L10N/Dragon_Captions_The_Imperial_City_of_Sutch_Reborn/9.0/Dialogue/sutchbiuld3 の変更点

FormID: 0102C69D	sutchbiuld3	sutchj	0	Not much. Construction is slow, and boring. There have been no more attacks by the bandits, or anything. Maybe Coddwel knows something....	
FormID: 0102C69F	sutchbiuld3	sutchk	0	Well, Sutch is coming along nicely, but they need a Count, and I have to decide who it should be... Which is not easy to do.	
FormID: 0102C6A1	sutchbiuld3	sutchk2	0	Well, the old Knight protector of the Fort, has one son, that lives in Skingrad, but he has gone missing, go find him, and bring him here!	
FormID: 0102C6EA	sutchbiuld3	sutchl	0	Aye, that be me, or was me, I am old and retired now, nothing left for me in this world, not after what happened.	
FormID: 0102C6EC	sutchbiuld3	sutchl2	0	Oh, a few days ago, my son Kinian... and his wonderful wife, were out near the lake collectin' herbs, when they were kidnapped... the guard told me...	
__数日前のことだ……護衛の話によれば、私の息子であるKinianと彼の素晴らしい妻はthe lake collectin' herbsの付近に外出していた際に誘拐されてしまったらしい……
FormID: 0102C6EF	sutchbiuld3	sutchl3	0	Oh! Really?! You will go and bring my beloved son, and his wife back from the jaws of death, for me? Thank you, son, you're welcome to my old armour!	
__ほ、本当か? 私の最愛の息子とその妻を死の淵から救い出してくれるのか!? ありがとう、若者よ。私の古い鎧は自由に使ってくれ。
FormID: 0102C780	sutchbiuld3	sutchm	0	Clever deduction fool, I'm not with those losers anymore, these bandits have promised me greater fame, than the guards could!	
FormID: 0102C782	sutchbiuld3	sutchm2	0	WHAT! Worthless old Cilvia here? No, our leader ordered me to hold her here till the ritual is complete, now you know. Prepare to die!	
__なに、この役立たずなCilviaを? いやだね、我々のリーダーが儀式を終えるまでここに彼女を捕えておくように私に言ったんだ。わかったか? お前には死んでもらう!
FormID: 0102C784	sutchbiuld3	sutchn	0	Oh, my, PLEASE! Good sir, you slew my captor, and my sister, but please, go save my husband, go save Kinian! He was just taken away to the shrine!	
__ああ、お願いします! あなたは私を捕えていた彼女……私の妹を殺して救い出してくださいました。ですが夫が……Kinianが少し前に聖地に連れ去られてしまったのです。お願いします、夫を助けてください!
FormID: 0102C787	sutchbiuld3	sutcho	0	Oh, and who do you think you are! You don't realise what's at stake here, if I sacrifice my brother's life to Molag Bal our leader has assured me...	
__何だお前は、ここを神聖な場所と知ってのことか! 私が弟の命を捧げれば、我らの偉大な指導者Molog Bal神が応えてくださるのだ!
FormID: 0102C787	sutchbiuld3	sutcho	1	He assured me that Molag Bal will grant me eternal life, and youth! Don't you see, our leader is great, and I must do this, prepare to die!	
__Molag Bal神は私に永遠の命と若さを約束してくださった! お前に我らの指導者の偉大さは理解できないだろうな。私の邪魔などさせない、死ぬがいい!
FormID: 0102C78B	sutchbiuld3	sutchp	0	Oh... my head... you killed my brother! Thank you, he was going to sacrifice me to this god. Poor Sul, and Allie, sad they fell here, where is Cilvia?	
FormID: 0102C78E	sutchbiuld3	sutchp2	0	What, Ocato needs me? Count? The city of Sutch, my birth name! Sure, I will meet you there in a little bit. Until then... good day, good friend.	
__なんですって、Ocato議長が私を? は、伯爵? Sutchというと私の家名じゃないですか! わかりました、また近いうちに会いましょう。その時まで……お元気で、親友。
FormID: 0102C7A4	sutchbiuld3	sutchq	0	Oh! He has! And, he is alive and well! This is wonderful, great job my fiend, your services to your Empire will get you far. I will tell Ocato, bye.	

__おお、同意してくれたのですか! そして元気なのですね! なんとすばらしい、よくやってくださいました。あなたの帝国に対する奉仕は大いなるものとなるでしょう。さっそく、このことをOcato議長に報告したいと思います。ごきげんよう。

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