L10N/Dragon_Captions_The_Imperial_City_of_Sutch_Reborn/9.0/Dialogue/SutchOgres の変更点

FormID: 0103A0E1	SutchOgres	sutchogrea	0	Ah, why yes, Lord Drad, his estate has recently been overrun by ogres. Please go talk to the mercenary captain.	
FormID: 0103A0E3	SutchOgres	sutchogreb	0	Hm, why, yes, I believe I can get rid of his ogre issue, don't worry about a thing. Go tell Nathan that it will be taken care of.	
FormID: 0103A0E5	SutchOgres	sutchogrec	0	Ah, yes, very good then, we will no longer have to worry about those ogres. Good work.	


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