L10N/The_Pirate_Isles/0.7/QuestStages/DSPIPBQuest のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	0	0	My First Mate has pointed out that we need a base of operations. They mentioned Jimmy Swit, a retired Pirate as someone who may now of a good location, as Jimmy has sailed most of the Abecean Sea. He was last heard of in Cape Yakudra
__一等航海士は、航海の拠点が必要だと指摘した。 引退した海賊Jimmy Switについて話してくれた。彼はかつてAbecean Seaの多くの海域を航海しており、ちょうど良い人材のようだ。彼を最近、Cape Yakudraで見かけたらしい。
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	10	0	Jimmy has mentioned the old cave Hideout of Grogor the Bloody. Grogor has not been seen in many years, so maybe his Hideout is vacant. He has agreed to guide my Ship there if I make him my Quartermaster.
__JimmyはGrogor Bloodyの古い洞窟について言及した。Grogorはすでに何年もの間、行方不明であり、彼のHideout(隠れ家)は誰も使っていない。彼を操舵手(quartermaster)にするなら、船をそこに動かすのに同意した。
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	100	0	I have fully upgraded my Hideout.
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	20	0	We have discovered the Hideout, a cave hidden in the side of an Island. It appears abandoned and unused. It already has docks and small buildings, as well as a fresh water supply in the caves behind the house. As my Quartermaster, Jimmy Swit will live at and maintain my Island Hideout.
__島の端に隠された洞窟の隠れ家(Hideout)を発見した。そこは捨てられており誰も使ってはいなかった。既にドックと小さい建物があり、裏の洞窟から淡水が供給できる。操舵手(Quartermaster)のJimmy Switは、隠れ家を生き返らせ、整備してくれるだろう。
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	25	0	I gave Jimmy 300 gold and he cleaned up the hideout, now its more habitable.
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	30	0	I have hired Seej-nar as a smith at my Hideout, he should be able to repair equipment for me and my scurvy Crew.
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	40	0	I have hired Gharkin as a cook for me and my Crew, he will live at the Hideout. I can speak to him to get food.
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	50	0	I have hired Askaria as a Shipwright, she will be able to repair the Ships in my fleet when we return to the Hideout.
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	60	0	I have upgraded the docks at my Hideout, now more Ships should be able to dock.
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	70	0	I have successfully captured some livestock for my Hideout, Jimmy will look after them. With a constant food supply available at my Hideout I should be able to support more Pirates there.
__首尾よく家畜を隠れ家に捕らえた。Jimmyがその世話をするだろう。 隠れ家で一定の食料を供給でき、より多くの海賊を養っていける。
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	80	0	I have equipped the Hideout with its own brewing facilities. We will now be able to produce our own supply of Alcohol, including Rum! Y'argh! Jimmy will put the brewed Alcohol in a barrel near the Docks.
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	90	0	Goffre Lohan and his crew have joined my fleet. He will loot at my command and bring back a portion of the booty to me.
__Goffre Lohanと彼の乗組員が船隊に加わった。彼は、命令があれば略奪に行き、戦利品の一部を上納する。
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	95	0	Breste, Captain of Kyne's Wrath has joined my fleet, she will go looting at my request and give me a cut of all her profits.
__Kynes Wrathの船長Bresteが船隊に加わった。彼女は、命令があれば略奪に行き、利益の一部を上納する。

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