L10N/The_Necromancer/1.5/Books/TNNecromancersMoon のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*本文 [#u496c36b]

**原文 [#de234921]
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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">Brothers and Sisters<br>
of the Worm!<br>
<DIV align="left">Despair not at the trials we now face, for our time comes swiftly.<br>
The God of Worms watches over our Order, and will deliver us from these troubled times on the Day of Reckoning. Until then, perform His works in secret, serve His needs, and look to the skies for His signs.<br>
The Revenant, the Necromancer's Moon, watches over us all. His Form, ascended to Godhood, has taken its rightful place in the sky, and hides the enemy Arkay from us so that we may serve Him. Watch for the signs: when the heavenly light descends from above, hasten to His altars and make your offering, so that He may bless you with but a taste of His true power. Grand Soul Gems offered to Him will be darkened, and can be used to trap the souls of the unwitting; a feat even the great N'Gasta would marvel at.<br>
Stay faithful to the Order of the Black Worm, and in time your loyalty will be rewarded. Soon, He will return to set the world right in due time, and those who would stand in his way will suffer enternally at his hands, just as those who stood opposed before.<br>
Until that day, you must believe and be patient. Hide in your caves, in your ruined forts, in your secret lairs. Raise your minions, summon your servants, cast your spells. Answer the call of the Order when you are needed. Watch and listen.<br>

**訳文 [#k0215b17]
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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">蟲の<br>
<DIV align="left">今我等が直面している試練に屈するなかれ、我らの時代はそこまで近づいている。<br>
 God of Wormsは我らの軍団を見守り、これら応報の日に、災厄の時代より我らを救い出してくださるだろう。その時まで、忍んであの方の仕事を果たし、あの方の要求に応じ、空に目をやりあの方の印を見るがいい。<br>
 黄泉帰りし死霊術師の月が我らを見守っている。神へと昇格なさったあの方は、星辰の正しき位置にお付きになり、我等があの方に仕えることができるよう、宿敵Arkayより隠してくださっているのだ。印に注意せよ。天つ国からの光が降り注ぐ時、あの方の祭壇に急ぎ供物を捧げ、然ればあの方は汝を祝福し、あの方の真の力を味わうことができるだろう。Grand Soul Gemを捧げれば、色は黒くなり、散漫な者の魂を捕らえることが出来よう。かの偉大なるN'Gastaでさえ驚嘆なさる妙なる技である。<br>
 Order of the Black Wormに忠実であれ。さすれば汝の誠実さは報われよう。じきに、あの方は世界を正しく作り直すために戻ってこられる。そして、あの方に立ち塞がる者は、以前とは正反対に、あの方の手により永遠に苦しめらることであろう。<br>


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