L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-27 の変更点

FormID: 0119CCFC	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDQuestionResponses	0	Well, I don't go there anymore... Edgar says I'm not welcome. I... there was a little accident there once. And I was involved, sort of...	
__うーん、あそこにもう行かないわ…。 Edgar からも来るなって言われてるし。以前あそこでちょっとしたトラブルに巻き込まれちゃって…。
FormID: 0119CCFD	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDQuestionResponses	0	Last time I visited Jensine's shop, I found a potion of almost new hairdye. I'm thinking of trying it out one of these days.	
__前に Jensine の店に行った時、新製品の毛染め薬を見つけたわ。そのうち試してみたいわね。
FormID: 0119CCFE	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDQuestionResponses	0	I think my father would love a shop with a name like that.	
FormID: 0119CCFF	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDQuestionResponses	0	I don't know... the shop owner looks at me as if I was something the cat had dragged into the house. I don't feel comfortable there.	
FormID: 0119CD00	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDQuestionResponses	0	Of course! I read the Black Horse Courier as soon as I get a chance!	
__もちろんよ!機会があったらすぐにでも Black Horse Courier を読むわ。
FormID: 0119CD01	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDQuestionResponses	0	Well, I do have one complaint regarding the merchants here. They want my money! Preferably all of it!	
FormID: 0119CD02	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDResponses	0	Yes, I heard so.	
FormID: 0119CD03	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDResponses	0	That might be true, but she does sell really beautiful outfits.	
FormID: 0119CD04	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDResponses	0	That sounds like a good choice. 	
FormID: 0119CD05	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDResponses	0	Absolutely!	
FormID: 0119CD06	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDResponses	0	Seriously, I hardly have any time for reading nowadays.	
FormID: 0119CD07	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDResponses	0	Well, I don't go there anymore... Edgar says I'm not welcome. I... there was a little accident there once. And I was involved, sort of...	
__うーん、あそこにもう行かないわ…。 Edgar からも来るなって言われてるし。以前あそこでちょっとしたトラブルに巻き込まれちゃって…。
FormID: 0119CD08	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDResponses	0	I have no idea.	
FormID: 0119CD09	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDResponses	0	Of course! I read the Black Horse Courier as soon as I get a chance!	
__もちろんよ!機会があったらすぐにでも Black Horse Courier を読むわ。
FormID: 0119CD0A	1emmQuest1	ICAllNQDResponses	0	Well, I do have one complaint regarding the merchants here. They want my money! Preferably all of it!	
FormID: 01117E6B	1emmQuest1	MQ00KvatchResponse	0	Hmmm...	
FormID: 01081B52	1emmQuest1	MQ00KvatchResponse	0	I don't know... first the emperor and his sons murdered, now this... yet I fear that the worst is still to come.	
__まさか… 皇帝と皇太子が殺されて、今度は… 最悪の事態が来るんじゃないかと不安なの…
FormID: 01004C9D	1emmQuest1	0emmIntrogreet1	0	Yes.. my sister Melinda, owner of Melinda's Beauty Shop in Vivec. You are from Morrowind, aren't you?	
__ええ、私のお姉さんのMelinda、VivecのMelinda's Beauty Shopのオーナーの。あなたMorrowindから来たんでしょ?
FormID: 01004C9F	1emmQuest1	0emmIntrogreet2	0	So you're not the one then. Oh dear... I'm starting to get really concerned over this.	
__じゃあ、あなたじゃないのね、どうしよう… ホントに心配になってきたよ。
FormID: 01004CA1	1emmQuest1	0emmIntrogreet3	0	No..Or... Maybe you could. You seem to be more of an adventurer and fighter than I am. And I really do have a problem. Or, my sister has a problem..	
__いえ…あ…でも… あなたなら出来るかも。見た感じ私より冒険も戦闘も得意そうだし。でね、私すごく困ってるの。というか、姉のことなんだけど…
FormID: 01005A49	1emmQuest1	0emmIntrogreet4	0	It's a long story, I'm afraid. You see, my sister has an alchemist store in the Vivec city of Morrowind. 	
FormID: 01005A49	1emmQuest1	0emmIntrogreet4	1	She has specialized in making creams that will smoothen the skin and make women look prettier and younger, dearly needed by Dunmer upper class ladies	
FormID: 01005A49	1emmQuest1	0emmIntrogreet4	2	The business has been quite a success, but then my sister couldn't resist buying cheap ingredients from a shady Khajiit trader.	
FormID: 01005A49	1emmQuest1	0emmIntrogreet4	3	This was a disaster! You see, those who have used her cream have now developed a furry face with whiskers!	
__これがとんだ大失敗だったの! あのね、クリームを使った人たちからヒゲが生えてきて毛むくじゃらになっちゃったのよ!
FormID: 01005A4D	1emmQuest1	0emmIntrogreet5	0	My sister has been thrown in prison on bread and water, and the mob wants her head on a plate! She has written to me in desperation.	
__姉は投獄されてパンと水だけの生活、その上、暴徒たちは姉を打ち首にしろって言ってるの! ワラにもすがる思いで、姉は私に手紙を送ってきたの。
FormID: 01005A4D	1emmQuest1	0emmIntrogreet5	1	You see, there is a cure for these horrible symptoms. But to make that cure, she needs ingredients that can only be found here in Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 01005A4D	1emmQuest1	0emmIntrogreet5	2	She has asked me to gather the ingredients. But I'm not skilled enough at fighting to survive in dangerous places on my own. 	
FormID: 01005A4D	1emmQuest1	0emmIntrogreet5	3	She promised that a friend of hers would come and help me. But I have waited here for weeks and no one has showed up.	
FormID: 010388C7	1emmQuest1	1emmTravel	0	Yes?	
FormID: 01006130	1emmQuest1	1emmTravel	0	Yes? You do want us to stay together, right?	
__はい? 一緒にいて欲しいんでしょ、ね?
FormID: 01006143	1emmQuest1	2emmFight	0	Sure. Anything in particular you have in mind?	
FormID: 010388C8	1emmQuest1	3emmHelp	0	Yeah?	
FormID: 01006144	1emmQuest1	3emmHelp	0	If there's anything I can do for you, just tell me...	
FormID: 010381D5	1emmQuest1	4emmChat	0	I don't know if I like this.	
FormID: 01006145	1emmQuest1	4emmChat	0	Of course! Is there anything in particular that you'd like to discuss?	
__もちろんよ! 特に話したいことが何かあるの?
FormID: 01006139	1emmQuest1	1emmT2Armor	0	Alright!	
FormID: 011349B5	1emmQuest1	1emmT2Armor	0	I guess we aren't exactly going for a nice stroll then.	
FormID: 011349B6	1emmQuest1	1emmT2Armor	0	Back to work, I guess...	
FormID: 0100613A	1emmQuest1	1emmT3Unarmor	0	A pleasant stroll without fighting? How nice!	
__戦いなしの気持ちの良い散歩? なんて素敵なの!
FormID: 011349B4	1emmQuest1	1emmT3Unarmor	0	Lovely! I don't particularly enjoy wearing armor all the time.	
__素敵ね! いつも防具つけてるのは特に楽しくないからね。
FormID: 011349B1	1emmQuest1	1emmT3Unarmor	0	Oh good, it will be nice to wear something that doesn't have blood all over it.	
FormID: 011349B2	1emmQuest1	1emmT3Unarmor	0	At last! Something to wear that actually bends!	
__とうとう! カチコチじゃないものを着れるのね!
FormID: 011349B3	1emmQuest1	1emmT3Unarmor	0	About time! This stuff is heavy you know!	
__やっと! これ重いのよ、知ってるでしょ!
FormID: 0100613C	1emmQuest1	1emmT4aWait	0	Oh well...	
FormID: 0100613D	1emmQuest1	1emmT4bGoHome	0	Are you sure? But... Oh well, don't stay away too long will you.	
__本当に? でも… しょうがないか、あんまり長く一人にしないでね。
FormID: 01152ACA	1emmQuest1	1emmT7Sleep	0	Sure!	
FormID: 01006140	1emmQuest1	1emmT7Sleep	0	Sure!	
FormID: 01021081	1emmQuest1	6emmSkills	0	Just fine!	
FormID: 01021080	1emmQuest1	6emmSkills	0	I'm learning more every day!	
FormID: 0100613F	1emmQuest1	6emmSkills	0	Not bad. Not bad at all!	

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