L10N/Windfall/1.0/Books/WFHistoryWindfallv1 のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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**原文 [#text_en]
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<DIV align="center">History of Windfall<br>
Part One<br>
by Sarconius Allecius,<br>
Imperial Scribe and Historian<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/w_69x62.dds" width=69 height=62>indfall Island over the past Era has developed into a thriving community, a bustling town inhabited by individuals who show no sign of the harsh rugged temperament usually associated with island folk. It has grown into a town central to the economic well-being of Tamriel. The minerals from its mines and the ships from its docks can be seen all over Nirn, spreading a wealth few can believe comes from such a small island. What is most surprising is that until relatively recently, Windfall achieved much of this success without direction by the government of Cyrodiil. This has caused the image of Windfall?s wandering falcon to become synonymous with fortitude, strength and steadfast determination that few would deny. It also makes the history of Windfall an exciting read.<br>
Little is known about the history of Windfall Island during the First Era. A report was commissioned by the ruling power of this period, the Alessian Priesthood. The Priesthood desired to review all the land and resources available to control in Cyrodiil. This report contains a reference to a distant island south of the Gold Coast and modern day Anvil. Many scholars have assumed that this passage in the report alludes to Windfall Island. However the Alessian Priesthood felt that they should prioritize on securing resources on mainland Cyrodill and thus, for the mean time, effectively ignored the existence of the island. Even if they had wished to colonize this rather obscurely described island, the availability of only rudimentary shallow hull sailing vessels meant even reaching the island would have been a daunting task. Therefore, for many hundreds of years the island was left to the devices of nature and the wilderness. It can be assumed that at this time it was most likely inhabited primarily by wild animals such as those on the mainland and possibly also basic intelligent life such as Goblins. Even after the creation of deep water sailing ships an attempt to reach the island was never conducted. It is likely that the Alessian Priesthood did not want to contribute resources to a venture which they were unsure would yield any rewards. Instead they reminded potential migrants that their duty was to work the land and so ensured the populous remained tied to their monastic tenets.<br>
However in 1220 of the First Era an event occurred which would cause the history of Windfall Island to immediately jump start. This is the year of the Great Thrassian Plague, a lethal affliction that decimated much of the population of Tamriel. As this terrible disease spread West the inhabitants of the Gold Coast could see no reasonable avenue of escape and so they fled to their boats in an attempt to leave the cursed land of Cyrodiil behind. The Alessian Priesthood regime was effectively ended by the arrival of the plague. Since much of its rural work force fled or simply died in their fields, they could no longer forbid any attempt to reach the island haven. Although many ships departed from the docks of Cyrodiil, the Gods unleashed another deadly assault on the sailors. A plague of wind, sea, rain and thunder battered the doomed ships of the fleeing refugees, many ships were relatively large cogs and holks and unfortunately they presented succulent targets to the ocean?s rage. Eventually only one small fishing vessel managed to reach the safety of the island's shores. A ship which bore the symbol of an eagle against the sun on its sail and the name of ?Windfall? on its bow.<br>
Once again the history of Windfall becomes shrouded in uncertainties. It is not known how many refugees arrived on the Windfall, although for the size of the ship, a figure of around 15-20 is not entirely unreasonable considering the vast numbers of individuals wishing to flee. Basic records found in the dock administrative offices in Anvil have given historians a possible name for the captain of the Windfall, an individual named Falcedon Valeiu. When this name is cross referenced with the 1211 Alessian Census it reveals that Valeiu had no spouse, children or any immediate family and so it can be assumed he offered refugees passage on his ship.<br>
Upon reaching Windfall it can again be assumed they began building basic forms of shelter in the dense marsh area where the ship landed. It is known that the Windfall suffered irreparable hull damage while landing on the coast and so returning to Cyrodiil was, for the meantime, essentially impossible; however the islanders took the wreckage of the boat and built the first building of a town, a small but surprisingly elaborate chapel. Around this church a small community began to flourish and the seeds were planted in the form of these modest homesteads. The marshes offered everything the small struggling community needed to survive: wood for building, food, medicinal herbs, safety and protection from whatever roamed the island freely. In addition, it would have hidden the new inhabitants in the event diseased refugees began to reach the island.<br>
Their story continues in Volume 2 of the series.<bv>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
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