle.
__これで安心してあなたにleopardやblack panthersの召喚魔法をお教え出来るようになりました。この魔法は戦闘で役に立つはずですよ。
__それと、これでようやくleopardとblack panthersの召喚魔法をお教えできますね。この魔法は戦闘で役立つことでしょう。
FormID: 0104A777 ANQSmallQuest10B ANQSQ10BSporeFlowers 6 Travel well, friend. May you forever walk on warm sands.