L10N/The_Pirate_Isles/0.7/Books/aaaJNFFlitterSkiffFlightInstructions のバックアップソース(No.1)

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<DIV align="center">Translated by Dwemer Onboard Computer.<br>
Onboard systems detect extensive downtime in a saline concentrated atmosphere. Oxidation has occurred in some minor systems, this may cause temporary malfunction at times. The Dwemer FlitterSkiff will issue it's user with a spell to summon FlitterSkiff to their location. Onboard systems suggest exiting the vehicle and either re-entering or utilising the given spell to reset malfunctioning systems.<br>
Possible Malfunctions include:<br>
1. Complete system failure; FlitterSkiff will cease all activity.<br>
2. Sub-Marine activity may cause minor malfunction in visual systems when flying over land after resurfacing.<br>
Weapon systems online: FlitterSkiff will scan the surrounding area for potential targets, and for positively and negatively charged Ions. Upon Weapon activation FlitterSkiff will cast a Shock based spell in the direction of the current heading. When a scan for targets is complete FlitterSkiff will also magically alter the surrounding Ion's polarity to cause a seemingly natural occurrence of highly charged electrical energy to strike multiple targets. If no targets are detected there will be no multiple strike<br>
Enhancement systems online; FlitterSkiff can offer the use of Night-Eye, Detect Life and Water Breathing.<br>
<DIV align="center">Dwemer FlitterSkiff Controls.<br>
<br>'Z' To Ascend.<br>
<br>'X' To Descend.<br>
<br>'W' for forward.<br>
<br>'S' for backward.<br>
<br>'D' for Starboard.<br>
<br>'A' for Port.<br>
<br>'E' Cease Vertical Movement.<br>
<br>'F' Complete Stop.<br>
<br>'Q' Fire Weapon.<br>
<br>'R' Enhancements.<br>
<br>'Alt' Flight Manual.<br>
<br>'Space' Exit.

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