L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-95 の変更点

FormID: 011D193F	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	Have you told Fergus that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so.	
__私達の婚約の事、 Fergus に伝えた?まだなら、そろそろ話してあげた方がいいと思うわ。
FormID: 011D1953	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	Tell me honestly... are you in love with Fergus?	
__正直に答えて…。あなた、 Fergus に恋してるの?
FormID: 011D1977	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	I asked Fergus if he would help us to gather ingredients for Melinda. He said he'd be quite happy to do so!	
__Melinda の為の素材集めを手伝ってくれるよう Fergus に頼んだわ。彼、「喜んで手伝うよ」って言ってくれたの!
FormID: 011D1979	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	You know, I'm really glad that Fergus is traveling with us. He is funny, and witty, and I think I can convince him to teach me how to whistle.	
__Fergus が一緒に旅をしてくれて本当に嬉しいわ。彼は愉快でウィットに飛んでるし、頼めば口笛の吹き方を教えてくれるかもしれないしね。
FormID: 011D197A	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	Fergus is an excellent storyteller, but sometimes I get the feeling he might be bragging just a tad bit.	
__Fergus はとても話し上手ね。だけど、たまに自慢が過ぎる事があるように思うわ。
FormID: 011D197B	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	I quite like Fergus... but he does talk a lot, doesn't he? I mean, I hardly get a chance to say a word...	
__Fergus の事は好きよ。だけど彼って、少しお喋り過ぎじゃない?話していると、全然口を挟めないんだもの…。
FormID: 011D197C	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	Tell me, how much do you know about Fergus? He's really nice company, but I don't think he is telling all his secrets... at least not to me.	
__あなたは Fergus の事をどれだけ知ってるの?彼は良い旅仲間だけれど、秘密の全てを打ち明けてはくれていないように思うの。…少なくとも私にはね。
FormID: 011D199F	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	I wonder if Fergus could teach me how to whistle?	
__Fergus なら私に口笛の吹き方を教えてくれるかしら?
FormID: 011D199E	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	Tell me, how much do you know about Fergus? He's really nice company, but I don't think he is telling all his secrets... at least not to me.	
__あなたは Fergus の事をどれだけ知ってるの?彼は良い旅仲間だけれど、秘密の全てを打ち明けてはくれていないように思うの。…少なくとも私にはね。
FormID: 011D199C	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	I used to be a little embarrassed over my accent,but Fergus has taught me not to think of it. He is right - he has an accent, too,and I quite like it	
__以前は自分の訛りを少し恥ずかしく思っていたけれど、 Fergus に「気にするな」って言われて考えを改めたわ。彼自身も訛りがあるけれど、私、彼の訛りはとても好きだから。
FormID: 011D199B	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	Fergus is quite handsome, don't you think so?	
__Fergus はとてもハンサムよね。あなたもそう思わない?
FormID: 011D19B0	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	One of these days, I would love to hear more about Fergus' childhood. I think I heard him say something about being born in Senchal...	
__いつか、 Fergus に子供時代の事を聞いてみたいわ。確か、 Senchal 生まれだって言ってたと思うけれど…。
FormID: 011D19B1	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	Interesting outfit he is wearing today. Was it his own idea to put it on?	
FormID: 011D19B2	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	Fergus has also been to Morrowind, did he tell you that?	
__Fergus も Morrowind にいた事があるんだって。彼から聞いた事ある?
FormID: 011D19B3	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	Do you think we should tell Fergus that he is snoring?	
__Fergus に彼のいびきの件を伝えるべきかしら…?
FormID: 011D19B5	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	I find Fergus' accent quite charming, don't you? Not at all as dull and thick as mine.	
__Fergus の訛りってチャーミングだと思わない?私の訛りみたいな野暮ったさが全然無いの。
FormID: 011D19B7	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	Fergus is quite okay I think, but he really needs to learn how to sneak. 	
__Fergus にそれほど不満があるわけではないけれど、彼は隠密行動の作法を学ぶべきだと心から思うわ。
FormID: 011E3A03	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussFergus	0	Fergus talks a lot of crap! Did you know what he said the other day? That I have freckles! I! How dares he!	
__Fergus ったら、馬鹿な事ばかり話すのよ!前にも私の顔にシミが付いてるなんて言ってたわ。いい度胸してるわよん!
FormID: 011D196A	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussAdoringFan	0	Look... I'm sure that worshipping can be great, and being worshipped even greater, but... don't you think our friend here might be a tad bit nuts?	
FormID: 011D196B	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussAdoringFan	0	Have you got a sharp pin? I'd like to keep one, just in case you get too big-headed from all the admiration from our friend here.
FormID: 011D196C	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussAdoringFan	0	You know, I'm not too sure about our... friend here. All that admiration stuff does get a bit annoying in the long run.	
FormID: 011D196D	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussAdoringFan	0	If you are going to drag your adoring fan around, you should at least make sure that he has proper armor and a good weapon.	
__もしもそこの Adoring Fan を連れて歩くつもりなら、ちゃんとした武器防具を装備させてあげるべきよ。
FormID: 011D20C4	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussAdoringFan	0	Interesting outfit he is wearing today. Was it his own idea to put it on?	
FormID: 011D20DB	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussAdoringFan	0	I suppose he is good for your ego, isn't he?	
FormID: 011D20DC	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussAdoringFan	0	Sometimes, he reminds me of a very enthusiastic dog who just wants you to tap his head. 	
FormID: 011D19A6	1emmQuest1	7emmCompdiscussMazoga	0	I like  Mazoga. A very nice personality when you get to know her, but oh dear - that breath - she does need a toothbrush or at least some peppermints	
__Mazoga の事は好きよ。知り合いになれば、彼女が素晴らしい人なんだって分かる。でも、あの口臭はいただけないかな。歯を磨くか、少なくともペパーミントを噛むくらいの事はしてもらう必要があると思うわ。
FormID: 011D20CE	1emmQuest1	7emmCompdiscussMazoga	0	Interesting outfit she is wearing today. Was it her own idea to put it on?	
FormID: 011D20DE	1emmQuest1	7emmCompdiscussMazoga	0	I'm so glad that also Mazoga has become a Knights-Errant of the White Stallion! I think she is proud of her new title.	
__Mazoga も Knights-Errant of the White Stallion に叙任されて、本当に良かった!彼女もきっと新しい地位に誇りを感じてると思うわ!
FormID: 011D27C5	1emmQuest1	999CompBeautiful	0	Hmph!	
FormID: 011D27C6	1emmQuest1	999Compnotbeautiful	0	You don't think she is? Are you sure? I... I always thought you were secretly admiring her?	
FormID: 011D8E4F	1emmQuest1	3emm11ReadGalerion	0	Sure.	
FormID: 011D952C	1emmQuest1	7emmUsRomWalk2	0	That sounds like a lovely idea. 	
FormID: 011D952C	1emmQuest1	7emmUsRomWalk2	1	Where would you like us to go?	
FormID: 011DE08A	1emmQuest1	801AlchemyBook	0	I have seen this book before - my mother uses it all the time, and so does Melinda. But my parents didn't think I was skilled enough to own one.	
__この本は前に見かけた事があるわ。ママや Melinda がいつも参考にしてた。でも、パパやママは私程度の腕前じゃ、まだ自分用に一冊持つに至らないって考えてたみたい。
FormID: 011DE08A	1emmQuest1	801AlchemyBook	1	But Melinda doesn't doubt that I can learn the recipes - she has written a long list of ingredients that I should practice on.	
__でも Melinda は私がレシピを覚えられると信じて疑わなかったわ。あの子、私が練習用に使うべき素材の膨大なリストを書いてくれたの。
FormID: 011DE08A	1emmQuest1	801AlchemyBook	2	It's quite a long list, actually... Collecting all these ingredients will take time. 	
FormID: 011DE08A	1emmQuest1	801AlchemyBook	3	But, if I manage to collect them, and if I practice a bit, I should be able to learn how to do quite a few new useful potions. 	
FormID: 011DE08C	1emmQuest1	801bAlchemybook	0	There are recipes on how to make potions that will restore attributes. And how to make really good feather potions.	
__Attribute を回復する魔法薬のレシピがいくつかと、良質な Feather 効果の魔法薬のレシピがあるわね。
FormID: 011DE08C	1emmQuest1	801bAlchemybook	1	And, who knows, I might also get better at making the potions I already know of - restore health and magicka and such...	
__それと、ひょっとしたら Restore Health や Restore Magicka みたいな既知の魔法薬の効果を高める事が出来るようになるかもね。
FormID: 011DE08C	1emmQuest1	801bAlchemybook	2	But... I need so many, many ingredients, and it will take me quite some time to collect them all.	
FormID: 011DE08C	1emmQuest1	801bAlchemybook	3	Now... of course I would learn faster if I didn't have to collect every single ingredient myself. Hmm... I wonder... Maybe you could help me?	
FormID: 011DE08F	1emmQuest1	801cAlchemybook	0	Oh, you're such a sweetheart! What would I do without you? Now, let's do like this... 	
FormID: 011DE08F	1emmQuest1	801cAlchemybook	1	I collect most of the ingredients, and then I give you a list with some easy ones that you could find and collect for me. 	
FormID: 011DE091	1emmQuest1	801dAlchemybook	0	Yes, of course I mean you. And I take it that you will help me, considering that I'll be making potions for you. Now, let's do like this... 	
FormID: 011DE091	1emmQuest1	801dAlchemybook	1	I collect most of the ingredients, and then I give you a list with some easy ones that you could find and collect for me. 	
FormID: 011DE0A1	1emmQuest1	802Ingredients	0	You have ten Minotaur horns for me? That's great! Thank you ever so much.	
__Minotaur Horn を10本集まったの?すごいわ!本当にありがとう!
FormID: 011DE0A1	1emmQuest1	802Ingredients	1	You know, I believe that I now have all the ingredients I need. And I have been practicing a little, already.	
FormID: 011DE0A1	1emmQuest1	802Ingredients	2	I'm getting a lot better at making potions like Restore Magicka and Restore Health. And I think I can handle potions that will restore attributes.	
__これからは Restoe Magicka や Restore Health の魔法薬の効果が以前よりもずっと強力になるし、 Attribute 回復の魔法薬も作れるようになるはず。
FormID: 011DE0A1	1emmQuest1	802Ingredients	3	On top of that, I have been practicing how to make potions of Feather, and I think I'm fairly good at it now.	
__あと Feather の魔法薬の作り方も学んだから、これからは上手く作れるはず。
FormID: 011DE0A1	1emmQuest1	802Ingredients	4	Of course, like with other potions, you will have to help me with at least one of the ingredients. 	


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