L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/Books/VHQBroadsheet03 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

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*題名 [#md66d570]
**原題 [#h7ef0a8a]

**訳題 [#lcfe7116]

*本文 [#qd2452a3]

**原文 [#f12e3c6e]
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Champion new resident!<br>
by William F Dumas
<p><DIV align="left">
In what can only be described as a glorious day for the town of Verona Bay, the vast manor house at it's center has miraculously re-opened after nearly fifty years of spellbound solitude.<p>
And who is responsible for the houses new lease of life, why none other than the Champion of Cyrodiil. Report of what the Champion went through to open up the Manor are still a little sketchy, but it appears a new threat to our lives and liberty has again been averted.<p>
So what does the Champion have to look forward to in the big house on the hill. Well no doubt the Mage's Wing and the Training Facilities will catch the eye. But there are plenty of unique little features waiting to catch the eye. I wonder if the previous owners left any little treasure around. I hear tell the house contains a safe or two to discover.<p>
I wonder who will be the Champions first guest.<p>

**訳文 [#d6ff4861]
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