L10N/TradeandCommerce/1.5/Dialogue/AdmQuestTrainer のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 0101162E	AdmQuestTrainer	GREETING	0	I don’t have time for idle chatter stranger.	
FormID: 0101162D	AdmQuestTrainer	GREETING	0	I am pleased to make your acquaintance, my name is Sirius Baelish. I am the countess master of coin.	
FormID: 01011632	AdmQuestTrainer	GREETING	0	Running a store requires knowledge of mercantile transactions, perhaps you are interested in hiring a trainer to teach you the arts of business.	
FormID: 01011635	AdmQuestTrainer	GREETING	0	I am occupied with the countess right now, if you need my services just send me a letter from your office.	
FormID: 01011636	AdmQuestTrainer	GREETING	0	Ready for more lessons?	
FormID: 01011631	AdmQuestTrainer	AdmTrainer	0	I have heard about a man called Sirius Baelish who is under the employ of countess Arriana.	
FormID: 01011631	AdmQuestTrainer	AdmTrainer	1	He is the castle's master of coin and an expert in mercantile, perhaps you could ask him about teaching you.	
FormID: 01011633	AdmQuestTrainer	AdmTrainer	0	I understand your interest, running your own business requires mercantile knowledge.	
FormID: 01011633	AdmQuestTrainer	AdmTrainer	1	My work in the castle does not require my constant attention, I might be able to go to your store and instruct you in the arts of trade and commerce.	
FormID: 01011633	AdmQuestTrainer	AdmTrainer	2	Send me a letter with my fee and I will go to your store for the whole day, in addition to this fee I will charge you for each individual lesson.	
FormID: 01011634	AdmQuestTrainer	AdmTrainer	0	Just send me a letter from your office any time you need my services, I will come to your store from 8:00 in the morning to 6:00 in the afternoon.	
FormID: 01011634	AdmQuestTrainer	AdmTrainer	1	If you send the letter between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM I will come the same day. If you send the letter after that I will come the next morning. 	

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