L10N/Blood_and_Mud_Dirt_Deluxe_Anglais/1.0/Dialogue/BravilTravel の変更点

FormID: 0100EF58	BravilTravel	GREETING	0	Captain Ansol, and this is my first mate Hewie. 	
__Captain Ansolだ。そしてこいつが、一番の相棒であるHewieだ。
FormID: 0100EF74	BravilTravel	GREETING	0	At your service, princess.	
FormID: 0100EF64	BravilTravel	GREETING	0	Your highness?	
FormID: 0100EF67	BravilTravel	GREETING	0	In the need of a hand?	
FormID: 0100EF5B	BravilTravel	GREETING	0	Looks like you caught some heat, huh?	
FormID: 0100EF75	BravilTravel	GREETING	0	Ansol, I am captain of the [QUOTE]Flying Falcon[QUOTE].	
__[QUOTE]Flying Falcon[QUOTE]の船長、Ansolだ。
FormID: 0100EF78	BravilTravel	GREETING	0	So where is the profit in this?	
FormID: 01010710	BravilTravel	GREETING	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100CD08	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	(Pfeifen)	
FormID: 0100EF81	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	Are you done?	
FormID: 0100EF5A	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	You seem to be in some trouble?	
FormID: 0100EF7C	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	(pfeifen)	
FormID: 0100EF77	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	Are your done?	
FormID: 0100EF77	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	Are your done?
FormID: 0100EF61	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	Hewie! I told you a thousand times, that you should not leave the whip on the deck!	
FormID: 0100EF69	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	Hand me the hydro-screwdriver to ease the mooring-junction of the sail-suspension.	
FormID: 0100EF6D	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	I don't know, what do you think? A princess and a guy like me?	
FormID: 01013C27	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	Loose the mooring, Hewie! You forgot the mooring!  	
FormID: 0100F4F3	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100F503	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100F50E	BravilTravel	HELLO	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF59	BravilTravel	GOODBYE	0	At your service, princess.	
FormID: 0100EF76	BravilTravel	GOODBYE	0	Your highness.	
FormID: 0100EF63	BravilTravel	GOODBYE	0	(whistles)	
FormID: 0100EF62	BravilTravel	GOODBYE	0	Let me know if you ever need a fast ship again.	
FormID: 0100F500	BravilTravel	GOODBYE	0	So Hewie. Set sails home!	
FormID: 01013C25	BravilTravel	GOODBYE	0	Set sail! Hands to braces! Go and haul to run free.	
FormID: 01013C26	BravilTravel	GOODBYE	0	No! That's no leak that's part of the cooling-system. 	
FormID: 0100F501	BravilTravel	GOODBYE	0	(...)	
FormID: 01013C24	BravilTravel	GOODBYE	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF55	BravilTravel	INFOGENERAL	0	So if you come across an old mage, accompanied by a small blond Breton-boy, always talking about such a, kinda, hokey prophecy...	
FormID: 0100EF73	BravilTravel	INFOGENERAL	0	I use these compartments for smuggling. And already smuggled myself in them once.	
FormID: 0100EF70	BravilTravel	INFOGENERAL	0	I sailed from one side of Tamriel to the other, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there is any mystical predictable fate or 
FormID: 0100F512	BravilTravel	INFOGENERAL	0	A bounty hunter? Where?	
FormID: 0100F4F6	BravilTravel	INFOGENERAL	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100F4F9	BravilTravel	INFOGENERAL	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100F50A	BravilTravel	INFOGENERAL	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF6C	BravilTravel	SadGeneral	0	Hewie! I told you a thousand times, that you should not leave the whip on the deck!	
FormID: 0100F506	BravilTravel	SadGeneral	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF80	BravilTravel	FearGeneral	0	Yeah! And without a little less female advice we would have gone out there much faster.	
FormID: 0100F4FE	BravilTravel	FearGeneral	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF5C	BravilTravel	AngerReceive	0	A bounty hunter? Where?	
FormID: 0100F4F4	BravilTravel	AngerReceive	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF7B	BravilTravel	HappyReceive	0	Sometimes I amaze myself.	
FormID: 0100F504	BravilTravel	HappyReceive	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF6E	BravilTravel	SurpriseReceive	0	Yes, and you didn't had to pull out his arm of its socket. 	
FormID: 0100F508	BravilTravel	SurpriseReceive	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF6A	BravilTravel	FollowupNegative	0	Yeah, yeah, but don't tell anyone that we got a another leak. She can hold that together, too. We need some charters to pay Kurdan.	
FormID: 0100F4F5	BravilTravel	FollowupNegative	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF7A	BravilTravel	FollowupPositive	0	Then go and tell Kurdan-Gro-Garlan the Orc, that even I get boarded sometimes. 	
FormID: 0100F4FF	BravilTravel	FollowupPositive	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF57	BravilTravel	AnswerNegative	0	I go for sure not into these waters!	
FormID: 0100F4F8	BravilTravel	AnswerNegative	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF6B	BravilTravel	AnswerPositive	0	I don't know, what do you think? A princess and a guy like me?	
FormID: 0100F4FB	BravilTravel	AnswerPositive	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF66	BravilTravel	AnswerStatus	0	It's not my fault that we are stuck here.
FormID: 0100F4FC	BravilTravel	AnswerStatus	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100F523	BravilTravel	NeutralReceive	0	Stop howling you walking carpet and set sail.	
FormID: 0100F524	BravilTravel	NeutralReceive	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF60	BravilTravel	Question	0	Stop howling you walking carpet and set sail.	
FormID: 010380FF	BravilTravel	Question	0	Hey, Hewie? What is this whip doing here?	
FormID: 01038100	BravilTravel	Question	0	A bounty hunter? Where?	
FormID: 01038101	BravilTravel	Question	0	So who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him? By all gods-sake that wasn't me.	
FormID: 0100F4F7	BravilTravel	Question	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF65	BravilTravel	CurrentEventsResponses	0	Listen. I have got a lot of work to do! 	
FormID: 0100F502	BravilTravel	CurrentEventsResponses	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF6F	BravilTravel	TamrielGateResponses	0	Hand me the hydro-screwdriver to ease the mooring-junction of the sail-suspension.	
FormID: 0100F509	BravilTravel	TamrielGateResponses	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF5E	BravilTravel	BookResponses	0	Yeah, yeah I know. My lack of faith in that [QUOTE]prophecy[QUOTE] is disturbing. You already sound like that old man.	
FormID: 0100F4FA	BravilTravel	BookResponses	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF5F	BravilTravel	CreatureResponses	0	Mudcrabs! I won't let them rip her apart after I've fixed everything!	
FormID: 0100F511	BravilTravel	CreatureResponses	0	Mudcrabs! I won't let them rip her apart after I've fixed everything!	
FormID: 0100F4FD	BravilTravel	CreatureResponses	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100F510	BravilTravel	CreatureResponses	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF7F	BravilTravel	MQ00NineDivinesResponse	0	Hand me the hydro-screwdriver to ease the mooring-junction of the sail-suspension.	
FormID: 0100F50B	BravilTravel	MQ00NineDivinesResponse	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF7D	BravilTravel	MQ00MythicDawnResponse	0	I have really a bad feeling about this.	
FormID: 0100F50D	BravilTravel	MQ00MythicDawnResponse	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF5D	BravilTravel	MQ00EmperorResponse	0	And I don't care for the [QUOTE]rebellion[QUOTE] against the empire. That's not courage, that's suicide!	
FormID: 0100F507	BravilTravel	MQ00EmperorResponse	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100EF7E	BravilTravel	MQ00KvatchResponse	0	Are you done?	
FormID: 0100EF7E	BravilTravel	MQ00KvatchResponse	0	Are you done?
FormID: 0100F50C	BravilTravel	MQ00KvatchResponse	0	(...)	
FormID: 0100CD06	BravilTravel	BravilTravel1	0	She is fast enough for you Kid. So what's your heading?	
FormID: 0100EF68	BravilTravel	BravilTravel1	0	Fast ship? You've never heard of the FlyingFalcon? It's the ship that made the Niben-Run in less than twelve hours. 	
FormID: 0100EF71	BravilTravel	BravilTravel1	0	What's the cargo?	
FormID: 0100EF82	BravilTravel	BravilTravel1	0	[QUOTE]She[QUOTE], kid, does the trip from Anvil to Bravil in three and a half hours. 	
FormID: 0100EF72	BravilTravel	BravilTravel1	0	Fast enough for you, princess. And where are, your worshipfulness, heading? 	
FormID: 0100EF53	BravilTravel	BravilTravel1	0	Sorry, sister. I only move for Bravilians through that gate there. 	
FormID: 0100EF54	BravilTravel	BravilTravel1	0	Sorry, boy. But I have taken enough heat lately by some foreigners. Now we only set sail for Bravilians.	
FormID: 0100CD07	BravilTravel	BravilTravel2	0	That [QUOTE]junk[QUOTE], mate, does make point five beyond the speed of wind -  and  I've added her some special modifications.  Like, 'black sails'. 	
FormID: 0100EF79	BravilTravel	BravilTravel2	0	If your highness is not satisfied with our local cabin-comfort. It would be pleasure to lead her to our special escape exit for special passengers.	
FormID: 0100EF83	BravilTravel	BravilTravel2	0	No listen here! That [QUOTE]junk[QUOTE] is probably the fastest ship you can get for gold in this part of Tamriel.  	
FormID: 0100CD04	BravilTravel	BravilTravelIC	0	Aye, captain.	
FormID: 0100CD05	BravilTravel	BravilTravelAnvil	0	If I have to, I sail you directly into Molag Mar's private Oblivion space.	
__できることなら、Molag Marの支配するOblivionの領域に乗せて行ってやりたいが。
FormID: 0100F005	BravilTravel	BravilTravilCheydinal	0	Great. That  means draught. If it gets thin beneath her nose, you can already prepare yourself for giving us a push. 	
FormID: 01013C21	BravilTravel	BravilTravilCheydinal	0	Great. That  means draught, your worship. If it gets thin beneath her nose, you can already prepare yourself for giving us a push. 	
FormID: 0100F008	BravilTravel	BravilTravelBravil	0	This route I do blindfolded.	
FormID: 0101070F	BravilTravel	BravilTravelNoTravel	0	(...)	
FormID: 01013C20	BravilTravel	BravilTravelBruma	0	I would suggest you take that [QUOTE]Flying Falcon[QUOTE] thing more literarily .	
__[QUOTE]Flying Falcon[QUOTE]ったって、マジに飛ぶわけじゃないんだが。
FormID: 01013C23	BravilTravel	BravilTravelLeyawin	0	Listen, she is a high-sea freighter, and not a little speed-boat for local swamp trips.	

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