L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/Books/VHQ003Clutter5 のバックアップソース(No.1)

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*題名 [#x547eee9]
**原題 [#a3869210]

**訳題 [#i09e78de]

*本文 [#b8cec025]

**原文 [#dcab0ff6]
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To Athen my old friend,<br>
Things are going from bad to worse. As the only human general in the Brethren, it was my hope to temper some of the excesses going on in Mirandahal. However, Sacha and Bethan now dominate the privy council meetings. They are convinced that the time to strike is now. They wish to wage open war against the Elder Council.<br>
Ocata is a fool. But, some of the things I hear Sacha say, suggests that Lord Vulna will seek to spread Vampirism through out the land. I joined believing they wished to promote Vampire causes and to seek a universal cure for the disease, but I am now convinced this is not the case. <br>
The time is fast approaching when I will need to choose to become as them or to flee. I am weary, but what choice do I have. If I remain I lose all that I am, if I flee, I will be hunted down by the Gray Pack. <br>
You Old Friend<br>
Invictas Sulla<br>

**訳文 [#mbd4bb38]
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