L10N/The_Pirate_Isles/0.7/Names/0 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 0200896C	DSPIMainQuest01	0	0	
FormID: 0200CC7C	DSPIStartQuest	0	0	
FormID: 02017868	aaaJNFDSPISimyanQuest	0	0	Simyan may be useful in some of my endeavors, I should keep track of him.
FormID: 02019AC9	aaaJNFDSPIParrotTheImpQuest	0	0	Parrot the Imp is a good and loyal friend, I should keep track of him.
FormID: 0201D3CC	DSPICrewManage	0	0	As owner of the Black Moon I need to hire a crew to go pirating. With a crew and a first mate I can go looting and build my reputation as a Pirate.
FormID: 02020958	DSPI02Treasure	0	0	Shiver my Timbers, this must be the Map Mecios told me about when I purchased the Ship! It doesn't appear to be like any Map I've seen though, it's a written document in a strange language which I can't understand. Maybe I should ask one of the old Sailors about it. There is an odd looking key too, I should keep these both with me.
FormID: 02023EA0	DSPISkoomaQuest	0	0	I have heard that Ahrzinni sells skooma and moonsugar, as well as his own homebrew skooma potion. He can be found hanging out at the Slippery Wench in Blackhorn Town.
FormID: 02038924	DSPIPBQuest	0	0	My First Mate has pointed out that we need a base of operations. They mentioned Jimmy Swit, a retired Pirate as someone who may now of a good location, as Jimmy has sailed most of the Abecean Sea. He was last heard of in Cape Yakudra

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