L10N/Windfall/1.0/Dialogue/WFWindfallNQD-02 のバックアップソース(No.4)

FormID: 0105004B	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	4	If anyone else had any doubts about Acretia's story, they never said anything to me. Nor sould they, I am just a servant.	
FormID: 0105004B	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	5	It wouldn't have mattered that night anyway. Brend and Stilus simply had to be separated for awhile. 	
FormID: 0105004C	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	0	I have told you all I know. Please stop asking.	
FormID: 0105004E	WFWindfallNQD	WFBrend	0	Brend is a fool. The man has no idea how to run a city like Windfall. He just sits in his castle and drinks with his cronies.	
FormID: 0105004E	WFWindfallNQD	WFBrend	1	He shows no consideration for, or interest in, the people who work and live in this city. We are nothing but dung to him.	
FormID: 0105004E	WFWindfallNQD	WFBrend	2	He shows us no respect. No interest in our well-being, or our living conditions. All he is interested in is raising our taxes. 	
FormID: 0105004F	WFWindfallNQD	WFBrend	0	Brend was Alconius' eldest son, and rightful heir to the throne of Windfall. He is a brilliant commander and master of arms.	
FormID: 0105004F	WFWindfallNQD	WFBrend	1	If the scum in the Slums would only show their faces, I am sure we would have no problem ending the trouble in the Slums. 	
FormID: 0105004F	WFWindfallNQD	WFBrend	2	Why won't the Legion help us? Maybe if the Signet Ring surfaces, then the Legion would have to join us. Wouldn't they?    	
__なぜLegionは私たちに協力してくれないのでしょう?Signet Ringの事が公になれば、Legionは私たちに加わらなければならないでしょう。違いますか?
__なぜLegionは我々に協力してくれないのでしょう?印章指輪(Signet Ring)の件が公になれば、Legionとて我々を支持せざるをえない。そうではありませんか?
FormID: 01050050	WFWindfallNQD	WFBrend	0	Brend was Alconius' eldest son, and head of the Varo family. Brend is struggling with his new responsibilities, but it's not all his fault.	
__BrendはAlconiusの長男であり、Varo familyの当主です。彼は新たな責務と戦っていますが、それが全て彼のせいであると言うわけではありません。
FormID: 01050050	WFWindfallNQD	WFBrend	1	Alconius died unexpectedly and Brend wasn't prepared to take his father's place. If Alconius was alive to advise him things might be better.	
FormID: 01050050	WFWindfallNQD	WFBrend	2	Maybe he just needs time to develop his skills. Or maybe he should have kept his father's advisors, instead of replacing them.	
FormID: 01050050	WFWindfallNQD	WFBrend	3	Or maybe he is just an idiot, but I would never say that.	
FormID: 01050052	WFWindfallNQD	WFStilus	0	Stilus was nice enough, I guess. Likeable sort. I never had any problem with him. But what difference does it make. 	
FormID: 01050052	WFWindfallNQD	WFStilus	1	He could be the nicest guy on the face of Tamriel; it wouldn't change the fact that the Castle staff works for the head of the family.	
FormID: 01050052	WFWindfallNQD	WFStilus	2	That is Brend, not Stilus. Besides, Stilus was exiled. He hasn't been heard from since. Why are we wasting our time on this conversation? 	
FormID: 01050053	WFWindfallNQD	WFStilus	0	Too bad he isn't around anymore. Stilus would have been good for Windfall. He had all the makings of a good leader.	
FormID: 01050053	WFWindfallNQD	WFStilus	1	Stilus spent a lot of time among the people. He always had a helping hand and a kind word. He really cared about the people.	
FormID: 01050053	WFWindfallNQD	WFStilus	2	Occasionally he would stop by The Thirsty Peasant and buy us a round after the ships were unloaded.   	
__彼は時折、船から荷が降ろされた後、Thirsty Peasantに立ち寄り、皆に1杯おごっていました。
FormID: 01050055	WFWindfallNQD	WFAlconius	0	Alconius was a great Count. He didn't just rule Windfall, he loved it. He took pride in everything he did. 	
FormID: 01050055	WFWindfallNQD	WFAlconius	1	Alconius had a way of inspiring the people around him to be better citizens. It came naturally to him, never forced or faked. 	
FormID: 01050055	WFWindfallNQD	WFAlconius	2	He always put the needs of the city above his own. Leaders like that are rare. He will be missed. 	
FormID: 01050056	WFWindfallNQD	WFAlconius	0	Alconius was a good and kind ruler. There were never any real problems while he was Count. The city was very peaceful.	
FormID: 01050056	WFWindfallNQD	WFAlconius	1	The streets were always bustling with activity. The shops were always busy, ships always coming to and from the docks. 	
FormID: 01050056	WFWindfallNQD	WFAlconius	2	It was a shame when he died, Alconius will be missed.	
FormID: 01050057	WFWindfallNQD	WFAlconius	0	Now there was a leader, a true man of the people. I bet he knew every single person in this city, and everyone liked him.	
FormID: 01050057	WFWindfallNQD	WFAlconius	1	Station made no difference to him. He was as comfortable drinking ale with the peasants as he was sipping fancy wine with the nobles.	
FormID: 01050057	WFWindfallNQD	WFAlconius	2	He treated everyone fairly. He paid a good wage for a good job. He helped out his people when they were struggling. 	
FormID: 01050057	WFWindfallNQD	WFAlconius	3	He would send his personal healer if he heard someone was sick. There was no better ruler in all Tamriel. 	
FormID: 01050057	WFWindfallNQD	WFAlconius	4	It was a sad day when he passed. Too bad his son turned out to be a pile of horse dung. 	
FormID: 010502A2	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	0	They are Brend's supporters. Most of the town's officials are members of that group, as I am sure, some of the city's guards are members.	
__彼らはBrendの支持者です。街の職員の大部分はそのグループのメンバーで、何人かのcity guardもメンバーだと確信しています。
FormID: 010502A3	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	0	They are Brend's friends. Basically his drinking buddies. They weren't really a formal group until the peasants became organized.	
FormID: 010502A4	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	0	We are Varo's Knights. Also called the Knights of Varo. Brend's Friends if you would like. But my personal favorite is Brend's Merry Men.	
__私達はVaro's Knights。またはKnights of Varoと呼ばれています。望むならBrendの友人になれます。ですが個人的に好きなのはBrendの飲み仲間です。
FormID: 010502A4	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	1	We are the supporters of Brend Varo, the rightful heir to Count Alconius, and ruler of Windfall.	
__私たちはBrend Varoの支持者であり、Count Alconiusの正当な後継者であり、Windfallの統治者です。
FormID: 010502A5	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	0	Once the rebellion started, the City Guard weren't ready to handle the situation on their own. 	
__一度rebellionが始まると、City Guardは独力で状況を把握する準備が出来ていませんでした。
FormID: 010502A5	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	1	They tried, but they aren't soldiers. They mostly walk the streets, guard the castle, and arrest the occasional drunk. 	
FormID: 010502A5	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	2	It was Varo's Knights that stepped up and protected us. They are the ones who have really kept us safe.	
__私たちを守り、強大になったのはVaro's Knightsでした。彼らが本当の私たちの安全を守った人です。
FormID: 010502A6	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	0	With such a pretty name, they almost sound official don't they? They are nothing but self appointed hatchet men. 	
FormID: 010502A6	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	1	Just let them show their faces around here. We'll teach them a thing or two. 	
FormID: 010502A7	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	0	Half the problem, if you ask me. If these groups would just stop killing each other, then there would be no more killing. 	
FormID: 010502A7	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	1	But I guess that just makes too much sense.	
FormID: 010502A8	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	0	We are not involved in Windfall's politics. The Legion is just here to keep the peace. But they are one of the groups we are keeping an eye on.	
FormID: 010502A9	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	0	I am just here to keep the peace.	
FormID: 010502AA	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	0	Half the problem, if you ask me.	
FormID: 010502AB	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	0	Thugs, that's what they are. They call themselves knights, but there is nothing knightly about Brend's brutes.  	
FormID: 010502AC	WFWindfallNQD	WFVKnights	0	Varo's Knights are the ones who have kept us safe. 	
__Varo's Knightsは私たちの安全を守った人です。
FormID: 010502AF	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	0	Interesting name, isn't it? In reality they're just a group of bandits and hoodlums. Nothing more than common criminals.	
FormID: 010502AF	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	1	And if that isn't bad enough, they fund their reprehensible group through smuggling and banditry.	
FormID: 010502AF	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	2	Do they really think they can justify their heinous acts with a flowery name?	
FormID: 010502B0	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	0	I am one of the Righteous. We will not allow ourselves to be mistreated anymore. Brend and his cronies have no right.	
FormID: 010502B0	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	1	All we ask for is a little respect. Alconius had no problem treating us fairly. But Brend, he treats us like pack mules.	
FormID: 010502B0	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	2	Well no more. I will help the Saint protect my people and my home by any means necessary. 	
FormID: 010502B1	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	0	Ever since the Saint organized them, the Righteous have defended us. Without them our lives would be miserable.	
FormID: 010502B1	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	1	Brend's cronies won't show their face around here again, not as long as they are around. 	
FormID: 010502B2	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	0	Half the problem, if you ask me. If these groups would just stop killing each other, then there would be no more killing. 	
FormID: 010502B2	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	1	But I guess that just makes too much sense.	
FormID: 010502B3	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	0	We are not involved in Windfall's politics. The Legion is just here to keep the peace. But they are one of the groups we are keeping an eye on.	
FormID: 010502B4	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	0	I am just here to keep the peace.	
FormID: 010502B5	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	0	Half the problem, if you ask me.	
FormID: 010502B6	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	0	I will protect my people and my home by any means necessary.	
FormID: 010502B7	WFWindfallNQD	WFRight01	0	The Righteous are the source of all of Windfall's problems. They are nothing more than a group of miscreants. 	
FormID: 010502B9	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	0	Finding him is the key to ending this once and for all. Eliminate him and the rest of this rebellion will fall apart on its own.	
FormID: 010502B9	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	1	The problem is, no one seems to know who he is. Even the people we capture seem to have no idea who he really is.	
FormID: 010502B9	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	2	I am not sure what he is thinking. Even if he won this silly struggle, does he think that we would allow him to rule us? 	
FormID: 010502B9	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	3	That would never be permitted. The nobles would simply take their possessions and leave, rather than be ruled by a peasant. 	
FormID: 010502B9	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	4	As much as the peasants may hate us, they need us. But as for their leader, he is probably just plain crazy.	
FormID: 010502BA	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	0	He is our leader. I have never met him personally, and I'm not even sure who he is to be honest. But, he has made a real difference in our struggle.	
FormID: 010502BA	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	1	His identity must be kept secret. Because he is so important to our cause, Brend's brutes are constantly searching for him. 	
FormID: 010502BA	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	2	We owe everything to the Saint. Without him our struggle would have probably self-destructed in the first few months.	
FormID: 010502BB	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	0	I don't like this rebellion stuff, it's bad for business. But things were worse before the Saint, or more accurately, before the rumors about him.	
FormID: 010502BB	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	1	Originally the rebels were very disorganized, and self-destructive. They burned their food supplies to protest a food shortage.	
FormID: 010502BB	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	2	I hope they made their point, because the food shortage in the Slums certainly got worse. The early days were like that.	
FormID: 010502BB	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	3	Being an innocent bystander was very dangerous in those days. Then we started hearing rumors about this Saint.	
FormID: 010502BB	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	4	The next time there was a food shortage the food supplies in the Wealthy Section were stolen or destroyed. 	
__その次に食物不足があったとき、Wealthy Sectionの食物物資が盗まれた、もしくは破壊されました。
FormID: 010502BB	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	5	Now both sides shared in the food shortage. The riots, which had previously looked like bar brawls, are now organized raids.	
FormID: 010502BC	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	0	Officially, I have no opinion about the man. Personally, he certainly is interesting. But I know very little about him.	
FormID: 010502BC	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	1	Everyone knows of him, but no one has actually met him. His people seem loyal to him. He is crafty, intelligent, and dedicated.	
FormID: 010502BC	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	2	He took what was a disorganized group of protestors, and he has turned them into a challenge to Brend Varo's claim on Windfall.	
__彼は反抗者のまとまりのないグループであったものをまとめ、そして、彼らをWindfallのBrend Varoの権利に異議を唱える者へと変えました。
FormID: 010502BC	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	3	And since we were sent here to keep the peace, it must be a serious challenge. Yes, this Saint is no ordinary peasant. 	
FormID: 010502BD	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	0	I am just here to keep the peace	
FormID: 010502BE	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	0	I have never actually met him. But I am confident we will succeed because of him. 	
FormID: 010502BF	WFWindfallNQD	WFSaint	0	The leader of the peasants. What an uncouth brute. His mother must be very proud.	
FormID: 0105046B	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	I came to Windfall after I retired from the Imperial Legion. I heard they needed someone to help train the city guard.	
__Imperial Legionを引退したあと、Windfallに来ました。彼らがcity guardの訓練に役立つ者を必要としていると聞いたのです。
FormID: 0105046B	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	1	That is what I did with the Legion so I thought it would be perfect. I like it here. Windfall can be a fine city.	
FormID: 0105046B	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	2	Once peace is restored, Windfall will be proud city again. 	
FormID: 0105046C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	I came here from Skyrim. It seems a certain general didn't like the things I was doing with his daughter.	
FormID: 0105046C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	1	I guess it is a good thing he didn't know about his wife too. Considering the alternatives, Windfall seemed like a great idea.	
FormID: 0105046C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	2	I just came here because of the action. The rebellion had just started, and there were many opportunities for someone with my particular talents.	
FormID: 0105046C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	3	Back then there was no legion presence here. Without them, lawlessness reigned. There were riots, killings, and even full-scale street battles.	
FormID: 0105046D	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	I came here after I retired. I had made a career of, shall we say, liberating items from ungrateful owners.  	
FormID: 0105046D	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	1	Windfall is a nice city, especially for me. I can sit out all day and watch people concern themselves with petty matters.	

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