L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/Books/VHM2OliviaDiary のバックアップソース(No.1)

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*題名 [#k3abe5dc]
**原題 [#v3a883b1]

**訳題 [#m142c201]

*本文 [#cfd38e2d]

**原文 [#p0bd7d97]
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[This is apparently the diary of a young Sister named Olivia.  Most of the book deals with personal but mundane details of her life in the convent.  The only interesting entry is the last one, written some six months ago:]<p>
<font face=5>
Today we learn who will be the Reverend Mothers successor!. As if there can be any doubt. Filymena is a waste of space. Carman is too old. Parsona is too childish, Kilvannen's just a suck up. Dinala and Ullrikah, drink too much and spend too much time in their own house together.  As for Vendana and Hermana the less said the better. That leaves me. I've served my time, done my share of the bad jobs. I'm owed, and I'm the best. Well must go....
...KILVANNEN!!! How could she choose Kilvannen. It is so unfair. I had to sit there and listen to the vacuous praise, and that pathetic little witch, telling everyone how she never expected such an honor. She is not alone. No one expected her to be promoted...
I hate her!<br>
I hate her!<br>
I hate her!<br>
I hate her!<br>
I hate her!<br>

Agnetta will pay for this. I'll bide my time. I wont throw a tantrum like Parsona. I'll keep my cool.
Perhaps my brother might help! I will have my revenge.</font><P>

**訳文 [#j5303c6a]
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