L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/QuestStages/VHQ-02 のバックアップ(No.3)


FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 10 0 I should talk to Harding about Valmar Sextius.
__Valmar SextiusについてHardingと話をしなければならない。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 20 0 I have a new client in my hunt for the certificates I need to own Verona House. His name is Valmar Sextius. However, he has refused to meet me directly and has left some instructions at the West Weald Inn, in Skingrad.
__Verona Houseの入手に必要な証書集めの為、新たな交渉相手を紹介された。その名はValmar Sextius。しかし、彼は直接の面会を拒み、SkingradのWest Weald Innに伝言を残していった。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 30 0 I've been told to meet Valmar, by the disused stables, outside the East Gate, around midnight
__真夜中にEast Gateの外の、使われていない厩舎でValmarと会うように伝えられた。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 35 0 I am to interview the closest people to the disappeared in the hope of gathering some clues.
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 36 0 I should check at the West Weald Inn to see if Valmar has left any messages for me.
__ValmarがWest Weald Innに何か伝言を残していっていないか確認してみることにしよう。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 37 0 Valmar has asked me to meet him at the usual meeting place. he may have some important news.
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 40 0 Valmar has arranged for me to meet Cameron Garland, one of the so called disappeared. I should wait in our usual meeting spot until he arrives.
__Valmarは、失踪者の一人と噂されているCameron Garlandと面会できるよう取り計らってきた。いつもの場所で彼が来るまで待つことにしよう。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 50 0 I have an introduction that will get me the password needed to enter the gambling den, but I should speak to Valmar first.
__gambling denに入るには合言葉が必要だと説明を受けた。だが、まずはValmarに言っておかなければならないことがある。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 60 0 I've been asked to infiltrate the gambling den to find out what the [QUOTE]special service[QUOTE] Cameron Garland mentioned is all about. Valmar has offered to look after my gold supply so I can minimize how much I need to lose to get in debt.
__gambling denに潜入し、Cameron Garlandが口にした[QUOTE]特別なサービス[QUOTE]とは一体何なのか明らかにするよう依頼された。Valmarは、借金を作る際に、私が被る損害が最小限に抑えられるよう、所持金を預かってくれるという。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 70 0 I've got the key to get into the gambling den. I will need to lose all my money to find out about the special service that they demand from debtors.
__gambling denに入る為の鍵を入手した。金貸し達から要求される特別なサービスとは何なのか、それを明らかにする為に有り金全部すってしまわなくては。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 80 0 I'm now in debt to the Rolling Dice gang and I've been offered the chance to do a service to repay them. I need to talk to Ossuna in the basement to find out what this involves.
__Rolling Dice gang に対して借金を作り、返済のための仕事を紹介された。詳細を知る為に地下室のOssunaと話をしよう。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 100 0 I have to take part in a Hand to Hand fight. I need to win five bouts to payback my debts.
__Hand to Hand fightに参加する羽目になった。五勝すれば借金は帳消しになるそうだ。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 110 0 I passed out and have awoken in an unfamiliar location.
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 120 0 I've won the bouts but I've been cheated and now I've been teleported in to some sort of cell. I now need to escape and collect my gear
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 130 0 I've found my gear, in a chest, marked 'Hold For Transportation'. I have also found among my possessions a letter from Berra Gaunt It confirms she is indeed part of the Night Brethren. Who is this group? It also mentions Harding by name and a group called the Night Hunters. It is clear the Vampires do not like Harding. I can now make my way into the lair below and make my escape.
__‘輸送待ち’と書かれた箱から自分の装備を見つけた。持ち物と一緒に入っていたBerra Gauntの手紙は、彼女がNight Brethrenという集団の一員であることが伺える。彼らは一体何者だろうか?手紙にはHardingがNight Huntersという一団に属しているとも記されている。吸血鬼たちがHardingを好ましく思っていないことは確かなようだ。彼らのアジトに歩を進め、逃げ出すことにしよう。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 140 0 I have finally escaped from the Lair. I will need to locate Valmar, we have much to discuss.
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 150 0 I've been told to wait at the West Weald Inn, while Valmar Consults with the Count.
__Valmarが伯爵と話をしている間、West Weald Innで待つように言われた。
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 160 0 Harding has been lying to me. The Imperial Credit Certificates are worthless. I've been conned and its time to find out why.
FormID: 01030AE4 VHQ002 170 0 Harding has given me Verona house, but it is under a powerful enchantment and I cannot enter the house. I will need to make my way to Bravil to meet a High Elf called Mirimar. He is staying at the Silverhome-on-the Water.
__HardingはVerona houseを私に譲った。しかし、屋敷は強力な魔術の影響下にあり、中に入ることは出来ない。Bravilに向かいMirimarという名のHigh Elfに会う必要がある。彼はSilverhome-on-the Waterに滞在中だ。
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 20 0 I have been asked to find a fellow Night Hunter called Harold. He has been asking around about the Accountant and might be able to help me.
__Night Hunter の一員である Haroldという男を探すように伝えられた。彼は会計士について聞き込みを続けており、力になってくれるだろう。
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 30 0 I've been told that Athen Hewk buys Skooma from an Argonian dealer called Hides-In-Shadows. I should track him down and find out what I can from him. I should find him in the cemetery behind the Cathedral
__Athen Hewkが Skooma をHides-In-ShadowsというArgonianの売人から買っているという話を聞いた。跡をつけて、彼から有益な何かが得られるか調べよう。大聖堂の裏手の墓地に居るはずだ。
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 40 0 I have learned the Accountant uses an Inn called Faregll to consume his Skooma. I should go visit the inn and find out what I can about him.
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 5 0 I will need to find Marimar, a member of the Night Hunters. He is currently in Bravil, staying at the Silverhome-on-the Water.
__Night Huntersの一員であるMirimarという人物に会う必要がある。彼は今、Bravilに居り、Silverhome-on-the Waterに滞在中だ。
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 50 0 I have been told to talk to a hunter called Aldric. He supposedly know a lot about the movements of the accountant and may help me locate him and the dead drop.
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 55 0 Aldric has promised me information in exchange for ten silver arrows.
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 60 0 Aldric has given me a complete run through of the Accountants itinerary. It seems if I want to talk to him alone I should do this in Faregyl Inn. The rest of the time he is surrounded by bodyguards.
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 70 0 The Accountant is being blackmailed into working for the Night Brethren. He has given me the key to his house. I should learn something by looking around it.
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 75 0 I've arrived at Athen Hewk's house. I should search the house thoroughly for the clues I will need to answer Marimar's questions. I hope I don't miss anything, it's a long trudge between Bravil and here.
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 77 0 I've found a note that tells me I'll need an Ingredient called Processed Mort Flesh to make a Blood Key. One of the key ingredients is Freely given Vampire Blood. Athen Hewk says there are supplies in his house. I will need to search for these before I leave.
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 80 0 I have found a note which points to the location of the dead drop. Before I visit it I should make sure I've collected all the available clues.
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 81 0 I have collected all the useful clues from within Athen's houseI . I will also need to recover some Vampire Blood for the Processed Mort Flesh I require to make a Blood Key. I will then need to visit the Tomb to collect the key to the mine.
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 82 0 I now have all the clues I need to answer Marimar's questions. I will need to make sure I have some vampire blood and the key to the mine if I am to activate a working blood key.
FormID: 01049D7E VHQ003 100 0 I have been told to go see another Night Hunter call Ka-Vala. She will help me obtain the Processed Mort Flesh I will require to activate the Blood Key. I will need this key to infiltrate the main Night Brethren bases. I should make sure I have the Vampire Blood I need for this.

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