L10N/The_Pirate_Isles/0.7/QuestStages/DSPI02Treasure のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 02020958	DSPI02Treasure	0	0	Shiver my Timbers, this must be the Map Mecios told me about when I purchased the Ship! It doesn't appear to be like any Map I've seen though, it's a written document in a strange language which I can't understand. Maybe I should ask one of the old Sailors about it. There is an odd looking key too, I should keep these both with me.
FormID: 02020958	DSPI02Treasure	10	0	I've spoken to Mecios about this odd Map, he recommends that I talk with Jimmy Swit. Perhaps he may be able to shed some more light on what this is about.
FormID: 02020958	DSPI02Treasure	20	0	I've spoken with Jimmy Swit about this strange Map, he only knew a little about it. Apparently it isn't a Map to Khran the Butcher's long lost Treasure. According to Jimmy he never succeeded in finding it! He says that Simyan Niahylas at the Stone Circle in Cape Yakudra may be able to decipher the Ancient language on the Map. This is starting to sound like Hogwash, but it may be worth visiting Simyan.
FormID: 02020958	DSPI02Treasure	30	0	Simyan could only decipher a few words, apparently it was not only written in a dead language, but it was also encoded in some way which made it difficult to understand. He speculated on some parts of the writing, [QUOTE]an Underwater Cave on a lonesome Island[QUOTE], [QUOTE]Flying like a bird[QUOTE] and great power.[QUOTE] He has asked to accompany me out of Scholarly interest.
FormID: 02020958	DSPI02Treasure	40	0	I've found an ancient looking coded locking system and deciphered the correct sequence. A new switch has appeared, I should take a look at it. Perhaps this could be the cave that the strange Map speaks of?
FormID: 02020958	DSPI02Treasure	50	0	I've made my way into the cave and found that curious events have occurred within.
FormID: 02020958	DSPI02Treasure	60	0	I used the strange looking key to access the Dwemer Portal in the cave. It has brought me to a Crater or perhaps a Caldera in the very top of my Hideout Island. There appears to be some kind of vehicle here, I should investigate this further. Perhaps this is the Treasure the Map spoke of?
FormID: 02020958	DSPI02Treasure	70	0	I have found the Dwemer Armour and the FlameSword. This Dwemer FlitterSkiff may take some getting used to but it will be useful when I'm not aboard the Black Moon. These must truly be amongst the most powerful artifacts in all Tamriel and I should treat them as such, and what a Treasure, Gold could not buy such power.

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