L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/Dialogue/VHCKavala のバックアップ(No.3)


FormID: 01003380 VHcKaVala VHC0AlchemyAdvice 0 Ask me when I'm in the mage's wing. I can't fetch ingredients from here
FormID: 01003381 VHcKaVala VHC0SofAlteration 0 Ah, potions that change the fundamentals of physics and biology. What are looking to do?
FormID: 01003382 VHcKaVala VHC0Enough 0 Very well. We can talk later.
FormID: 01003383 VHcKaVala VHC1MEShield 0 Which shield effect are you after?
FormID: 01003385 VHcKaVala VHC1FXBurden 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003386 VHcKaVala VHC1FXBurden 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
__Journeyman of Alchemyが使える材料を持って行っていい、在庫があるなら。
FormID: 01003387 VHcKaVala VHC1FXBurden 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01003388 VHcKaVala VHC1FXBurden 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01003927 VHcKaVala VHC0SofDestruction 0 What sort of pain would you like to inflict?
FormID: 01003928 VHcKaVala VHC2MeDamage 0 What effect are you after?
FormID: 01003929 VHcKaVala VHC2MeDamAtt 0 What effect do want?
FormID: 0100392A VHcKaVala VHC0SofIllusion 0 Thing are rarely as they seem. The School of the deceptive arts has many useful potions
FormID: 0100392B VHcKaVala VHC0SofMysticism 0 The ability to reflect and protest. The universe and it's mysteries are at your command. What are you after?
FormID: 0100392C VHcKaVala VHC0SofRestoration 0 Healing your wounds or purging your body of toxins. What is on your mind?
FormID: 0100392D VHcKaVala VHC5MeRest 0 What would you want to restore?
FormID: 0100392E VHcKaVala VHC5MeCure 0 Cure What?
FormID: 0100392F VHcKaVala VHC5MeFort 0 What would you like to Fortify?
FormID: 01003930 VHcKaVala VHC5MeResist 0 Resistance to what, exactly?
FormID: 01003932 VHcKaVala VHC1FXFeather 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003933 VHcKaVala VHC1FXFeather 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 01003934 VHcKaVala VHC1FXFeather 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01003935 VHcKaVala VHC1FXFeather 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01003936 VHcKaVala VHC1FXFireShield 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003937 VHcKaVala VHC1FXFireShield 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01003938 VHcKaVala VHC1FXFireShield 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that an Apprentice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 01003939 VHcKaVala VHC1FXFireShield 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 0100393A VHcKaVala VHC1FxFrostShield 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 0100393B VHcKaVala VHC1FxFrostShield 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100393C VHcKaVala VHC1FxFrostShield 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100393D VHcKaVala VHC1FxFrostShield 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 01003F23 VHcKaVala VHC1FxShield 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F24 VHcKaVala VHC1FxShield 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01003F25 VHcKaVala VHC1FxShield 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01003F27 VHcKaVala VHC1FxShield 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 01003F29 VHcKaVala VHC1FXShockShield 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F2A VHcKaVala VHC1FXWaterBreathing 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F2B VHcKaVala VHC1FXWaterWalking 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F2C VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageAgility 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F2D VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageEndurance 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F2E VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageFatigue 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F2F VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageHealth 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F30 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageIntell 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F31 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageLuck 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F32 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageMagicka 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F33 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamagePersonality 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F34 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageSpeed 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F35 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageStrength 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F36 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageWillpower 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F38 VHcKaVala VHC2FxFireDamage 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F39 VHcKaVala VHC2FxFrostDamage 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F3A VHcKaVala VHC2FxShockDamage 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F3B VHcKaVala VHC3FxChameleon 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F3C VHcKaVala VHC3FxInvisibility 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F3D VHcKaVala VHC3FxLight 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F3E VHcKaVala VHC3FxNightEye 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F3F VHcKaVala VHC3FxParalyze 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F40 VHcKaVala VHC3FxSilence 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F41 VHcKaVala VHC4FxDetectLife 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F42 VHcKaVala VHC4FxDispel 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F43 VHcKaVala VHC4FxReflectDamage 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F44 VHcKaVala VHC4FxReflectSpell 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F45 VHcKaVala VHC5FxCureDisease 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F46 VHcKaVala VHC5FxCureParalysis 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F47 VHcKaVala VHC5FxCurePoison 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F48 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortAgility 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F49 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortEndurance 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F4A VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortFatigue 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F4B VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortHealth 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F4C VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortIntell 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F4D VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortLuck 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F4E VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortMagicka 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F4F VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortPerson 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F50 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortSpeed 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F51 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortStrength 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F52 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortWillpower 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F53 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistDisease 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F54 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistFire 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F55 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistFrost 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F56 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistParalysis 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F57 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistPoison 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F58 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistShock 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F59 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestAgility 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F5A VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestEndurance 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F5B VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestFatigue 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F5C VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestHealth 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F5D VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestIntell 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F5E VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestLuck 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F5F VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestMagicka 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F60 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestPerson 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F61 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestSpeed 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F62 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestStrength 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 01003F63 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestWillp 0 You can use all ingredients that have that effect, I'll add them if they are in stock
FormID: 0100473E VHcKaVala VHC1FXShockShield 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100473F VHcKaVala VHC1FXWaterBreathing 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004740 VHcKaVala VHC1FXWaterWalking 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004741 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageAgility 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004742 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageEndurance 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004743 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageFatigue 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004744 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageHealth 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004745 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageIntell 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004746 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageLuck 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004747 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageMagicka 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004748 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamagePersonality 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004749 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageSpeed 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100474A VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageStrength 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100474B VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageWillpower 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100474C VHcKaVala VHC2FxFireDamage 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100474D VHcKaVala VHC2FxFrostDamage 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100474E VHcKaVala VHC2FxShockDamage 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100474F VHcKaVala VHC3FxChameleon 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004750 VHcKaVala VHC3FxInvisibility 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004751 VHcKaVala VHC3FxLight 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004752 VHcKaVala VHC3FxNightEye 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004753 VHcKaVala VHC3FxParalyze 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004754 VHcKaVala VHC3FxSilence 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004755 VHcKaVala VHC4FxDetectLife 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004756 VHcKaVala VHC4FxDispel 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004757 VHcKaVala VHC4FxReflectDamage 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004758 VHcKaVala VHC4FxReflectSpell 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004759 VHcKaVala VHC5FxCureDisease 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100475A VHcKaVala VHC5FxCureParalysis 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100475B VHcKaVala VHC5FxCurePoison 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100475C VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortAgility 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100475D VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortEndurance 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100475E VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortFatigue 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100475F VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortHealth 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004760 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortIntell 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004761 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortLuck 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004762 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortMagicka 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004763 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortPerson 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004764 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortSpeed 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004765 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortStrength 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004766 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortWillpower 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004767 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistDisease 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004768 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistFire 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004769 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistFrost 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100476A VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistParalysis 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100476B VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistPoison 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100476C VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistShock 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100476D VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestAgility 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100476E VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestEndurance 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100476F VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestFatigue 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004770 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestHealth 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004771 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestIntell 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004772 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestLuck 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004773 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestMagicka 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004774 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestPerson 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004775 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestSpeed 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004776 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestStrength 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004777 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestWillp 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Journeyman of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004778 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortSpeed 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that an Apprentice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 01004779 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortStrength 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that an Apprentice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 0100477A VHcKaVala VHC4FxReflectDamage 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that an Apprentice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 0100477B VHcKaVala VHC4FxReflectSpell 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that an Apprentice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 0100477C VHcKaVala VHC1FXShockShield 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100477D VHcKaVala VHC1FXWaterBreathing 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100477E VHcKaVala VHC1FXWaterWalking 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100477F VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageAgility 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004780 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageEndurance 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004781 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageFatigue 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004782 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageHealth 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004783 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageIntell 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004784 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageLuck 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004785 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageMagicka 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004786 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamagePersonality 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004787 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageSpeed 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004788 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageStrength 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004789 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageWillpower 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100478A VHcKaVala VHC2FxFireDamage 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100478B VHcKaVala VHC2FxFrostDamage 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100478C VHcKaVala VHC2FxShockDamage 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100478D VHcKaVala VHC3FxChameleon 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100478E VHcKaVala VHC3FxInvisibility 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100478F VHcKaVala VHC3FxLight 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004790 VHcKaVala VHC3FxNightEye 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004791 VHcKaVala VHC3FxParalyze 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004792 VHcKaVala VHC3FxSilence 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004793 VHcKaVala VHC4FxDetectLife 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004794 VHcKaVala VHC4FxDispel 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004795 VHcKaVala VHC5FxCureParalysis 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004796 VHcKaVala VHC5FxCurePoison 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004797 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortAgility 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004798 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortEndurance 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 01004799 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortFatigue 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100479A VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortHealth 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100479B VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortIntell 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100479C VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortLuck 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100479D VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortMagicka 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 0100479E VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortPerson 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047A1 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortWillpower 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047A2 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistDisease 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047A3 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistFire 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047A4 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistFrost 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047A5 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistParalysis 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047A6 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistPoison 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047A7 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistShock 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047A8 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestAgility 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047A9 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestEndurance 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047AA VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestFatigue 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047AB VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestHealth 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047AC VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestIntell 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047AD VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestLuck 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047AE VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestMagicka 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047AF VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestPerson 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047B0 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestSpeed 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047B1 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestStrength 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047B2 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestWillp 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047B3 VHcKaVala VHC5FxCureDisease 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that an Apprentice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047B4 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageEndurance 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047B5 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamagePersonality 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047B6 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageSpeed 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047B7 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageStrength 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047B8 VHcKaVala VHC5FxCureParalysis 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047B9 VHcKaVala VHC5FxCurePoison 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047BA VHcKaVala VHC4FxDispel 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047BB VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortAgility 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047BC VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortEndurance 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047BD VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortIntell 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047BE VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortLuck 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047BF VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortSpeed 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047C0 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortStrength 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047C1 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortWillpower 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047C2 VHcKaVala VHC4FxDetectLife 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047C3 VHcKaVala VHC4FxReflectDamage 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047C4 VHcKaVala VHC4FxReflectSpell 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047C5 VHcKaVala VHC1FXShockShield 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047C6 VHcKaVala VHC1FXWaterWalking 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047C7 VHcKaVala VHC1FXWaterBreathing 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047C8 VHcKaVala VHC3FxInvisibility 0 I'm afraid they are no ingredients that a novice can use to get that effect.
FormID: 010047C9 VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageAgility 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047CA VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageFatigue 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047CB VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageHealth 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047CC VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageIntell 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047CD VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageLuck 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047CE VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageMagicka 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047CF VHcKaVala VHC2FxFireDamage 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047D0 VHcKaVala VHC2FxFrostDamage 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047D1 VHcKaVala VHC2FxShockDamage 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047D2 VHcKaVala VHC3FxChameleon 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047D3 VHcKaVala VHC3FxLight 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047D4 VHcKaVala VHC3FxNightEye 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047D5 VHcKaVala VHC3FxParalyze 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047D6 VHcKaVala VHC3FxSilence 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047D7 VHcKaVala VHC5FxCureDisease 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047D8 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortFatigue 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047D9 VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortHealth 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047DA VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortMagicka 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047DB VHcKaVala VHC5FxFortPerson 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047DC VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistDisease 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047DD VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistFire 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047DE VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistFrost 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047DF VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistParalysis 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047E0 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistPoison 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047E1 VHcKaVala VHC5FxResistShock 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047E2 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestAgility 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047E3 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestEndurance 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047E4 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestFatigue 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047E5 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestHealth 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047E6 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestIntell 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047E7 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestLuck 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047E8 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestMagicka 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047E9 VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestPerson 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047EA VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestSpeed 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047EB VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestStrength 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047EC VHcKaVala VHC5FxRestWillp 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047ED VHcKaVala VHC2FxDamageWillpower 0 I'll let you have the ingredients that a Novice of Alchemy can use, if you have any in stock.
FormID: 010047EE VHcKaVala VHC0AlchemyAdvice 0 What type of potion are you trying to make?

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