L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-93 の変更点

FormID: 011D1943	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscNeeshka	0	Have you told Neeshka that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. She is after all an old friend, she's entitled to know.	
__私達の婚約の事、 Neeshka に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。彼女とは古い友達だし、知らせてあげるべきだと思うの。
FormID: 011D1958	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscNeeshka	0	I know you and Neeshka have known each other for a long time. Maybe the two of you would prefer to adventure without me?	
__あなたと Neeshka は長い付き合いよね。ひょっとしたら私抜きで冒険した方が楽しいんじゃない?
FormID: 011D1975	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscNeeshka	0	I asked Neeshka if she would help us to gather ingredients for Melinda. She said she'd be quite happy to do so!	
__Melinda の為の材料集めに協力して欲しいって Neeshka に頼んだの。そしたら彼女、「喜んで手伝うよ」って言ってくれたわ。
FormID: 011D198C	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscNeeshka	0	One day I would like you to tell me all about what you and Neeshka did in Morrowind. I keep asking her but she just grins at me.	
FormID: 011D1990	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscNeeshka	0	If you and I ever visit Morrowind, maybe Neeshka could tag along. I bet she would like that.	
__いつかあなたと一緒に Morrowind に行く事があったら、 Neeshka も一緒に連れて行きましょう。あの子もきっと喜ぶわ。
FormID: 011D198F	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscNeeshka	0	Did you know that Neeshka has been in Solstheim and that she actually knows my friend Britt? She said she prefers the sandstorms in Ald-ruhn, though.	
FormID: 011D20CC	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscNeeshka	0	Interesting outfit she is wearing today. Was it her own idea to put it on?	
FormID: 011D20D4	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscNeeshka	0	Why don't you tell her to put on something warmer, so that she doesn't catch a cold?	
FormID: 011D1945	1emmQuest1	7emmCompdiscussSonia	0	Have you told Sonia that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. She is after all an old friend, she's entitled to know.	
__私達の婚約の事、 Sonia に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。彼女とは古い友達だし、知らせてあげるべきだと思うの。
FormID: 011D1954	1emmQuest1	7emmCompdiscussSonia	0	I know you and Sonia have known each other for a long time. Maybe the two of you would prefer to adventure without me?	
__あなたと Sonia は長い付き合いよね。ひょっとしたら私抜きで冒険した方が楽しいんじゃない?
FormID: 011D1978	1emmQuest1	7emmCompdiscussSonia	0	You and Sonia must have had a great time together. One of these days I hope you'll tell me all about it.	
__あなたと Sonia との間にはきっと素晴らしい思い出があるのね。いつか私にも全部聞かせて欲しいな。
FormID: 011D197D	1emmQuest1	7emmCompdiscussSonia	0	Sonia is very beautiful, don't you think so?	
__Sonia ってすごく綺麗よね。あなたもそう思わない?
FormID: 011D199A	1emmQuest1	7emmCompdiscussSonia	0	Strange that I never met Sonia when I was staying in Bruma.	
__おかしな話だけど、私が Bruma に住んでた頃、一度も Sonia に会った事がなかったわ。
FormID: 011D20D1	1emmQuest1	7emmCompdiscussSonia	0	Interesting outfit she is wearing today. Was it her own idea to put it on?	
FormID: 011D20D8	1emmQuest1	7emmCompdiscussSonia	0	Why don't you tell her to put on something warmer, so that she doesn't catch a cold?	
FormID: 011D1940	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	Have you told Viconia that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so.	
__私達の婚約の事、 Sonia に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。
FormID: 011D27BE	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	I don't think Viconia is taking our engagement seriously. She just keeps on flirting with you! It's.. well, it's infuriating!	
__きっと Viconia は私達の婚約の事を真剣に受け止めていないんだわ。未だにあなたに色目を使い続けてるんだもの。全く…忌々しいわ!
FormID: 011D27C1	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	Sometimes I have this feeling you are still flirting with her. Which would be outrageous of you, now that we are engaged!	
FormID: 011D195C	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	Tell me honestly... Are you in love with Viconia?	
__正直に言って…。あなた、 Viconia に恋してるの?
FormID: 011D1960	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	You really need to talk to Viconia. I think she believes you are in love with her. Either that, or she has simply decided on trying to seduce you.	
__あなたは Viconia と話さなくちゃならないわ。彼女はあなたが自分に恋しているって思ってるみたいよ。そうじゃなくても、あなたを誘惑しようとしているのには違いないわ。
FormID: 011D1960	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	1	I really don't like the way she keeps rolling her hips whenever you are around. It's disgusting if you ask me!	
FormID: 011D1988	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	I'd like to know more about the differences between a dunmer and a drow. Viconia looks a lot like a dunmer to me... a very beautiful dunmer, that is.	
__Dunmer と Drow の違いをもっと詳しく知りたいわ。 Viconia はすごく Dunmer っぽく私には見える…。すごく美人な Dunmer にね。
FormID: 011D27BF	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	I'm bloody fed up hearing Viconia talking about how all except drows are so idle with their time. Do you really think I am lazy?	
__Viconia は彼女以外の Drow の事を怠け者だって文句を言うけれど、もう聞き飽きたわ。うんざり。こんな事を言う私はたるんでるのかしらね?
FormID: 011D27C0	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	Couldn't you please tell Viconia to help out a bit more with the housework? She's just standing around while I am working!	
__もう少し家事を手伝ってくれるよう、あなたから Viconia に言ってくれないかしら。彼女、私が働いてても、近くで立ってるだけなんだもの。
FormID: 011D20D3	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	Interesting outfit she is wearing today. Was it her own idea to put it on?	
FormID: 011D20DA	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	Why don't you tell her to put on something warmer, so that she doesn't catch a cold?	
FormID: 011D27C2	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	Viconia is very beautiful, don't you think so? 	
__Viconia ってすごく美人よね。あなたもそう思わない?
FormID: 011D27C7	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussViconia	0	I really don't like the way she keeps rolling her hips whenever you are around. It's disgusting if you ask me!	
FormID: 011D1942	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussStoker	0	Have you told Stoker that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so.	
__私達の婚約の事、 Stoker に伝えた?まだなら、そろそろ教えてあげるべきだと思うわ。
FormID: 011D1959	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussStoker	0	Tell me honestly... are you in love with Stoker?	
__正直に答えて。あなた、 Stoker に恋してるの?
FormID: 011D196E	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussStoker	0	What's the deal with those leather gloves Stoker keeps on wearing? I asked him, but he didn't reply.	
__どうして Stoker はいつもあの革の手袋をしているのかしら?前に尋ねてみたけれど、答えてくれなかったのよね。
FormID: 011D1973	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussStoker	0	I asked Stoker if he would help us to gather ingredients for Melinda. He said he'd be quite happy to do so!	
__Melinda の為の素材集めを手伝って欲しいって Stoker に頼んだら、喜んで手伝うよって言ってくれたわ!
FormID: 011D20C6	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussStoker	0	Interesting outfit he is wearing today. Was it his own idea to put it on?	
FormID: 011D20CA	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussStoker	0	Tell me, how much do you know about Stoker? He's really nice company, but I don't think he is telling all his secrets... at least not to me.	
__あなたはどれだけ Stoker の事を知っているの?彼は本当に良い旅仲間だけれど、まだ秘密を全て打ち明けてくれていないと思うの…。少なくとも私に対してはね。
FormID: 011D20E4	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussStoker	0	I'm really fed up hearing Stoker complaining over how idle I am with my time. Especially as I haven't seen him lift a finger to be of any use!	
__Stoker は私が自由時間にいつも怠けてるって文句を言うけれど、もう聞き飽きちゃったわ。特に、彼が意味も無く指を立てるのをずっと見てないから、余計にね。
__Stoker は私が自由時間にいつも怠けてるって文句を言うけれど、もう聞き飽きちゃったわ。本人はちっとも他人を手伝おうとしないくせに。
__Stoker は私が自由時間にいつも怠けてるって文句を言うけれど、もう聞き飽きちゃったわ。本人は他人の役に立つような事については指一本動かさないくせに。
FormID: 011D20E5	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussStoker	0	I wonder what Stoker means by [QUOTE]having an excellent view[QUOTE]? Last time he said so, he was staring at my behind!	
__Stoker が「いい眺めだなぁ」って言うのはどういう意味かしらね?前に私の背中を見つめながら呟いてた事があったんだけれど!
FormID: 011D1941	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussSaeri	0	Have you told Saerileth that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so.	
__私達の婚約の事、 Saerileth にはもう伝えた?もしもまだなら、そろそろ伝えてあげるべきだと思うわ。
FormID: 011D1967	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussSaeri	0	You really need to talk to Saerileth. I think she believes you are in love with her. Either that, or it's something... some cultural thing.	
__あなたは Saerileth と話さないといけないわ。彼女、あなたに愛されてると信じてるもの。何にせよ、これはある種の文化的な問題ね…。
FormID: 011D1967	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussSaeri	1	Maybe people from... wherever she comes from... think it is alright to call anyone [QUOTE]My Love[QUOTE]. But it does get annoying, you know!	
__彼女がどこの出身かは知らないけれど、国によっては誰にでも[QUOTE]My Love (愛しい人)[QUOTE]って呼ぶ習慣があるのは知ってるわ。でも、私には耐えられないの!分かるでしょ?
FormID: 011D1967	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussSaeri	2	And one more thing: I really don't like the way she keeps rolling her hips whenever you are around. It's disgusting if you ask me!	
FormID: 011D1987	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussSaeri	0	Saerileth is a very nice girl, but sometimes I find her accent a bit hard to understand. 	
__Saerileth はとっても良い娘だけれど、彼女の訛りはたまに聞き取れないわ。
FormID: 011D20D7	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussSaeri	0	Why don't you tell her to put on something warmer, so that she doesn't catch a cold?	
FormID: 011D20D0	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussSaeri	0	Interesting outfit she is wearing today. Was it her own idea to put it on?	
FormID: 011D20E2	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussSaeri	0	Now I want to know the truth. Which do you prefer? Blonde hair like mine, or dark hair like Saerileth's?	
__本音を聞かせて。あなたは私みたいなブロンドと、 Saerileth みたいな黒髪のどっちが好みなの?
FormID: 011D20E3	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussSaeri	0	I know the poor girl is from somewhere... outer space or so, and I know she has some language difficulties, but...	
FormID: 011D20E3	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussSaeri	1	...I get both embarrassed on her behalf and almost a bit jealous when she keeps calling you [QUOTE]My Love[QUOTE] all the time. 	
FormID: 011D20E3	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussSaeri	2	So please, have a word with her. I do like Saerileth, but this really annoys me.	
__だから、あなたからあの子に一言お願い。 Saerileth の事は好きだけれど、ああいう言葉遣いにはいらいらしちゃうから。
FormID: 011D1944	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussRhianna	0	Have you told Rhianna that we are engaged? If not, I think it's about time that you do so. She is after all an old friend, she's entitled to know.	
__私達の婚約の事、 Rhianna に知らせた?まだならそろそろあなたから伝えてあげた方がいいと思うわ。彼女とは古い友達だし、知らせてあげるべきだと思うの。
FormID: 011D1955	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussRhianna	0	I know you and Rhianna have known each other for a long time. Maybe the two of you would prefer to adventure without me?	
__あなたと Rhianna は長い付き合いよね。ひょっとしたら私抜きで冒険した方が楽しいんじゃない?
FormID: 011D1976	1emmQuest1	7emmCompDiscussRhianna	0	I asked Rhianna if she would help us to gather ingredients for Melinda. She said she'd be quite happy to do so!	
__Melinda の為の材料集めに協力して欲しいって Rhianna に頼んだの。そしたら彼女、「喜んで手伝う」って言ってくれたわ。

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