L10N/Windfall/1.0/QuestStages/WFMQ12S のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 01051157	WFMQ12S	0	0	
FormID: 01051157	WFMQ12S	10	0	Are the Knights committing murder?  I haven't seen any evidence of it. I do know of a few that can be put at the Righteous's doorstep.  And Elvetta must surely know more than she says about this ring.  If it's from a victim of a Knight's assassination how come she has it?  Am I missing something here? But for now, I need to place that ring in Ophia's jewelry box. I will need Ophia's necklace which should be in the box as well. Once done, I should leave Ophia's the way I found it. 
__Knightsによる殺人?そんな話は聞いた覚えがない。彼女が話している指輪についてはElvetta自身が一番良く知っているようだ。それが騎士たちの引き起こした暗殺による犠牲者の持っていた指輪だとしても、何故それを彼女がもっている?私は何か見落としているのだろうか?だが今、私がやるべきことはOphiaのjewelry boxにそれを入れてくることだ。さらにOphia's necklaceをそこから持ってきて言われた場所においてこなければならない。
FormID: 01051157	WFMQ12S	100	0	
FormID: 01051157	WFMQ12S	20	0	This looks like the necklace that Elvetta wanted me to take from Ophia and place in Lt. Glavin's Desk. His desk will be in the Legion Jail. Once the necklace is placed, I will need go to the Legion Headquarters and tell Sergeant Palentus Gravesius that I was a witness to one of the murders. 
__これがGlavin's Deskに入れてくるように言われた例のネックレスらしい。彼の机はLegion Jailにある。これを机に入れた後、Palentus Gravesius軍曹に殺人について報告しよう。
FormID: 01051157	WFMQ12S	30	0	I have filed my report with  Sergeant Palentus Gravesius. There is nothing more for me to do here. This will just have to run its course from this point on. I should report to Elvetta that I have done what she has asked. I hope this was the right thing to do, I still have my doubts about all of this.
FormID: 01051157	WFMQ12S	40	0	Something is amiss here. I just testified to witnessing a murder that took place before I arrived in Windfall. I am not even sure who was killed. It would be fair to say I have my doubts about this. Should I wonder how Elvetta obtained the jewelry that belonged to the victim? Or why this old murder is suddenly a priority? Or are these questions best left unasked? Each day I seem to have more questions about the Righteous. But, for now I think it best I prepare for this diplomatic mission. 
__Palentus Gravesius軍曹に殺人を目撃したと証言した。ここで私にできることはもうない。あとは自然にことが運ぶだろう。私がしたことをElvettaへ報告しに行くべきだ。いろいろと疑問は残っているが、これがよい行いであったことを祈るしかない。
FormID: 01051157	WFMQ12S	40	0	Something is amiss here. I just testified to witnessing a murder that took place before I arrived in Windfall. I am not even sure who was killed. It would be fair to say I have my doubts about this. Should I wonder how Elvetta obtained the jewelry that belonged to the victim? Or why this old murder is suddenly a priority? Or are these questions best left unasked? Each day I seem to have more questions about the Righteous. But, for now I think it best I prepare for this diplomatic mission.

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