L10N/Windfall/1.0/QuestStages/WFMQ02B のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2)

FormID: 010504D6	WFMQ02B	0	0	
FormID: 010504D6	WFMQ02B	10	0	Volen has given me my next assignment. Apparently, some maidens were frightened by a goblin they ran across. I am to check their suspected lair, an old cave. Kill any goblins I come across, and return the Shaman's staff to Volen. Sounds easy enough. I just don't understand Volen though. Sending me to take care of this, I understand. After all, I am the new guy here. But he sounded like he couldn't wait to get rid of the maidens. Maybe if he had consoled them, he wouldn't be so serious.
__Volenから次の依頼を受けた。見たところ、何人かの少女たちがゴブリンどもに遭遇し怯えている。奴等のねぐらと思しき古びた洞窟を確認してこなければ。ゴブリンどもに会おうものなら皆殺し、また、もしShaman's staffを見つけたならVolenへ届けなければ。おそらくそう難しいことではないだろう。しかし、Volenの真意がわからない。この仕事自体をくれたのは、詰まる所私が新参者だからだろう。しかし、彼はどうやら彼女たちのことはどうでもよさそうだ。
FormID: 010504D6	WFMQ02B	100	0	
FormID: 010504D6	WFMQ02B	11	0	Volen has given me my next assignment. Apparently, some maidens were frightened by a goblin they ran across. I am to check their suspected lair, an old cave. Kill any goblins I come across, and return the Shaman's staff to Volen. Sounds easy enough. I just don't understand Volen though. Sending me to take care of this, I understand. After all, I am the new gal here. But he sounded like he couldn't wait to get rid of the maidens. Maybe if he had consoled them, he wouldn't be so serious.
__Volenから次の依頼を受けた。見たところ、何人かの少女たちがゴブリンどもに遭遇し怯えている。奴等のねぐらと思しき古びた洞窟を確認してこなければ。ゴブリンどもに会おうものなら皆殺し、また、もしShaman's staffを見つけたならVolenへ届けなければ。おそらくそう難しいことではないだろう。しかし、Volenの真意がわからない。この仕事自体をくれたのは、詰まる所私が新参者だからだろう。しかし、彼はどうやら彼女たちのことはどうでもよさそうだ。
FormID: 010504D6	WFMQ02B	20	0	I have the Shaman's staff. When I'm ready, I can return to Volen and collect the reward I have coming.
__Shaman's staffを手に入れた。Volenへこれを届けに行けば報酬をくれるだろう。
FormID: 010504D6	WFMQ02B	30	0	I have reported that the job was complete. I received a promotion along with my payment. Fortunately, I didn't get myself killed, that might have made Volen look bad. As if that would be the worst part of it. I simply don't know what to make of this guy. He seems to have the credentials, Legion background and all. Maybe he was hit in the head too many times, or maybe he is just incompetent. I'm not sure I could rely on him in a jam. Fortunately, I just need to get through this evaluation period.

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