L10N/Dremora_Companion/1.1/Books/aaSFNote の変更点

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*本文 [#p565b42f]

**原文 [#se24eb66]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
Dear Snowflake,

     As I write this letter my love grows deeper for you by the minute. Soon I will have the power you respect, and you will be my mate. Kear is irrelevant now, he will no longer be in my way. His attempts to win your affection with his enchanting skills were ended when I took his orb. I did it for you my dear. I do it all for you. Soon I will use my new enchanted sword and armor to strike down this "new" ruler of the Deadlands. Then Lord Dagon will have to acknowledge my superiority.

    With you by my side I will rule this plane as no one ever has before. People will cower before me as I pass them out of fear and respect. It will be so great, I will make sacrifices to you every day with their pitiful souls. All those that oppose us will parish in agony. 

    You will never see this note, but when my task is complete you will know how I feel. We will be together always, throughout eternity. Soon they will come for me, I know the time is growing near. This "new" ruler wants the enchanting orb back, and they will come to get it. It will be too late for them though, my plans are in motion. I am all powerful and I can not be defeated. It will bring joy to my soul to watch them wither in pain as I strike them down. All for you my dear, it's always been for you. You will love me, and we will be the happiest Daedra alive. I can't wait...someone is coming, I have to go now my love...


**訳文 [#nb1ecb75]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。

     今こうして筆を滑らせている瞬間にも慕情は昂ぶってゆくばかりだ。見ていろ。我は早急に実力を得て、お前を驚かせてみせる。そしてお前は我が半身となるのだ。Kearが権力の座から転げ落ちたいま、もはや奴に我を止める事など出来ぬ。奴は付呪の腕前でお前の気を引こうと足掻いていたが叶わなかったな。そしてorbは我が掌中にある。愛しい人よ、これはお前の為なのだぞ。そう、全てお前の為だ。ここに新たな付呪を施した剣と鎧がある。我はこの力を以て、すぐにでもあの『新参の』Deadlands領主を討ち倒すつもりだ。そうすればLord Dagonも我の実力を認めざるを得ぬであろう。




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