L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/QuestStages/VHCDiamas のバックアップソース(No.2)

FormID: 01008D45	VHCDiamas	10	0	Verona House will need some security. I worked with Captain Diamas before. He has decided to retire from the Imperial Guards. He would make an ideal security officer and may be useful if I require an extra sword in the future.
__Verona Houseは警備が必要です。私は以前Captain Diamasと働いていました。彼はImperial Guardsから退職しました。彼は理想的な護衛で、もしこの先特別な剣が必要なら、とても役立つかもしれない。
FormID: 01008D45	VHCDiamas	20	0	Diamas has consented to work for me. He will live in Verona House. He will patrol the property at night, and will be available to accompany me on missions if I request it.
__Diamasは私のもとで働くことに同意しました。彼はVerona Houseに住むでしょう。夜には財産を見回ってくれ、そして頼めば使命感をもって同行するでしょう。
FormID: 01008D45	VHCDiamas	30	0	Diamas has left my employment. However, due to our history together there is no ill feeling. Should I wish to reemploy him, I need only ask.
__Diamasは暇をとった。しかし、ともに歩んだ過去があるので、いやな感じはしない。 再雇用したいなら、たずねるだけだ。
FormID: 01008D45	VHCDiamas	40	0	Due to me being unable to meet my financial commitments, Diamas has left my employment. However, due to our history together there is no ill feeling. Should I wish to reemploy him, I need only ask.

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