FormID: 01117E5D 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I'm so fed up discussing goblins and mudcrabs. I can't understand why people are so interested in them?
FormID: 0111F2CF 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 Goblins... I know they are a nuisance but how would you like it if people walked into your home?
__goblin… 確かに邪魔者よね。でも、仮にあなたの自宅に見知らぬ人が土足で乗り込んできたら、あなたならどうするかしら?
FormID: 0111F2D0 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 Goblins... I know they are a nuisance but how would you like it if people walked into your home?
__goblin… 確かに邪魔者よね。でも、仮にあなたの自宅に見知らぬ人が土足で乗り込んできたら、あなたならどうするかしら?
FormID: 0110E123 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 Watch yourself around goblins. Some of the nastier ones will toss spells at you.
FormID: 01170AF6 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I have always enjoyed mining, but it is more of a pleasure to do it when I don't have to worry about goblins jumping on my back!
FormID: 010E8E17 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I ran into some drunken sailors the other day. I think I prefer goblins.
FormID: 0118E364 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I don't understand trolls! It's as if they almost want to be killed! Why do they attack? We don't hunt them and, besides, they taste awful.
__私には Troll が理解出来ないわ!まるで自分から殺されたがってるみたいに思えるの。そもそも、どうして彼らは攻撃を仕掛けてくるの?別に私たちは彼らを狩ろうなんて思わないのにね。食べても不味いし…。
FormID: 010E8E15 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I'm so fed up discussing goblins and mudcrabs. I can't understand why people are so interested in them?
FormID: 01080D8B 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I ran into some goblins in the woods not long ago. Nasty little beasts.
FormID: 01080D8C 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I ran across a couple of mudcrabs not long ago. Annoying creatures.
FormID: 0112CD6C 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 Have you noticed how many mudcrabs carry money? What are they saving up for, that's what I'd like to know.
__mudcrabがお金を持っているのに気づいたかな? 何のために貯金してるんだろ、そこが知りたいところよね。
FormID: 010D90E0 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I think the Cyrodiil mudcrabs are pathetic! You should see the ones we have in Morrowind. They are really scary!
__Cyrodiilのmudcrabはかわいそうよ! Morrowindにいるのを見るべきよ。あれは本当に怖いのよ!
FormID: 01132E13 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 Mudcrabs may be annoying, but their meat tastes delicious.
FormID: 010E8E16 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I'm so fed up discussing goblins and mudcrabs. I can't understand why people are so interested in them?
FormID: 0111F2CE 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I don't know... Goblins seem quite pleasant when they are not trying to kill us.
__さぁね… goblinに殺意さえなければ、かわいげもあるのにね。
FormID: 0110E122 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 Watch yourself around goblins. Some of the nastier ones will toss spells at you.
FormID: 010E8E14 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I don't find goblins very scary compared to some of the creatures I have seen in Solstheim.
FormID: 01170AF7 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I have always enjoyed mining, but it is more of a pleasure to do it when I don't have to worry about goblins jumping on my back!
FormID: 010E8E18 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I ran into some drunken sailors the other day. I think I prefer goblins.
FormID: 0112CD6D 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 Have you noticed how many mudcrabs carry money? What are they saving up for, that's what I'd like to know.
__mudcrabがお金を持っているのに気づいたかな? 何のために貯金してるんだろ、そこが知りたいところよね。
FormID: 01080D8D 1emmQuest1 CreatureResponses 0 I can't stand the sight of those creatures.
FormID: 0119D3DE 1emmQuest1 TRANSITION 0 Hrm... hrm...
FormID: 0119D3DF 1emmQuest1 TRANSITION 0 [cough]
FormID: 0119B820 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 I have heard others say the same.
FormID: 0119B821 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 To be perfectly honest, I've never been that good at spellcasting. But I would love to be able to throw fire-balls!
__正直言って私は魔法が得意じゃないけれど、 Fire-Ball を撃ってみたいわ!
FormID: 0119B822 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 I don't know... Magic might be good, but I don't quite understand what a spell can do better than a mace.
__分からないわ…。魔法は便利なものかも知れないけれど、一振りの Mace よりも役立つ魔法なんて果たして存在するのかしら?
FormID: 0119B823 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 Chorrol really is a lovely town, with nice people and a pleasant weather.
__Chorrol は本当に素敵な街ね。人は優しいし気候も良いわ。
FormID: 0119BEF7 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 Yes, the armorer is good, but I'm actually quite happy with the armor I already have.
FormID: 0119BEF8 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 Seriously, I hardly have any time for reading nowadays.
FormID: 0119BEF9 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 I've always liked The Grey Mare.One can dance on the tables, just like in Solstheim, without feeling embarrassed. Well, at least not very embarrassed
__The Grey Mare は好きよ。 Solstheim と同じようにテーブルの上でダンスしても全然恥ずかしくないもの。…まぁ、「全然」というのは言い過ぎかもしれないけれどね。
FormID: 0119BEFA 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 I have my Bruse, I don't want no other horse.
__私には Bruse がいるから、他の馬は必要ないわ。
FormID: 0119BEFB 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 Yes, I heard so.
FormID: 0119BEFC 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 Oh... I see...
FormID: 0119BEFD 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 I think Northern Goods is a very good place for shopping.
__Northern Goods は買い物するのに良い店ね。
FormID: 0119BEFE 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 Absolutely!
FormID: 0119BEFF 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 He does look stern, but I'm sure he has an excellent sarcastic sense of humor behind the surface, like most Dunmers.
__彼は頑固そうに見えるけれど、皮肉の通じるユーモアのセンスを感じるわ。他の Dunmer と同じようにね。
FormID: 0119BF00 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 He's not only a good fighter, he can also be quite witty. I once heard him tell stories from Vvardenfell that made everyone at The Gray Mare laugh.
__彼は優れた戦士というだけでなく、ウィットにも富んでいるのよ。一度 Vvardenfell の話をしているのを聞いた事があるんだけれど、 The Gray Mare の皆が笑っていたわ。
FormID: 0119BF01 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 The Bruiants give their dogs better food than they would give people. I know, I have worked for them. Got fired for eating dogfood,though...
__Bruiant 夫妻は飼い犬に人間よりも良い食事を与えているわ。あの家で働いてた事があるから分かるのよ。エサを食べちゃったせいでクビになったけれどね…。
FormID: 0119BF02 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 I used to work for the Bruiants, looking after their dogs. You should have seen the dogfood! Steak with sauce Bernaise! Yummie...
__前に Bruiant 夫妻の所で犬の世話をしていた事があるけれど、彼らの作るドッグフードは必見よ!ベアネーズソースをかけたステーキとか。とっても美味しいの!
FormID: 0119BF03 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 Indeed, the Bruiants do love their dogs. And give them better food than what they have for dinner, themselves.
__Bruiant 夫妻はものすごい犬好きで、自分達のディナーよりも豪華な餌をあげているくらいなのよ。
FormID: 0119BF04 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 Maybe he was just trying to learn how to whistle?
FormID: 0119BF05 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 I read one of Casta Scribonia's books not long ago. I think it would have been a lot better if there had been more pictures.
__ちょっと前に Casta Scribonia の本を読んだわ。もっと挿絵が多かったら良かったのに。
FormID: 0119BF06 1emmQuest1 ChorrolNQDResponses 0 I read one of Casta Scribonia's books not long ago. But I must admit that I didn't understand a thing!
__ちょっと前に Casta Scribonia の本を読んだけれど、ちっとも理解出来なかったわ!
FormID: 0119C5EB 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I wonder if the sisters are twins? They surely look alike.
FormID: 0119C5EC 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Isn't it strange that two sisters who look so much alike have chosen so different works? Ugak's job must be most fun if you ask me.
__あのそっくり姉妹が全然違う仕事に就いているのは不思議だと思わない?私としては Ugak の仕事の方がきっと楽しいと思うけれど。
FormID: 0119C5ED 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 True... although I have spent more time at Two Sister's Lodge - Mog is such a sweetheart.
__そうね…。まぁ、私は Two Sister's Lodge の方に行きつけだったけれど。 Mog はとても素敵な人よ。
FormID: 0119C5EE 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Well, she isn't exactly sweet-tempered... I happened to say [QUOTE]By the Gods[QUOTE] when she was around and I swear she looked as if she was going to bite me.
FormID: 0119C5EF 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I once saw her chasing Gunder all the way down the main street. I wonder if he had been talking about Gods - or if he had tried to kiss her.
__大通りで Gunder が彼女に追いかけてられているのを見たことがあるわ。彼女に神様の話をしようとしたからか、それともキスを迫ったからか、私には分からないけれど。
FormID: 0119C5F0 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 I just wish he would stop flirting with the ladies. Once, I got so mad at him that I smacked his face. Believe me, it was well deserved!
FormID: 0119C5F1 1emmQuest1 SkingradNQDResponses 0 Yes, Colovian Traders is one of the best shops in all Cyrodiil. I just wish it was possible to talk to Gunder in a normal way, without him flirting.
__ええ、 Colovian Traders は Cyrodiil でも上位に入るお店なのは確かよ。 Gunder がちょっかいをかけて来ないで、普通に話し合い出来れば良いのだけれど。