L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Dialogue/MG16Amulet_OW の変更点

FormID: 0000C08A	MG16Amulet	NecromancersAmuletTopic	0	Caranya insisted on removing it from the University. She said it posed a threat to the safety of the Imperial City.	
__Caranyaは、Universityにそれを置いておくべきでないと主張しておった。Imperial Cityの安全を脅かしかねないとな。	
FormID: 0000C08A	MG16Amulet	NecromancersAmuletTopic	1	While I do not doubt that she was right, I question whether her motives were genuine. She seemed all too eager to explore its power.	
FormID: 0000C08A	MG16Amulet	NecromancersAmuletTopic	2	I fear she is not safe from the minions of the King of Worms. She is at Fort Ontus; please, go there and return with the Amulet.	
__彼女がKing of Wormsの手先から狙われていることは必至だ。彼女はいまFort Ontusにおる。そこに行ってくれ。そして、アミュレットとともに彼女を連れて帰ってくれ。
__King of Wormsの手下が彼女の命を狙っているかも知れぬ。彼女はFort Ontusにおる。そこに向かい、Amuletを持ち帰ってくれ。
FormID: 0000C08A	MG16Amulet	NecromancersAmuletTopic	3	Help her to see that she should not use the weapons of the enemy, especially out of fear.	

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