L10N/Windfall/1.0/QuestStages/WFMQ06B のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	0	0	
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	10	0	Apparently Varo's Knights are having cash flow problems. Helena would like me to recover a gem called the Gorvette Diamond to help replenish the coffers. The diamond may be hidden in an old gem dealer's house west of the city on a small island. Sounds easy enough.
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	100	0	I have returned the diamond to Helena. Varo's Knights is now able to replenish its coffers. Actually by sounds of it, they can at least pay their bills. Helena would like to discuss my next job when I am ready.  
__どうやらVaro's Knightsは資金難に見舞われているようだ。Helenaは私に財源の補充のため、Gorvette Diamondと呼ばれる宝石の回収に手を貸して欲しいとの事だ。Diamondはこの小島の街から西の古い宝石商の家に隠されているらしい。とても簡単に思えるのだが。
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	20	0	Ranneice is asking me to find a fence. Although I'm not sure I should be helping a vampire, it's not entirely their fault they are that way. Besides, they seem nice enough. Now if I only knew where to find a fence on this island. 
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	20	1	Ranneice is asking me to find a fence. I'm sure I have heard a rumor somewhere in my travels. Narn, if I remember correctly. And he's on this island somewhere. I'd better seek him out. Although I'm not sure I should be helping a vampire, it's not entirely their fault they are that way. Besides, they seem nice enough. 
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	250	0	
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	30	0	Ranneice has suggested I talk to a man named Ozkar, currently living in Windfall. She is sure he will know where I can find a fence on Windfall. Aside from Renneice's request, which is likely to be information I may find useful as well.
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	40	0	Narn has agreed to sell the items for Ranneice.  
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	50	0	Ranneice is satisfied with the arrangements I have made with Narn on her behalf.
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	60	0	I like this even less. A vampire that is immune to the effects of sunlight would be a dangerous foe.  It is just as well they are almost human. Now where is there a gold mine?  It would be better if I don't have to go back to the mainland for it.
__気が進まない。日光への抵抗力を備えたvampireは敵に回すと恐ろしそうだ。ほとんど人間と同じだという言い方も出来るが。それにしてもgold mine(金鉱山)はどこだろうか?わざわざ本土まで戻る必要が無い事を祈りたい。
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	70	0	I have provided Rafeallius with the gold nuggets he requested. 
__Rafealliusの要求通り、gold nuggets(金塊)を渡した。
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	80	0	I have the key to a workshop in the basement. There is a small statue that will reveal a hidden chamber. Other than the workshop and the chamber I should not enter the other rooms. Unless of course, I fell like killing off these vampires after I have what I came for.
__地下のworkshop(工房)へ入る為の鍵を手に入れた。小さな彫像に触れるとhidden chamber(隠し部屋)が現れるという仕組みだ。workshopとhidden chamber以外の部屋へは立ち入るべきではない。目的の物を入手した後、ここのvampire達を退治したいというので無ければ。
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	80	1	I found a key on this Vampire's dead body. I must be to something important or he wouldn't have carried it with him. Hopefully whatever it unlocks will help me get to the Gorvette Diamond.
__vampireの死体から鍵を入手した。肌身離さず持っていた事から察するに、きっと重要なものなのだろう。これがGorvette Diamondを手に入れるなにかの手掛かりになれば良いと思う。
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	90	0	I have acquired the Gorvette Diamond. I should return to Helena now. 
__Gorvette Diamondを手に入れた。Helenaの元へ戻ろう。
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	100	0	I have returned the diamond to Helena. Varo's Knights is now able to replenish its coffers. Actually by sounds of it, they can at least pay their bills. Helena would like to discuss my next job when I am ready.  
__戻りHelenaにDiamondを渡した。Varo's Knightsは現在、財源を確保できた。実際、その事により、彼らは自分達の給料を少なくとも払う事が出来る。準備ができ次第、Helenaは次の仕事について話し合いたがっている。
FormID: 01050ED4	WFMQ06B	250	0

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