L10N/Windfall/1.0/QuestStages/WFMQ01 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2)

FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	0	0	
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	10	0	I have been advised that Windfall is a divided city. Varo's Knights support the Count, Brend Varo, and control the wealthier area of the city. The Righteous are a rebellious faction that have control of the Slums. The Imperial Legion, separating the two groups, is patrolling the Commerce District. The Legion may be keeping the peace, but are likely causing a stalemate in the process. Either way, life in Windfall is liable to be easier if I can join one side or the other. But which one? And how?  
__Windfallの街は分断されているとの助言を受けた。Varo's KnightsはBrend Varo伯爵を助けながらwelthier area(富民街)の実権を握っている。Righteousはこれに反発している勢力でSlums(貧民街)を掌握している。そしてImperial Legionがこの2グループの間に入るかたちでCommerce District(商業区)の警備を行なっている。Legionは平和維持に一役買っているのかも知れないが、事態の膠着を招いているとの見方もできる。どちらのグループに加入するにせよ、Windfallで暮らす上での助けになる事は間違いないだろう。しかしどちらを選ぶべきだろうか?それにどうやったら加入できるのだろう?
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	100	0	
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	20	0	I have made a few inquires around town and discovered that I would have to deal with Volen Harbento in order to join Varo's Knights. Volen wants me to perform a task as [QUOTE]proof of sincerity[QUOTE] as he puts it. I will need to recruit another member in order to join the Knights. Seems to me Volen just wants someone to do his job for him.   
__街を尋ね歩いた結果、Varo's Knightsに加入するためにはVolen Harbentoと交渉しなければならない事が分かった。Volenからは仕事をこなして[QUOTE]誠意を示す[QUOTE]よう求められた。もう1人Knightsに加入するメンバーを勧誘しなければならないだろう。どうもVolenは自分の仕事を誰かに押し付けたいだけのようにも見えるのだが。
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	21	0	I have made a few inquires around town and discovered that I would have to deal with Volen Harbento in order to join Varo's Knights. Volen wants me to perform a task as [QUOTE]proof of sincerity[QUOTE] as he puts it. I will need to recruit two additional members in order to join the Knights. Perhaps I shouldn't have brought up his past that did seem to make things worse. But it does seem to me Volen just wants someone to do his job for him.
__街を尋ね歩いた結果、Varo's Knightsに加入するためにはVolen Harbentoと交渉しなければならない事が分かった。Volenからは仕事をこなして[QUOTE]誠意を示す[QUOTE]よう求められた。あと2人Knightsに加入するメンバーを追加で勧誘しなければならないだろう。彼の過去を詮索したのが不味かったようだ。しかしどうにもVolenは自分の仕事を誰かに押し付けたいだけのようにも見えるのだが。
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	22	0	The people I talked to indicated that The Righteous originate out of the Slums. In order to join them I need to prove to a Nord named Fiorde that I am worthy of membership. It actually doesn't seem too difficult a task. I simply need to find another person to join The Righteous as well. It seems something Fiorde should be doing himself. I guess he needs more time to brag about his past exploits.   
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	23	0	The people I talked to indicated that The Righteous originate out of the Slums. In order to join them I need to prove to a Nord named Fiorde that I am worthy of membership. I simply need to find two other people to join The Righteous as well. It seems something Fiorde should be doing himself. I guess he needs more time to brag about his past exploits.   
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	30	0	
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	31	0	I have made a few inquires around town and discovered that I would have to deal with Volen Harbento in order to join Varo's Knights. Volen wants me to perform a task as [QUOTE]proof of sincerity[QUOTE] as he puts it. It seems that Volen also needs more recruits. I will need to recruit another member in order to join the Knights. If everybody needs recruits so badly, it may not be all that easy to find them.    
__街を尋ね歩いた結果、Varo's Knightsに加入するためにはVolen Harbentoと交渉しなければならない事が分かった。Volenからは仕事をこなして[QUOTE]誠意を示す[QUOTE]よう求められた。Volenはより多くの志願者を必要としているようだ。もう1人Knightsに加入するメンバーを勧誘しなければならないだろう。皆がこれほど切実に求人を必要としているとするならば、そう簡単には行かないかも知れない。
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	32	0	I have made a few inquires around town and discovered that I would have to deal with Volen Harbento in order to join Varo's Knights. Volen wants me to perform a task as [QUOTE]proof of sincerity[QUOTE] as he puts it. It seems that Volen also needs more recruits. If everybody needs recruits so badly, it may not be all that easy to find them. And I will need to recruit two additional members in order to join the Knights. Perhaps I shouldn't have brought up his past that did seem to make things worse.
__街を尋ね歩いた結果、Varo's Knightsに加入するためにはVolen Harbentoと交渉しなければならない事が分かった。Volenからは仕事をこなして[QUOTE]誠意を示す[QUOTE]よう求められた。Volenはより多くの志願者を必要としているようだ。皆がこれほど切実に求人を必要としているとするならば、そう簡単には行かないかも知れない。あと2人Knightsに加入するメンバーを勧誘しなければならないだろう。彼の過去を詮索したのは良くなかったかもしれない。
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	33	0	The people I talked to indicated that The Righteous originate out of the Slums. In order to join them I need to prove to a Nord named Fiorde that I am worthy of membership. I simply need to find another person to join The Righteous. It seems that Fiorde also needs more recruits. Which is something Fiorde should be doing himself. I guess he needs more time to brag about his past exploits.   
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	34	0	The people I talked to indicated that The Righteous originate out of the Slums. In order to join them I need to prove to a Nord named Fiorde that I am worthy of membership. I simply need to find two other people to join The Righteous. It seems that Fiorde also needs more recruits. Which is something Fiorde should be doing himself. I guess he needs more time to brag about his past exploits. 
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	40	0	I have convinced someone else to join Varo's Knights. This should complete my initiation. I should report to Volen and confirm that I am now a member of Varo's Knights. Hopefully he will have some real work for me. 
__Varo's Knightsへの志願者を1人勧誘できた。これで加入手続は完了のはずだ。Volenに報告してVaro's Knightsの正式な団員としての資格を得た事を示そう。彼がもっと実のある仕事を提示してくれれば良いのだが。
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	41	0	I have convinced two people to join Varo's Knights. This should complete my initiation. I should report to Volen and confirm that I am now a member of Varo's Knights. Hopefully he will have some real work for me.
__Varo's Knightsへの志願者を2人勧誘できた。これで加入手続は完了のはずだ。Volenに報告してVaro's Knightsの正式な団員としての資格を得た事を示そう。彼がもっと実のある仕事を提示してくれれば良いのだが。
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	42	0	I have convinced someone else to join The Righteous. This should complete my initiation. I should report to Fiorde and confirm that I am now a member of The Righteous. Hopefully he will have some real work for me. 
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	43	0	I have convinced two people to join The Righteous. This should complete my initiation. I should report to Fiorde and confirm that I am now a member of The Righteous. Hopefully he will have some real work for me.
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	50	0	I have reported to Volen Harbento that I have completed the recruiting he had asked of me. I am now a member of Varo's Knights. As such, I should be accepted in Windfall's Wealthy Section. At first glance the Knights seem like any other organization. Nothing of note yet, except maybe Volen himself. He seems, shall we say, interesting. Maybe I just need to get to know him. Volen has a new assignment for me. He probably needs someone to pick up an order of take-out slaughterfish.
__Volen Harbentoに新人勧誘の仕事が終わった旨を報告した。これで私は晴れてVaro's Knightsの一員となったのだ。つまり、WindfallにおいてはWealthy Section(富裕街)の側に属する事となる。一見したところKnightsはありふれた組織のようで特におかしな点も見受けられない。ただ、Volen自身の人となりを除いては…。彼は、何と言うか…変わった人物だ。もっと彼の事を知る必要がありそうだ。あと、Volenからは新しい依頼を受けた。slaughterfish(殺人魚)を出前してくれる人手が必要との事だが、はて?
FormID: 010503CC	WFMQ01	51	0	I have reported to Fiorde Club-Fist that I have completed the recruiting he had asked of me. I am now a member of The Righteous. As long as I am, the people living in Slums will welcome me as one of their own. The Righteous seem like any other organization. Nothing really stands out, good or bad. Fiorde is not quite what I expected for a rebel. Maybe I just don't know him yet. Fiorde has a new assignment for me.
__Fiorde Club-Fistに新人勧誘の仕事が終わった旨を報告した。これで私は晴れてRighteousの一員となったのだ。Slumsの人々は私を家族のように暖かく迎え入れてくれる事だろう。Righteousはありふれた組織のようで、特に長所や短所があるという事は無いように見える。Fiordeも噂ほどには破天荒な男ではないようだ。彼の事はまだあまり知らないので何とも言えないが。ともあれ、まずは新しい仕事の依頼を聞いてみよう。

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