FormID: 0101FBF9 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 2 Vivec, where I used to live with my sister, is a strange city, built on platforms in the water. We stayed in the Foreign Quarter area.
FormID: 0101FBF9 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 3 There, strangers are welcome, also outlanders! Else, the residents can be a bit... less happy... about having Cyrodiil people around.
__そこでは初めての人でも異国人でも歓迎されるのよ! 他には、そこの居住者は… Cyrodiilの人々と比べちゃうと… ちょっとだけ幸せは少ないかもね。
FormID: 0101FBF9 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 4 The nature is very special in Morrowind. There are swamp trees, grasslands and the powerful sandstorms of the Red Mountain.
__Morrowindの自然は特別なの。湿地帯の木々、草原やRed Mountainのすごい砂嵐とかね。
FormID: 0101FBF9 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 5 Morrowind isn't as pretty as Cyrodiil, but it has other qualities. It's wild... it's beautiful... One has to go there and experience it to understand
__MorrowindはCyrodiilほどすてきじゃないわ、でも、それにはまた別の良さがあるの。野性的で… 美しくて… 実際に体験してみないと、わからないかもね。
FormID: 0101FBF9 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 6 I think you would love it - you seem to be the right kind of person to fit in there instantly.
FormID: 0101FBF8 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 0 Have you seen that waterfall close to the road between the Imperial City and Cheydinhal?
__Imperial CityとCheydinhalの間の街道の近くで、滝を見たことある?
FormID: 0101FBF8 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 1 There's a hill with a cave at the top of it, and there are often minotaurs in the area. Do you know that place?
FormID: 0101FBF8 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 2 I think it's one of the prettiest places in Cyrodiil. If I decide to settle here, I'd like to own a house there some day.
FormID: 0107A018 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 0 One thing I enjoy here in Cyrodiil is to be able to swim in the waters. That for sure was no joy in Solstheim! The water was icy!
__ここCyrodiilで楽しいことの一つは、泳げることね。Solstheimでは泳ぎは楽しくなかったよ! 水がとっても冷たいの!
FormID: 0107A018 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 1 I just wish there hadn't been so many slaughterfishes. I find them horrible!
FormID: 0107A018 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 2 There is like a little pond outside Skingrad. Bathing there is very nice! We should do that from time to time, you know!
__Skingrad郊外には小さな池みたいなのがあるね。水浴びするのにすごくいいの! たまには水浴びしに行ってみようよ、ねっ!
FormID: 0101FBF1 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 0 Actually, there's something I'd like to ask you instead: Am I a burden to you? I mean, do you find me useful? Do you enjoy my company?
__実は、代わりに聞きたいことがあるの。私、お荷物になってないよね? いやそのぉ、あなたの役に立ってるかな? 一緒にいて楽しいよね?
FormID: 0107A016 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 0 You know, rather than becoming an alchemist, I would like to work with animals. I wonder if I could work as a horse whisperer?
FormID: 0107A016 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 1 I am quite good with my horse Bruse, you see. And my wolf Hagbard and I were a great team!
FormID: 0107A016 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 2 Maybe I could learn how to make potion that would cure sick animals? I think I would love that!
__もしかしたら、動物の病気を治すポーションの作り方を覚えられるかもね? そうなったらいいな!
FormID: 0101FBEB 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 0 I've never been a very good alchemist, to be honest. My mother taught both me and my sister, but my sister was so much more talented than I.
FormID: 0101FBEB 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 1 You know, since you and I started to travel together I have discovered something - I'm actually quite a good fighter. Don't you think so, too?
__でも、あなたと一緒に旅を始めてから、分かったことがあるの… 私、実はかなり戦士向きよね。ねっ、そう思うでしょ?
FormID: 0101FBEA 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 0 I think you probably already know me better than anyone else... I'm a bit embarrassed over what I last said to you.
__あなたは、他の誰よりも私のことを既に知っていると思うの… 最後にあなたへ言ったことで、少し困っているの。
FormID: 0101FBEA 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 1 I mean... I wouldn't ever want to be a burden to you. If you want to leave, it is up to you, really. But I do want us to stay together!
__っというか… あなたのお荷物になりたくないの。もし、いなくなって欲しいなら、実際に決めるのはあなた次第よ。でも、あなたと一緒にいたいの!
FormID: 0101FBE5 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 0 It's strange... For such a long time, I have been homesick. I have longed to go back to Morrowind, I have longed for my friends and my sister.
__ヘンだなぁ… 長い間ずっとホームシックなの。Morrowindへ戻りたいなぁ。友達や姉に会いたいなぁ。
FormID: 0101FBE5 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 1 I wanted to go home, but I was ashamed... I left my sister and ran off to Cyrodiil like an idiot, for the sake of a man who didn't really love me.
__以前は家に帰りたくても、恥ずかしくてできなかった… 私は後先考えずに、姉を置き去りにしてCyrodiilへ逃げてきたのよ、本当は私を愛していない男のためにね。
FormID: 0101FBE5 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 2 Strangely, things have changed now... Since I met you, I no longer feel like a lonely and homesick outcast.
__不思議なことに、変わったわ… あなたと出会ったことで、もう寂しく故郷を恋しがる追放者のような気持ちでは無くなったの。
FormID: 0101FBE5 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 3 You have made me see Cyrodiil with new eyes. I have started to appreciate the beauty and atmosphere of this country.
FormID: 0101FBE5 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 4 To be honest... I am so glad that you are here with me. And I hope that our friendship will last for a very long time to come.
__正直なところ… あなたが一緒に居てくれて嬉しいの。私たちの友情が末永く続くといいね。
FormID: 01072B7D 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 0 When I was a kid, my friends used to tease me and call me Vilja the Stomper! They claimed it was because I always made so much noise!
__子供の頃、私は友達からドタバタのViljaと呼ばれて、からかわれてたの! いつも騒がしいから、そう呼ぶんだってみんな言い張るのよ!
FormID: 01072B7D 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 1 I suppose they were right! I was clumsy - but it was because my feet were so big! When I was nine, I had as big feet as my mom.
__でも、正解だったかもね! 私はドタバタだったけど、それは足がとても大きかったからよ! 9歳の頃、うちのお母さんと同じくらい足が大きかったから。
FormID: 01072B7D 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 2 But luckily that changed... my feet stopped growing, and the rest of me started to grow instead. I don't think I have that big feet today. Do you?
__でも変わったからラッキーだったわ… 足の成長が止まり、代わりに他の部分が成長し始めたの。今では足は大きくないと思うのよ。でしょ?
FormID: 0107A017 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 0 I've never been very good at spellcasting, but during our time together, I have certainly practiced healing spells quite a lot!
FormID: 0107A017 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 1 At this point I am so good at it that I might even be able to heal you. We could try it some time if you like! Just tell me when you'd like my help.
__今はあなたを治癒できるかもしれないぐらい上達したよ。お望みなら、時にはやってあげるわ! 助けが欲しいときは言ってね。
FormID: 010724A8 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 0 I've always loved animals. In Solstheim, I had a tame wolf, Hagbard. I got him already when he was a little puppy.
FormID: 010724A8 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 1 You see, my father had been out hunting, and then he found both Hagbard and his mom in a trap-hole. His mom was badly injured, dad had to shoot her.
FormID: 010724A8 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 2 But little Hagbard was not injured at all. So, he brought the puppy home with him. Oh, how I adored him! He was so tiny, I had to feed him with milk.
__でも、Hagbardの方はほとんど傷付いてなかったの。それでお父さんは家に連れて帰ってきたの。えぇ、それで私Hagbardがかわいくなっちゃって! 身体がすごく小さかったので、ミルクを与える必要があったわ。
FormID: 010724A8 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 3 But he grew fast, and as he got older, he became my steady companion. Wherever I went, Hagbard was at my side.
FormID: 010724A8 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 4 Then one day, when he was seven years old, he disappeared. I searched the forests for him for many, many days.
FormID: 010724A8 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 5 Finally, I found him. Dead. He had been shot with poisoned arrows. Oh, how I wish that I had found him earlier! Maybe I could have saved his life!
__やっとの思いで見つけたけど、すでに死んでたの。毒矢で撃たれてた。あぁ、もっと早く見つけていれば! きっと命を救えたはずなのに!
FormID: 010724A8 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 6 I never had another dog... well, wolf, I mean. As I told you, I moved with my sister to Vivec, and that's hardly a place for pets.
__それから犬を飼わなくなったの… そうね、オオカミもね。というか、前にも言ったけど、私は姉と共にVivecに移り住んだの。そこはペット向きじゃない所だったわ。
FormID: 010724A8 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 7 But if you would like the idea, I surely wouldn't mind having a dog or some other pet!
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 0 It does make a difference to have a horse, doesn't it? With Bruse, I have traveled over big areas in Cyrodiil.
__馬を持つと違うよね? 私はBruseとともにCyrodiil中を広く旅をしたの。
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 1 We left Anvil and traveled all the way to Chorrol. That's a nice place, don't you think so?
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 2 In Chorrol, I was hired by Rena and Rimaldus Bruiant to help them look after their dogs, Bailey and Kezune.
__あのね…Chorrolにいたときなんだけどね、私はRena Rimalus BruiantのところでBaileyとKezuneっていう犬の世話するために雇われたの。
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 3 Especially Bailey is a sweetheart! If you feed him with meat, he will bow to thank you! Kezune is a bit dumb - and drooling all the time!
__Baileyは特にとっても優しい子だったわ!餌をあげたらお辞儀してくれるぐらい! Kezuneは少し聞き分けのない子でずっとヨダレを垂らしていたわ。
__特にBaileyは優しい子だったわ! 肉をあげたらお辞儀してくれるぐらい! Kezuneは少し聞き分けのない子で、ずっとヨダレを垂らしていたわ。
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 4 Rena is spoiling them completely! Their food was better than ours! She could serve us sausage and potatoes, whereas the dogs...
__Renaはまったく犬を甘やかし過ぎ! 私達よりもずっと良いものを犬に食べさせていたのよ。ソーセージとポテトが私達の食卓に出てきたのね、そして犬の食卓は…
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 5 ...they got calf filet with herb sauce and mushrooms!
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 6 One day I couldn't resist any further... We had had potato soup for supper and the dogs were eating tournedous...
__ある日、もう我慢できなくなって… 私たちは夕食にポテトスープを飲んでるのに、犬は牛ヒレ肉ステーキを食べてたの…
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 7 When Rena wasn't looking, I snatched a slice of their food!
__Renaが目を逸らした隙に、一切れ [QUOTE]味見[QUOTE] させてもらったの!
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 8 That was however a mistake! The dogs started to bark angrily, and Rena instantly appeared. I was still chewing!
__これがとんだ大間違い! 犬が怒って吠え始め、Renaがすぐに気づいて、私の口にはまだ肉が!
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 9 Guess what happened? I got fired! For stealing dog-food! Isn't that ridiculous?
__どうなったと思う? 私クビになっちゃったのよ! ドッグフードの盗み食いで! 笑っちゃうでしょ?
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 10 After Chorrol, we continued to Cheydinhal. We took the road over Aleswell. From Aleswell, you get the most wonderful view over the city!
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 11 We continued to Cheydinhal - it's a pretty town, don't you think so! I worked for a little while at Newlands Lodge, but then I got restless.
__そして、Cheydinhalへと着いたけど、可愛らしい町ね、そう思うでしょ! 少しの間だけNewlands Lodgeで働いたけど、また旅をしたくなったわ。
FormID: 0105BAA7 1emmQuest1 4emmC1You 12 And then one day the letter from Melinda arrived, and I realized that I had to find a way to help her!