L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/Books/VHQ7Report のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

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*題名 [#j2de83f4]
**原題 [#jae21968]

**訳題 [#cfd4de70]

*本文 [#mbdf5459]

**原文 [#h3289ab5]
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<IMG src="Book/vhq6diaryart.dds" width=490 height=650>
The guards brought me a cake today. It was to celebrate the 35th year of my reign over my kingdom. They call it Sanderion's Folly. I call it hell. Of 

course it was like all things an elaborate joke. I do not fool myself. I do not rule here. How could I when I cannot leave this wing of the castle. I am 

a prisoner. And of course I did not get to eat the cake. It was after all made with human blood. <br>
I will need to be quick. I am being punished. I tried to escape again last night. The guards had become lax, and I managed to pick the lock of my 

quarters. I made it as far as the castle courtyard. But the daedra that guard the external city drove me back. I ended up throwing myself on the mercy 

of my Vampire guards.  <br>

I am sure that many will think that I deserve the fate I am experiencing. I am among them. I have been over those events so often. I recall vividly my 

first meeting with Garn Vulna. I will not call him Lord. Of course it was not a true meeting. I had used Berunda's disguise potion. Why did she choose 

not to reveal the nature of those visions. I no of course that image I saw was a false one. Human, young and so very charming. His argument for the 

rights of vampires was so persuasive. I admit I was fooled by him <br>
I have been punished for my escape attempt. They have taken away my furnishings; luckily I managed to hide the journal in a floor space, but I have no 

doubt that like the others I have written they will find this. They will laugh at my expense and no doubt I will be whipped and tortured. In fact I am 

counting on it.

I cannot die. My guards take delight in this. They can bleed me with immunity. They can whip and beat me. Burn me, cut me, and I heal. But I feel every 

cut, every stab, every wound.

I kept taking the potion and I keep meeting Vulna. I often ask myself, did I continue to use the potion so I could talk to him. I found the 

conversations dazzling and enlightening. We talked of ancient lore and the state of the nation. We talk most of all about immortality. Over time I began 

to tease from him his secret. I keep it now. It is my only bargaining chip. 

I wish to die. Once again I have been told of the death of my son, Marimar. It is not the first time that they have told me tales of his death. It is 

one of their favorite cruelties. The claim that he had become a pirate, and was executed in Anvil square for his crimes. The last time they told me he 

had been killed trying to reach me here in the castle and that the Daedra had hung his body up for the birds to feast on.  Tomorrow or next week they 

will tell me some tale of Marimar's success. He is on the Elder Council but has renounced his family name.  I know they are lies but I would rather face 

a thousand lashes that that one cruel cut.
Do you have recurring dreams? I do. The same dream over and over again. I am back in Silverhome awaiting the arrival of the Night Brethren agent. But, 

instead of the near desolate bar it is crowded. Everyone I knew and loved is there and each turn to me a shake their heads. I hear their whispers. 


Today was a good day. I made it as far as the wood section of the Harbor town district before I was captured. For a few brief minutes I tasted freedom. 

One of the houses was open and I managed to hide out. I was eventually tracked down, but it has given me hope. I will pay for this.
What would it cost for you to sell your soul? Vulna promised me that he would not kill any of Berunda's party. He merely wanted to acquaint them with 

the Vampire issue as he saw it. He convinced me that he wished to create peace between the Vampires and the untouched as he called them. He wished to 

establish research to create a universal cure, and I believed him. Of course I did what I did for profit, but I extracted that promise first. He would 

not harm any of the Night Hunters. And for myself. Immortality and a city to rule. I was young and such notions held great sway with me. So here I am. 

Immortal, as long as I remain here in my gilded prison

It has been three weeks since my last entry. I have been tortured beyond pain. I cannot even bring myself to write of the horrors I endured. But through 

it all I kept repeating a simple mantra. I will escape, I will wither, and I will die.


<font face=1><div align="center">A Report on the Imprisonment of Sanderion<br>
By Mairmar of Heartshaven<<br>
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=61 height=62>
t has become clear that both Berunda and Sanderion had been using the Vampire Disguise potion more than anyone had suspected. The visions created by the potion allowed the user to speak directly to Lord Garn Vulna. What Berunda's motives were is a matter of speculation. However, it is clear that Sanderion had been seduced by the intellect of the Vampire Lord.<br><br>
Sanderion was not a naturally ambitious man but, he did harbor a deep desire to see social change. Sanderion had long been a supporter of meritocracy, where the leaders of our land where chosen by their abilities not their birth. He was viewed by many in the aristocracy as an undesirable element. Consequently, despite his abilities, Sanderion was excluded from the High Council, and his progress within the Mages Guild was systematically undermined.<br><br>
Vulna played on these sympathies as he sought to disable the Night Hunters. He create a portal city, which in its heyday would have rivaled any of the great cities of our land. The city was originally named Tolerance. No doubt, Sanderion planned to establish a great community of the intellect inside it borders.<br><br>
Vulna claimed in his conversations with Sanderion, that he wished only to establish a dialogue in which the status and rights of Vampires could be explored. It is clear Sanderion had developed sympathy for the vampire cause. Vulna gave Sanderion solid undertakings that he would not kill Berunda, who he claimed to have a great deal of affection for. He equally promised that he would not kill any of the expeditionary party that Sanderion ultimately betrayed. Sanderion naively believed the Vampire Lord. There is some evidence to suggest that the Vampire Lord places great stock on keeping his word.<br><br>
The promise of safe passage and a new city beyond the powers of the empire would have been very attractive, but Vulna had an ace up his sleeve. Immortality. During their conversations my father learned the great secret of Vulna's long life, a secret that Vulna offered to share.<br><br>
In his foolishness, Sanderion accepted the proposal, and betrayed the party to its death. The betrayer was in return betrayed. Vulna kept his word, of a sort. Sanderion was imprisoned in his portal world reached via Kvatch Cave. He could "rule" a city in which he was the only inhabitant, and he was granted Immortality, so long as he remains in that portal world.<br><br>
The city has fallen from grace; its veneer of respectability has unraveled. The streets were turned over to Deadra. They erected a statue of their evil lord in the main square, and all but a small section of this once beautiful city has been corrupted. The plains of oblivion are slowly reclaiming this land.<br><br>

**訳文 [#f332a3a1]
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<font face=1><div align="center">Sanderion投獄についての考察<br>
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=61 height=62>
Sanderionとの対話の中で、Vulnaはヴァンパイヤの地位と権利の模索に限定した討論の場を設立すべきと主張した。Sanderionが吸血鬼の因子にシンパシーを持ったのは明かだ。VulnaはSanderionに堅く約束した。深い愛情を持つBerundaを殺さない、Sanderionが最終的に裏切ることになる、パーティの誰をも決して殺さないと。 Sanderionは率直にVampire_Lordを信じた。Vampire_Lordが約定において、強力な取引材料を用意したのを示すいくつかの証拠がある。<br><br>

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