L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-80 の変更点

FormID: 01169D29	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	11	And once I had understood that, there were no further problems. I just put the saddle on with very firm hands. 	
FormID: 01169D2A	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	0	My sister Melinda is very good at mixing potions, but when it comes to doing business, she's so scatterbrained! 	
FormID: 01169D2A	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	1	She would trust anyone who want to do business with her. Like this shady Khajiit she bought the devastating ingredients from.	
FormID: 01169D2A	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	2	I feel so bad about that I wasn't there at the time. If I had been, I would for sure had stopped her from doing such a horrible mistake!	
FormID: 01169D2B	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	0	All right... I told you before that I ended up in Skingrad, and that the lady I worked for died. 	
__わかったよ… 前に話したのはSkingradまでだったね。それで、仕えてたご婦人が亡くなったの。
FormID: 01169D2B	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	1	I managed to get a new work as an assistant to Falanu at All Things Alchemical in Skingrad. Alas it didn't turn out well.	
__やっとのことで、SkingradにあるAll Things AlchemicalのFalanuの助手という新しい仕事を手に入れたわ。でも、上手くいかなったの。
FormID: 01169D2B	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	2	Falanu disliked me from start, and then she accused me of... some ugly things... I was really unhappy - it was a relief when she fired me.	
__Falanuは始めから私を嫌ってたの。そして、私のことを責めたの… すごく酷いことで… 本当にみじめだった。クビにされてホッとしたわ。
FormID: 01169D2B	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	3	I started to work in the wine production. It was quite fun - especially smashing the grapes with my bare feet!	
FormID: 01169D2B	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	4	But me and some other workers also enjoyed trying out the new wines. Let's just say that our employer didn't particularly like that!	
FormID: 01169D2B	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	5	The surroundings of Skingrad are quite lovely, don't you think so? I could spend hours just wandering around, collecting ingredients. 	
__Skingradの環境はとってもすばらしいわ、そう思わない? 何時間でも素材集めに歩き回れるわ。
FormID: 01169D2C	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	0	Did I ever tell you about my time in Bruma, when I was working as a castle servant? The work was horrible - most of my time I spent scrubbing floors!	
__Brumaで城の使用人として働いてたときのこと言ったっけ? 仕事はとんでもなく大変だったよ。ほとんど床磨きばっかりなんだもの。
FormID: 01169D2C	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	1	Have you ever been to the Bruma castle? The floors are so cold, sometimes there would be an icy surface on the stones when I had scrubbed them.	
__Bruma城に行ったことがある? 床はとても冷たくて、時々凍りついた床を磨くときもあったよ。
FormID: 01169D2C	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	2	One day, there was a visitor, a fine, gracious lady, who slipped on the icy stones and almost fell. I managed to catch her!	
FormID: 01169D2C	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	3	She said I had saved her life, and then she offered me work as her personal maid! She was living in Skingrad, so I went there with her. 	
__そうしたらご婦人は、私を命の恩人だと言ってくれて、個人的なメイドとして雇ってくれたの! ご婦人はSkingradに住んでいたので、私はそこに行ったの。
FormID: 01169D2C	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	4	Alas the lady was old and fragile. A few months later, she got ill and died, and I had to find a new way to make my living.	
FormID: 01169D2C	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	5	Yes, you know what happened.I started to work for Falanu at All Things Alchemical. Which was quite an experience. I must say I like her mother better	
__そう、どうなったか知ってるわね。All Things AlchemicalのFalanuのところで働き始めたの。イイ経験させてもらったわ。彼女のお母さんの方は好きだったわね。
FormID: 011CCD6F	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	0	I got my first diary when I was only ten. It was a birthday present from my grandmother.	
FormID: 011CCD6F	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	1	Actually, I think she gave it to me in the hope that writing a diary would help me to improve my lousy handwriting.	
FormID: 011CCD6F	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	2	That didn't work, though... it still looks absolutely horrible! I bet you wouldn't be able to read it.	
FormID: 011CCD6F	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	3	Anyway, I have been trying to keep a diary ever since. But, since I met you, I don't have much time to write in it. 	
FormID: 011CCD70	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	0	One thing I didn't like in Morrowind was the slavery. There was an organisation, Twin Lamps, working against it.	
__Morrowind で唯一気に入らなかったのは奴隷制ね。当時、奴隷制に反対する Twin Lamps っていう組織があったのよ。
FormID: 011CCD70	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	1	I wanted to join it, but Runar said it was a bad idea - that we should not interfere with what he considered to be a part of the local culture.	
__私も参加したかったけれど、 Runar に「土着の文化に口を挟むべきじゃない」と反対されてね。
FormID: 011CCD70	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	2	Actually, when I think of it, I'm not sure he was opposed to slavery at all. I'm sure he would have loved to have his own personal slaves.	
FormID: 011CCD70	1emmQuest1	7emmYOU	3	Preferably female ones, of course, that would dance for him and rub his back and... and other things.	
FormID: 0116A403	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	The Grey Mare isn't exactly my first choice for a cozy evening out. But I guess it will do. At least the drinks are good - and plentiful!	
__心地良く一晩外で共にしたいから、出来ればGrey Mareは泊まりたくないなぁ。でも、とりあえずだよ。少なくとも飲み物は美味しいし、たくさんあるもの!
FormID: 0116A40B	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	I'm sure Emfrid wouldn't mind if we dance a little on the tables. It's a good old Nord tradition, you know!	
FormID: 0116A40C	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	People say the food here is worse than dog food.But I bet they are comparing to the food the Bruiants give their dogs,which is better than human food	
FormID: 0116A404	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	Five Claws Lodge isn't exactly my first choice for a cozy evening out. But I guess it will do. At least the drinks are good - and plentiful!	
__心地良く一晩外で共にしたいから、出来ればFive Claws Lodgeは泊まりたくないなぁ。でも、とりあえずだよ。少なくとも飲み物は美味しいし、たくさんあるもの!
FormID: 0116A405	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	The Bloated Float isn't exactly my first choice for a cozy evening out. But I guess it will do. At least the drinks are good - and plentiful!	
__心地良く一晩外で共にしたいから、出来ればBloated Floatは泊まりたくないなぁ。でも、とりあえずだよ。少なくとも飲み物は美味しいし、たくさんあるもの!
FormID: 0116A406	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	The Flowing Bowl isn't exactly my first choice for a cozy evening out. But I guess it will do. At least the drinks are good - and plentiful!	
__心地良く一晩外で共にしたいから、出来ればFlowing Bowlは泊まりたくないなぁ。でも、とりあえずだよ。少なくとも飲み物は美味しいし、たくさんあるもの!
FormID: 0116A407	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	Olav's Tap and Tack isn't exactly my first choice for a cozy evening out. But I guess it will do. At least the mead is good - and so are the people.	
__居心地の良い夜を過ごしたいなら、Olav's Tap and Tackが最高ね。きっと素敵よ。少なくともmeadは美味しいし、あそこに来る人たちも良い人ばかりだもの。
FormID: 0116A40A	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	I'm sure Olav wouldn't mind if we dance a little on the tables. It's a good old Nord tradition, you know!	
FormID: 0116A408	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	What a nice change to sit down here and enjoy an evening meal. As you know, I'm more used to serving the guests here as a barmaid.	
FormID: 0116A40D	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	I really like Wilbur. But some of his jokes are just horrible! Of course, I try to laugh anyway, to cheer him up.	
__Wilburは本当に好きよ。でも、彼の冗談はひどい時があるわね! もちろん、彼が喜ぶように笑ってあげてるけど。
FormID: 0116A41F	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	To be perfectly honest, I hope that Heneri won't come and sit with us. I mean, she is nice, but... not on an evening like this.	
__正直に言うと、Heneri にはこっちに来て座ってほしくないわ。というか、彼女は良い人だけど…今日みたいな夜はダメよ。
FormID: 0116A409	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	I've always liked rural inns. They are so cozy. I think this is a nice place to spend an evening out. Shall we sit down?	
FormID: 0116A40E	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	This is a nice inn... And not too crowded, either?	
__これは良い宿ね… あんまり混んでないしね?
FormID: 0116A40F	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	It would have been nice if there had been a bard here, playing music.	
FormID: 0116A410	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	At the Solstheim Mead Houses we often dance on the tables after a few bottles of mead. But I don't think it is common practice here, is it?	
__SoltheimのMead Houseでは何本かMeadを空けたあと、よくテーブルの上でダンスを踊ったものよ。でも、こちらではあまりそういう習慣はないみたいね。
FormID: 0116A411	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	I like this inn.	
FormID: 0116A412	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	I like this inn - but have you noticed that the innkeeper is staring at us all the time?	
FormID: 0116A413	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	This place would have been ever nicer if there had been a bard around.	
FormID: 01174196	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	Well... to be perfectly honest, it makes me somewhat nervous to know that Heneri might be involved in the cooking.	
FormID: 0116A414	1emmQuest1	7emmThisInn	0	I wonder if this place is more crowded at lunchtime?	
FormID: 0116A402	1emmQuest1	7emmMyPleasure	0	...and it's much appreciated.	
FormID: 0116B1CE	1emmQuest1	AAA003FindErnesto	0	He is here, but he is kept in a separate room for prisoners that are not allowed to have visitors. Is there anything I can do for you?	
FormID: 0116AAF9	1emmQuest1	AAA003FindErnesto	0	He is not here, and that's for sure. You better ask around somewhere else.	
FormID: 0116B1D1	1emmQuest1	AAA003FindErnesto	0	Now, this is the problem... I do not know! 	
FormID: 0116B1D1	1emmQuest1	AAA003FindErnesto	1	The only thing I know is that he is imprisoned somewhere. For some silly little mistake when preparing a meal for one of the countesses.	
FormID: 0116B1D1	1emmQuest1	AAA003FindErnesto	2	Alas, I cannot recall in which city this happened. It wasn't Cheydinhal for sure! You'll simply have to ask around.	

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