L10N/Windfall/1.0/Books/WFProclamationNQ15E のバックアップ(No.1)


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Know ye that I, Graccius, High Priest of Arkay, and as sanctioned by the Divine Tiber Septim in 3E 1, have sealed this desecrated cathedral and foul tomb of Bishop Hyreechus, to prevent the honorable burial of Hyreechus and to contain his profane menace within.<br>
Know also that Hyreechus has been charged and found guilty of heresy and crimes against Arkay and his church in the following manners:<br>
Hyreechus denounced his beliefs in Arkay and placed himself above Arkay and all the proper Gods in his mind and preachings.<br>
Hyreechus raised arms to do battle against and kill the priests, servants, and faithful followers of Arkay.<br>
Hyreechus knowingly and wrongly did research and foul experiments on the faithful servants of Arkay.<br>
Hyreechus practiced profane arts in direct contradiction to the laws of Arkay, his teachings, and his church.<br>
Know also that this foul place is to remain forever closed by the decree of Arkay and his church. Be forewarned that failure to heed this decree may again unleash Hyreechus?s profane menace upon the land, and condemn the entrant's eternal soul to damnation for all time.<br> 
So sayeth I, Graccius, High Priest of Arkay, on his behalf.<br>

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