L10N/Windfall/1.0/Books/WFHistoryWindfallv2 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*題名 [#w94c9ea0]
**原題 [#y99aac70]

**訳題 [#i8b3b657]

*本文 [#aad66078]

**原文 [#text_en]
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<DIV align="center">History of Windfall<br>
Part Two<br>
by Sarconius Allecius,<br>
Imperial Scribe and Historian<br>
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/s_61x62.dds" width=61 height=62>ince keeping an accurate collection of historiography wasn?t the primary concern on Windfall, although there?s every possibility they tried, but lack of developed paper or preservatives as used on mainland Cyrodiil meant that these records would never have survived. Little can be assessed regarding the history of Windfall from sources originating from the island, therefore sources in Cyrodiil have to be used to gain insight into the past. <br>
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/s_61x62.dds" width=61 height=62>ince keeping an accurate collection of historiography wasn&#65533;t the primary concern on Windfall, although there&#65533;s every possibility they tried, but lack of developed paper or preservatives as used on mainland Cyrodiil meant that these records would never have survived. Little can be assessed regarding the history of Windfall from sources originating from the island, therefore sources in Cyrodiil have to be used to gain insight into the past. <br>
After the refugees arrived on the island during the Great Thrassian Plague, the next reference to Windfall Island occurred after the first war with the Akaviri and the beginning of the Reman Dynasty in 2E2703. Emperor Reman I, much like the Alessian Priesthood before him, commissioned a report into what Cyrodiil could offer. The report came back once again including references to Windfall Island, specifically including details of the exodus by refugees to the island during the First Era. But the report was skeptical as to whether any succeed in arriving there. The following is an extract from this report, my thanks goes to scholar Norilar for allowing me access to this valuable resource:<br>
?Offshore territory to the West, which if your highness deemed as worthy could be included in the Empire, consists of various minor islands but also a relatively large island to the South of the Gold Coast, as of yet the island has no name and has never been occupied or explored by anyone currently in Cyrodiil. However, there is a possibility that the island is occupied as this was the target for the Western exodus of plague victims of First Era 1220. It is known that only a few, or none at all, of the refugees ships reached this island.?<br>
&#65533;Offshore territory to the West, which if your highness deemed as worthy could be included in the Empire, consists of various minor islands but also a relatively large island to the South of the Gold Coast, as of yet the island has no name and has never been occupied or explored by anyone currently in Cyrodiil. However, there is a possibility that the island is occupied as this was the target for the Western exodus of plague victims of First Era 1220. It is known that only a few, or none at all, of the refugees ships reached this island.&#65533;<br>
Emperor Reman did finance an exploration party to assess the potential wealth and habitability of Windfall Island and for the first time in several hundred years the islanders encountered other people from Cyrodiil. It is reported that initial meetings went well between the inhabitants and the visitors. The explorers noted a population of around 75 and a town of 24 homesteads, 3 farms, a church and various municipal structures. All in all, the islanders had established a self-sustaining town. The Emperor ordered the immediate occupation and consolidation of Windfall into the Empire, but stressed that sensitivity to the natives should be expressed, who for the most part welcomed outsiders, having not forgotten their roots. The Empire began converting Windfall Island into what we know of it today. First a small colony was built on a hill near the lagoon entrance, opposite the marshes. The first mine sprung up around Windfall Town and a small dock was built to facilitate the occupation of the island. <br>
The church sent a Bishop named Hyreechus to the marsh town in the hopes of eventually re-integrating them into the Empire. To further this end, the new colony adopted the marsh town?s emblem as the island symbol in a sign of peace and cooperation. But otherwise, the marsh town was left to it?s own devices.<br>
The church sent a Bishop named Hyreechus to the marsh town in the hopes of eventually re-integrating them into the Empire. To further this end, the new colony adopted the marsh town&#65533;s emblem as the island symbol in a sign of peace and cooperation. But otherwise, the marsh town was left to it&#65533;s own devices.<br>
As happens with sudden growth, trouble soon began. The first pirates began to appear. Preying on the constant shipping of supplies, the new colony needed to sustain its growth. This caused the growth of the colony to slow as needed supplies never made it to the island. Try as they might, the best the Imperial Navy could do was to limit the pirating. It was a problem they were never able to fully control. <br>
Perhaps even more problematic were the issues that developed with the marsh town. Hyreechus broke his sacred oath to convert the marsh town. This proved to be fatal for the marsh town. There are few records to indicate exactly what happened or why, but eventually the Imperial Legion was sent to raze the town and eradicate the inhabitants. After which the marshes were placed off limits and several forts were established to monitor activity in the marshes. It is hard to believe the Empire took such drastic action lightly, but with town destroyed and no outside records, one can only speculate as to its reasons.<br>
The colony continues it's growth toward its modern day version in Volume 3 of the series.<br>

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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<DIV align="center">History of Windfall(Windfallの歴史)<br>
Sarconius Allecius著<br>
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/s_61x62.dds" width=61 height=62>ince Windfall住民にとって最大の関心事は、正しい歴史記録を残す事ではなかった。そういった試みがなされた可能性を否定するわけではないが、Cyrodiil本土のように発達した製紙技術も防腐剤も無かった為、現存はしていないと思われる。島内で記述されたと推定しうる歴史的資料はほとんど存在しないので、Cyrodiilで作成された記録に頼り、過去を読み解いていかねばならないのだ。<br>
Great Thrassian Plague蔓延期の島への避難記録以後、帝国史上にWindfallの記述が現れるのはAkaviriとの最初の戦争が終わり、Reman Dynasty(Reman王朝)が2E2703年に勃興してからの事である。皇帝Reman I世はかつてのAlessian Priesthoodと同様、帝国臣民に各地の産物や資源を報告させたが、その中でWindfallへの言及がなされている。報告書にはFirst Eraの頃の移住船団の避難記録について詳細な記述が見られるが、これらの船が島へ無事到着したかどうかという点においては執筆者の懐疑的な立場が垣間見える。以下にこの報告書の一部を引用しよう。この貴重な資料の使用に許諾をくださったNorilar教授に感謝を。<br>
  −−−もしも閣下が西海の領土として小さな島々までも帝国領に編入する事に意義をお感じであるならば、Gold Coastを南下した先に比較的大きな島がございます。この名の無い島はCyrodiil人の誰もまだ探索しておらず、占有してもおりません。ただ、この島はFirst Era 1220年の大疫病のころ西の避難地として知られていた為、避難民の末裔がまだ暮らしている可能性はございます。避難船のうち無事に島へとたどり着いたのは良くて数隻との事で、もはや全滅していたとしてもおかしくはございませんが。−−−<br>
Reman帝はWindfall Islandの埋蔵資源と居住性を把握する為に調査団を派遣した。彼らはCyrodiilからの数百年ぶりの客人として島民たちに迎え入れられた。記録によると、彼らの最初の接触は好意的なものだったようだ。当時の島の人口は約75名。24の世帯が3つの農場と共に暮らしており、町には教会が一つと役場の建物が立ち並んでいた。ある種の自治集落を形成されていたのである。そして皇帝はWindfall島の速やかなる占領と帝国への編入を指示した。島民たちの心情的反発が予想されたが、大部分は自らの祖先の事を思ってか本土からの人々の移入を温かく迎えたという。そして、最初の小さなcolony(植民地)が湿地帯と逆側にある湖のほとりの丘の上に築かれた。次に鉱山がWindfall townの近くに開かれ、小さな波止場が建造された。島における帝国支配を促進する為であった。<br>
帝国教会は島民たちを帝国に再併合する為、Hyreechusという名の司教をmarsh town(湿地帯の町)に送り込んだ。またcolonyはこの目的のためmarsh townのシンボルをそのまま島のシンボルとして採用し、そこに平和と協調の意味を与えた。その一方で、marsh townは自活を強いられたままの状況が続いた。<br>
より頭を抱えたくなる問題は、marsh townに関する事であった。Hyreechusはついにmarsh townを改宗させるという当初の誓いを放り出してしまった。この事はmarsh townにとって致命的であった。当時の出来事及びその原因についての正確な記録はほとんど残っていないが、最終的にはImperial Legionが派遣され、町は壊滅し住民も皆殺しとなった。この出来事ののち、湿地帯は立入禁止区域となり、監視の為にいくつかの砦が築かれた。当時の帝国政府がこれほど過激な政策を取ったことに首を傾げざるを得ないが、町が壊滅し他に記録も残っていないため、我々には憶測以上の事ができない。<br>

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