L10N/Vault_of_Cyrodiil/2.0/ScriptMessages/01 のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 01003D15	GuilesVaultCheydinhalPlantSCRIPT			Messagebox	8	0	Do you wish to attempt to extract nectar from the Indarys Orchid?
__Indarys Orchid(??)???????????????H
FormID: 01003D15	GuilesVaultCheydinhalPlantSCRIPT			Messagebox	8	1	No
FormID: 01003D15	GuilesVaultCheydinhalPlantSCRIPT			Messagebox	8	2	Yes
FormID: 01003D15	GuilesVaultCheydinhalPlantSCRIPT			Messagebox	20	0	You've already collected nectar from the Indarys Orchid today.
__??????ndarys Orchid???????????B
FormID: 01003D15	GuilesVaultCheydinhalPlantSCRIPT			Messagebox	24	0	After some time, you sucessfully coax some nectar from the Indarys Orchid out of the bloom, filling 3 vials.
__??????AIndarys Orchid?????????????????????????????????????B
FormID: 01003D15	GuilesVaultCheydinhalPlantSCRIPT			Messagebox	28	0	You need some vials to collect the orchid's nectar in.
FormID: 01003D3C	GuilesVaultVampBookIN			Messagebox	4	0	Do you wish to learn all the secrets of the vampire?
FormID: 01003D3C	GuilesVaultVampBookIN			Messagebox	4	1	Yes, I will learn
FormID: 01003D3C	GuilesVaultVampBookIN			Messagebox	4	2	No, I am not ready
FormID: 01003D3C	GuilesVaultVampBookIN			Messagebox	12	0	The Tome disappears in a puff of smoke.
FormID: 010031F5	GuilesVaultVampScript			Messagebox	5	0	Do you wish to take the Tome of the Vampire?
FormID: 010031F5	GuilesVaultVampScript			Messagebox	5	1	Yes
FormID: 010031F5	GuilesVaultVampScript			Messagebox	5	2	No
FormID: 010042D5	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish1SCRIPT			Messagebox	8	0	Do you want to feed the Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish?
__Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish??a???????H
FormID: 010042D5	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish1SCRIPT			Messagebox	8	1	No
FormID: 010042D5	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish1SCRIPT			Messagebox	8	2	Yes
FormID: 010042D5	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish1SCRIPT			Messagebox	17	0	The Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish bit you!
__Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish???????????I
FormID: 010042D5	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish1SCRIPT			Messagebox	23	0	You've already fed this fish today!
FormID: 010042D5	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish1SCRIPT			Messagebox	27	0	The Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish eats the food out of your hand and shakes happily, leaving some golden scales with you.
__Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish??????????a????A?K???g????B???????F??????????B
FormID: 010042D5	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish1SCRIPT			Messagebox	33	0	You don't have any good fish food. The Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish bit you!
__????????a????????????BGolden-Scaled Slaughterfish???????????I
FormID: 010042D6	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish2SCRIPT			Messagebox	8	0	Do you want to feed the Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish?
__Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish??a???????H
FormID: 010042D6	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish2SCRIPT			Messagebox	8	1	No
FormID: 010042D6	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish2SCRIPT			Messagebox	8	2	Yes
FormID: 010042D6	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish2SCRIPT			Messagebox	18	0	The Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish bit you!
__Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish???????????I
FormID: 010042D6	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish2SCRIPT			Messagebox	22	0	You've already fed this fish today!
FormID: 010042D6	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish2SCRIPT			Messagebox	26	0	The Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish eats the food out of your hand and shakes happily, leaving some golden scales with you.
__Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish??????????a????A?K???g????B???????F??????????B
FormID: 010042D6	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish2SCRIPT			Messagebox	30	0	You don't have any good fish food.
__????????a????????????BGolden-Scaled Slaughterfish???????????I
FormID: 010042D6	GuilesVaultAnvilGoldFish2SCRIPT			Messagebox	32	0	The Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish bit you!
__Golden-Scaled Slaughterfish???????????I
FormID: 01006733	GuilesVaultArgonianStatueSCRIPT			Messagebox	15	0	This Argonian statue is oddly life-like. At the base of the statue there appears to be an inscription, in some archaic language. Do you wish to try to translate it?
FormID: 01006733	GuilesVaultArgonianStatueSCRIPT			Messagebox	15	1	No
FormID: 01006733	GuilesVaultArgonianStatueSCRIPT			Messagebox	15	2	Yes
FormID: 01006733	GuilesVaultArgonianStatueSCRIPT			Messagebox	28	0	After peering at the inscription for a while, you realize translating this is far too hard without some sort of book.
FormID: 01006733	GuilesVaultArgonianStatueSCRIPT			Messagebox	33	0	After carefully comparing the inscription to the alphabet in the book Argonians of the Nibenay Basin, you manage to make out the translation. It reads ~They who wish to have the Heart of the Argonian must carry the Scales of the Lizard.~
__Nibenay Basin??rgonian?B??{?????????T???r??A????????????B?uArgonian??S???????????AScales of the Lizard(?g?J?Q????????????????B?v?????B
FormID: 01006733	GuilesVaultArgonianStatueSCRIPT			Messagebox	37	0	After carefully comparing the inscription to the alphabet in the book Argonians of the Nibenay Basin, you manage to make out the translation. It reads ~They who wish to have the Heart of the Argonian must carry the Scales of the Lizard.~ Do you wish to place the scales on the base of the statue?
__Nibenay Basin??rgonian?B??{?????????T???r??A????????????B?uArgonian??S???????????AScales of the Lizard(?g?J?Q????????????????B?v?????B
FormID: 01006733	GuilesVaultArgonianStatueSCRIPT			Messagebox	37	1	No
FormID: 01006733	GuilesVaultArgonianStatueSCRIPT			Messagebox	37	2	Yes
FormID: 01006733	GuilesVaultArgonianStatueSCRIPT			Messagebox	50	0	You place the scales on the base of the statue. As soon as they touch the stone, they disappear in a flash of light. In their place, a giant ruby appears that seems to glow and pulsate with an inner light.
FormID: 01000E4E	GuilesVaultChorrolEnterSCRIPT			Messagebox	9	0	Do you want to try to squeeze through this hole?
FormID: 01000E4E	GuilesVaultChorrolEnterSCRIPT			Messagebox	9	1	No
FormID: 01000E4E	GuilesVaultChorrolEnterSCRIPT			Messagebox	9	2	Yes
FormID: 01000E52	GuilesVaultChorrolExitSCRIPT			Messagebox	9	0	Do you want to try to squeeze through this hole?
FormID: 01000E52	GuilesVaultChorrolExitSCRIPT			Messagebox	9	1	No
FormID: 01000E52	GuilesVaultChorrolExitSCRIPT			Messagebox	9	2	Yes
FormID: 01002F39	GuilesVaultsEmptyChestSCRIPT			Messagebox	2	0	This chest is dusty with age, and the lock seems to have not been touched in a while. There is likely no gold here.

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