L10N/Windfall/1.0/Books/WFIQLetter01E のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


// Format_ver:0.0.1 (2008-01-01)
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*題名 [#ab3076c7]
**原題 [#eaa870af]

**訳題 [#cbc6c1a2]

*本文 [#s5ad21f6]

**原文 [#text_en]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
<font face=5><br>
Hi Jude,<br>
    I hope this letter finds you safe. I just wanted to explain to you, why I left you and your mother. Your mother knows, but you should hear this from me. <br> 
    The farm was failing. I need to find money so I could take care of you and your mother. I came to the Imperial City looking for work. But alas, it looks like times are tough here as well. I have been trying my hand at adventuring. I have had some success, but barely enough to pay for my supplies. But that is about to change.<br>
    The other day I walking on the road that goes around the entire city, the rising sun was shining in my eyes. As I passed under the bridge to the Arcane University. I caught a glimpse of a cave off to my right. I almost missed it because it was down in a small basin. Once inside, I saw that it was full of goblins. I saw at least three, that?s more than I have ever seen at one time. I left quickly, but I am going back tomorrow with more equipment and more supplies. If I can?t sneak by the goblins, I can handle them as long as I can take them one at a time. I figure this cave must be full of treasure or Goblins wouldn?t risk living so close to the city like this. If I am right, this should take care of us for years. If not, I will keep trying. <br>
    The other day I walking on the road that goes around the entire city, the rising sun was shining in my eyes. As I passed under the bridge to the Arcane University. I caught a glimpse of a cave off to my right. I almost missed it because it was down in a small basin. Once inside, I saw that it was full of goblins. I saw at least three, that&#65533;s more than I have ever seen at one time. I left quickly, but I am going back tomorrow with more equipment and more supplies. If I can&#65533;t sneak by the goblins, I can handle them as long as I can take them one at a time. I figure this cave must be full of treasure or Goblins wouldn&#65533;t risk living so close to the city like this. If I am right, this should take care of us for years. If not, I will keep trying. <br>
    I love you, son. I will be back as soon as I can earn enough to save our farm.<br>
Your Father,<br>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。


<font face=5><br>
 農場の経営状況は厳しく、私がお前と母さんを養うには別の稼ぎ口を見つける必要があった。そこで仕事を求めてImperial Cityまでやって来たのだが、そうしたところで時間の無駄だったようだ。私は結局、冒険者として腕を振るっている。仕事をそれなりにこなすことで、かろうじて仕送りできるくらいには稼げている。またそれも変わりそうだが。<br>
 ある日、私は朝日の輝きを目に受けながら街の外周を歩いていた。Arcane Universityにかかる橋の下を通っていたときのことだ。右手のほうに洞穴を発見した。小さな窪地に位置していたので今まで見逃していたらしい。中には、Goblinが群れをなしていた。少なくとも三匹はいただろう。私が一度に遭遇したGoblinの数としては一番多い。すぐに私は引き返したが、明日、より強力な装備品や道具を備えてあの洞穴へと戻るつもりだ。仮に隠れて行動することができなくとも、Goblinなら一匹ずつ相手にすれば対処できるはずだ。あの場所には、きっと宝が満ちているに違いない。でなければ、Goblinどもがここまで都市近くに居を構えるという危険を冒すわけがない。私の考えが正しければ、これは年月をかけて解決すべきことだ。違っていたとしても、放ってはおけないだろう。<br>

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