L10N/Windfall/1.0/Books/WFGuide のバックアップ差分(No.1)

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**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><div align="center">ALESSIA OTTUS'<br>
<br><div align="left">
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/p_59x62.dds" width=59 height=62>lease listen closely. My name is Alessia Ottus, and I'd like to tell you all about the town of Windfall.<br>
<div align="center">* Castle Windfall *<br>
<div align="left">Windfall is the county seat of Windfall Island, and is ruled by Count Alconius Varo, a beloved leader, and father to Brend and Stilus Varo.<br>
Count Alconius Varo, is a fair and honest ruler by all accounts. His family hails here from the Cyrodiil Hammerfell border. Soletti Varo, Windfall?s first Count took the seat at the request of the townsfolk. A fact that the Varos have never forgotten. Count Alconius has fathered two sons, Brend and Stilus, assuring the Varo reign will continue for some time.<br> 
Count Varo holds Court in his Throne Room each and every day. He listens to nobles and peasants alike. Count Varo is known for his generosity toward his people. Frequently sharing his good fortune with his subjects. Festivals, funded entirely by the Count, are not uncommon in Windfall. Count Alconius is also known to have sent his personal healers to help treat the poor.<br>
<div align="center">* Districts of Windfall *<br>
<div align="left">There are four main districts in Windfall. Closest to the Castle and on the hillside is the Wealthy Section. The Commerce District is in the center of the city, and provides the main thoroughfare to the other sections of the city as well as the docks and main road. The Slums are on the southern portion of the city. And finally, the docks are located outside the city walls. Each section was built at different times in Windfall?s history. This not only accounts for the defensive walls that divide the city, but it also gives each area its own look and character. Windfall lacks the guilds that are usually found in the cities of Cyrodiil.<br>
<div align="center">* The Wealthy Section *<br>
<div align="left">
The Wealthy Section is the oldest part of the city, built by the original colonist. It houses some of the wealthiest families in Windfall. This portion of the city predates the Varo reign. Although some families moved here afterwards, most are descended from the original settlers. Hence the high concentration of Imperials in this area. These families saw their wealth and prosperity grow as the town grew.<br>
<div align="center">* Commerce District *<br>
<div align="left">This section of the city was original added to the city by the Varos to house the influx of workers that immigrated here to work in Windfall?s mines. Over time it has become the primary trading area within Windfall. While shops can be found in all of Windfall's districts, this is the main trade area for the ships that port here. The main warehouse is located in this area.<br>
<div align="center">* The Slums *<br>
<div align="left">This was the last section that was added to the city. It was hastily built to house the influx of sailors and dock workers that moved here under Franseci Varo. You can tell by the structures, that most of the original inhabitants of this area were transient in nature. Today this area houses Windfall's poorest citizens.<br>
<div align="center">* Windfall Docks *<br>
<div align="left">The docks are home to one of the busiest ports in Tamriel. Ships from every corner of the Empire will dock here to trade goods. While Windfall has a brisk trade of it?s own, most of the trade is for commerce. This is a centralized location where companies can buy and sell goods for distribution in other areas. If you aren't sure where to find or sell a large supply of almost anything, the port here is good place to look.<br>
<div align="center">* Inns and Taverns *<br>
<div align="left">The main Inn in Windfall is the Weary Traveler. It is located in the Commerce District, near the Southeast gate. In fact, if you enter the city from the Docks, it is the first building you will see in the city. This cosey little Inn boasts of rooms to rent, a quiet dining area and bar, as well as plenty of areas to sit and enjoy the atmosphere. This is the ideal place for people staying in Windfall overnight.<br>
For those that prefer the exciting night life usually associated with port towns, may I suggest The Thirsty Peasant located in the Slums. Occasionally, they will have rooms to rent, but these are usually occupied by longer term visitors. The bar and dining room are usually quite crowded with miners, dock workers and sailors looking to enjoy some time off between long periods at sea or in the mines. Bring your own bandages, fights are not uncommon here.<br>
If you prefer a more quiet setting with upscale dining, then Brend's Barrels is the place for you. This fancy tavern is located in the Wealthy Section across the street from the Castle. Named for Count Alconius's son, Brend, this tavern is frequented by the nobles and upperclass of Windfall?s society.<br>
<div align="center">* Goods and Services *<br>
<div align="left">One thing Windfall has an abundance of is shops and merchants. Every district in Windfall has plenty of shops eager to provide it's wares to its customers. If you can't find it in Windfall, chances are it doesn't exist.<br>
Those that like to test their mettle should check out Ventura's Blades and Marcus's Metal Works. Both located in the Wealthy section across the street from each other. They can provide everything you need to go toe to toe with an Ogre, if that is your thing.<br>
If you find the metal stuff a little too heavy for you, try Gelt's Pelts or Julnino's Arms in the Slums. They boast a good selection of furs and leather protection, as well as the blunt instruments needed to bash in a goblin?s skull.<br>
If adventuring is to your taste, try Varnius' Outfitters located in the Commerce District. They offer a good supply of the general adventuring equipment needed to survive in the wild.<br>
Of course, if you are adventuring, a trip to Petarus Potions in the Wealthy Section would be worth your while. Petarus offers a good selection of medicinal and other potions that can come in handy while trekking through unknown areas.<br>
Of course not all shops are adventure related. Balendia's Books is a nice place to browse a large selection of books and tomes if you are looking for something to read on a nice quiet night in front of the fire place.<br>
If you want to pick up something for your wife or girlfriend, may I suggest Beelet's Gems, in the Wealthy section. The proprietor, Meradalor, offer a good selection of nice gems and custom jewelry for those that spent too much time at Brend's Barrels.<br>
If the Beelet's prices are too high for you, try Melvin's Jewelry, in the Commerce District. He offers a good selection of jewelry for those on a more limited budget.<br>
Looking to buy some general souvenirs of your trip to Windfall, try Reginald's General Goods in the Commerce District, or Idellia's Pawnshop in the Slums. Both carry a good selection of general items for purchase or sale.<br>
Lastly, Seamstress Ophelia, in the Commerce District, stands ready to meet all your garment needs. <br>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
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