L10N/The_Necromancer/1.5/Books/TNFletchusremind3 のバックアップソース(No.1)

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Must Remember.

I have had enough of that Jskar. We used to be friends but he keeps on critizing my chosen field of research as if he and his holy than thou Mages Guild have the right to enforce their moral values on me without my agreement. 

I have decided, I will not listen to them anymore. Starting next month, I will have to work out a way to get supplies of fresh bodies without Jskar finding out. I cannot be doing with his interference with my business all the time. 

I think that turning the garden in to a graveyard and offering my services as a priest might be amusing and allow me to conduct my research in peace. After all, Graveyards have bodies in them, its all perfectly innocent and normal. 

Fletchus Curdle.

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