L10N/The_Pirate_Isles/0.7/Names/60 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 020105BB	DSPI01AShipforSale	60	0	The hunters where unimpressed that I had collected their bounty, and they tried to kill me. Alas, they underestimated my skills. I should return to Mecios and purchase the Black Moon.
FormID: 0201D3CC	DSPICrewManage	60	0	
FormID: 02020958	DSPI02Treasure	60	0	I used the strange looking key to access the Dwemer Portal in the cave. It has brought me to a Crater or perhaps a Caldera in the very top of my Hideout Island. There appears to be some kind of vehicle here, I should investigate this further. Perhaps this is the Treasure the Map spoke of?
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	60	0	I have upgraded the docks at my Hideout, now more Ships should be able to dock.

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