L10N/Verona_House_Bloodlines/12/Books/VHM2Letter5 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

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*題名 [#fc4a6413]
**原題 [#g1f21f3a]

**訳題 [#k878b93d]

*本文 [#v4d1d2f0]

**原文 [#t99afcb3]
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<font face=5><br>
Captain Varas, <P>
The Immortal One has asked me to remind you about the importance of your mission.<p>
The Champion has infiltrated Anin Sullia. He appears to have an active blood key. It is of course unlikely that he will learn the location of the portal, but be prepared to leave at a moments notice.<p>
In answer to your question, I am not in least bit interested in the fate of the god botherers. Kill them if you wish, or keep them as cattle..<p>
I suppose it might be the honorable thing to do, to keep the traitor alive. Having a family connection to the sisterhood has been a real boon for us, and has provided a perfect hiding place. However, should it prove awkward kill the traitorous nun, she is after all not one of us. We are in the process of eliminating all our human agents.  <p>
My master and husband, seems to have finally rid himself of the sentimental notion that the fifth bride will ever return. He has instructed me to ensure the safe passage of our Verona bay agent to Mirandahal. He plans her conversion soon. <p>
Respectfully Yours<p>
Pacha Sark<p>
Bride of the Immortal One<p>

**訳文 [#x7ec97f6]
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